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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dems Defend Rather Than Denounce Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the famously anti-Semitic Nation of Islam, is a repulsive figure on the fringes of American politics. But he’s not as much on the fringes as he should be. Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) introduced a resolution in the House formally condemning Farrakhan for “promoting ideas that create animosity and anger” aimed at Jewish Americans and Judaism, and condemning “all manifestations of expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and ethnic or religious intolerance.” It was a politically shrewd move, because so many Democrats just can’t bring themselves to denounce Farrakhan. Indeed, as our Arnold Ahlert wrote last week, the entire Democrat Party is slouching towards anti-Semitism.

That became even more clear Monday when Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network led a lobbying effort on Capitol Hill not about denouncing Farrakhan’s racism but to block Rokita’s resolution condemning it. Instead, these rabble rousers want a resolution condemning President Donald Trump for his perceived racism.

Gary Bauer noted the sad truth in the form of some questions: “Did they lobby for criminal justice reform? Better school safety measures in the inner cities? Expanding enterprise zones to boost economic opportunity in black communities? Sadly, their presence on Capitol Hill had nothing to do with any of those causes.” Instead, they’re defending a reprehensible man.

More here


Anonymous said...

The congressional Black caucus is the biggest hate group in Washington.

Anonymous said...

The promise of God to Abraham "to bless all of the nations of the earth" through his seed is the root of Hebraic Exceptionalism. Through Issac, Abraham's son, the Messiah would come. The Hebrews would rule over all of the earth. This promise of a Kingdom is still held tightly by modern Jews. It is what separates Jews from all others (goyim). Jews are qualitatively better people than all other races of people. This is a fact of modern Talmudic Judaism.

Farrakhan and others are jealous of this special assignment which Jews have in the world. Jews are noticeably more "successful" by all worldly standards. This has led to a hatred of Jews for many people.

Some believe Mohammad was encouraged to "become a Messiah" for his people by the Jews of his time period. If so, Islam owes a great debt to Jews for this special characterization.

Most Christians simply believe that the Jew's interpretation of "Messiah" is incorrect and that Jesus Christ (descended from Issac's blood line) was the Messiah and the Kingdom is in Heaven, not on earth. Modern Jews of course reject that notion and believe Jesus Christ blasphemed God by claiming to be his "Son".

The 3 groups should all realize that at a minimum, Jews are a blessed group. This is obvious by their tremendous success in banking, textiles, and other industry. The Rothschild Family saw to it that the modern Jews could reclaim the homeland of Israel. They are the single most successful Jewish banking family in history. Truly blessed in every way.

lmclain said...

Liberal, weak-minded, pansie-ace, "we-know-whats-best-for-you" lying hypocrite democrats continue to get their ace whipped because
they cannot get their stories straight.
It's racist until THEY get caught being racist.
Income equality is a great idea as long as THEY get to maintain THEIR inequality.
Guilt by association is valid until THEY get caught associating with racist and misogynist people.
We must allow criminals and illegal immigrants into our country!! (just don't put them in THEIR gated and protected neighborhoods and schools).
the list of their BS is absolutely endless.
AND, the sky ain't green.

Keep cheering.

Anonymous said...

Just have to expose democrats and what they stand for because the will hide and lie until elected.