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Sunday, May 13, 2018

McCain Confirms He Gave Trump Dossier to Comey: ‘Duty Demanded I Do’ It

The senator describes that fateful decision in his upcoming book, ‘The Restless Wave.’

In his new book, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) defends his decision to give acontroversial dossier about President Trump to former FBI chief James Comey.

“I agreed to receive a copy of what is now referred to as ‘the dossier,’” McCain writes in the upcoming book, titled The Restless Wave, referencing information compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. “I reviewed its contents. The allegations were disturbing, but I had no idea which if any were true. I could not independently verify any of it, and so I did what any American who cares about our nation’s security should have done.”



Anonymous said...

The "useful idiot" gets used by the Clintons to launch the biggest witch hunt in American History. Everything "war hero" has said in the past year about Trump and Russia was based on information he didn't no if it was true?? Very sad this is what he will be remembered for. So sad!

Anonymous said...

"I did what any American would do, became a patsy for the DNC and Hillary."

Keep singing, ol songbird john.

Anonymous said...

Treasonous POS.

Anonymous said...

Once a traitor, always a traitor!

Anonymous said...

How much money did he get from Soros for that deed?

Anonymous said...

More proof that he is a Traitor !
He has no loyalty to anything honorable, but he is loyal to throwing people under the bus!
I think him saying he don't want Pres. Trump at his funeral was a cover up for the truth, President Trump don't go to honor Traitors!

This traitor has also commened Obama for pardoning the other Traitor, Chelsea Manning.
Puke tends to stick together!

Anonymous said...

a so called Republican being the hero for the Democrats

worthless pos that he has always been HERO MY ASS

Anonymous said...

old songbird needs to take a seat and hush his piehole.

Anonymous said...

This guy gets false sympathy and a pass because he has cancer now. Everyone seems to forget his past actions and hostility for American citizens, even in his home state. I won't wish ill towards him other than he needs to be out of office.

Not Fooled... Bob Aswell said...

Not to detract from his military service, I dare say this type of conduct is typical when POLITICIANS THINK they know better than the U.S.Constitution and the laws of the land. This is the fruits of electing officals that have and harbor ulterior motives (the concept of perpetual re-election) because they visualize themselves as some kind of savior.
As far as 'duty', he's NOT ALONE in knowing what that means. Duty means following predetermined plans for a specific effect and including respect for said plans/orders and the panels of officers who conceive them. This does NOT include disrespectful ploys and plans against superior officers and most directly the sitting President. This bolsters what I said about McCain being a turncoat who should be shunned by his party instead of
being eulogized as the same man who was a war hero. Just because of that fact who is he to question the integrity of any one of them, after all he chose to be a politician who has about the same character as a car salesman these days.
Basically, My opinion of McCain is same as that of Hillary Clinton. It's jealousy and avarice generated by a loss to a political outsider that won fair and square. McCain and the Dumbocrats just can't grasp the concept and to prove it EVERY EFFORT AVAILABLE was made to clear OweBama when NOTHING in his background could be substantiated, yet that was O.K. McCain feels this soul searching and admission will save him from Hell in the hour of his death. I think not. Before its over he'll be right and death the denominator. He should read well the part in the book that says,'The chances of a liar ascending to heaven is the same as a camel passing through the eye of a needle'.
This should be ALL the evidence one would need in the voting booth to decide term limits is the final solution. NOT FOOLED.... Bob Aswell

Anonymous said...

Byeeeeee John.

Anonymous said...

His obituary will be kind.

Anonymous said...

McCain is part of the deep state swamp

Anonymous said...

First he kills and injured hundreds of sailors by sending a missile across the deck of his carrier.
Second he squealed like a pig and killed more to save his own ASS.
Third he has ALL the ammo to bear OBAMA and afraid to pull the trigger.
Fourth he kisses OBAMA ASS and votes for everything he wants.
Fifth he trashed PRESIDENT TRUMP because he revealed MCCAIN'S LIE'S.
Voted against the REPEAL of OBAMACARE.
Trashed Sarah Palin for giving him ANY chance of winning. But he's a jealous POS.
Now this. What a stand up hero.

Anonymous said...

He was upholding his duty to the swamp.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that how he earned his nickname???? "Songbird John"

Anonymous said...

duty to who...traitor at best.

Anonymous said...

I think he is lying to protect those who are responsible. "Do this for us and we will look after your family when your finally gone."