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Jack Heath announcing his run for County Executive with Brad and Palmer Gillis. |
In early November, Jack Heath, City Council President, announced he was running as an Independent for the Wicomico County Executive position. This move has been widely proffered by Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and with good reason given the candidate hopeful's political track record in his current position, where he's voted for everything the Mayor has put forth, including a staggering $50K pay raise per year for a part-time job.
This rubber stamp mentality has given Salisbury a few things one would not find palpable like the the Festival Fiasco, the Main Street construction project with it's million-dollar short-comings (for removing contaminated soils), along with the raise many citizens aren't on board with. Additionally, let us not forget, Heath and his fellow council members signed off on a budget starting last July which violated the City's charter, thus, making it illegal.
It seems interesting that Heath decides to run in the midst of the controversy concerning the City owing the County millions in back rent and capital expenditures for its squatting in the GOB as pointed out again in last Sunday's articles. Is Day hoping if Heath wins the City will be forgiven for the millions out of pocket to Wicomico citizens?
Whenever you see the Gillis clan in attendance, it's a good indication the local elites are going to push for a candidate - this time is no exception. Anyone who knows Heath can attest to his timidity and this is probably a good reason people like Day along with Brad and Palmer Gillis are behind him. He seems to be the rubber stamp man they want to back all their hair-brained initiatives, more sweet real estate deals and nonsense.
Needing 700 signatures in order to obtain a legal place on the ballot, it seems Heath's camp, which apparently includes Day, has been pressuring City employees to sign the petition as per many sources' complaints to Salisbury News Editor, Joe Albero. This request has led some employees to fear they will be fired if they don't comply. When one source was challenged on their claim, the person said, "Just audit the signatures, you'll see."
This leads us to believe this claim is viable and furthermore, it's a violation of the Hatch Act of 1939, which prohibits the Mayor and City Council President from engaging in coercing City employees to do anything of a political nature, as defined:
"Enacted in 1939, the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C.A. 7324) curbs the political activities of employees in federal, state, and local governments. The law's goal is to enforce political neutrality among civil servants: the act prohibits them from holding public office, influencing elections, participating in or managing political campaigns, and exerting undue influence on government hiring."
As late as last weekend, Heath's representatives were still canvasing neighborhoods, trying to gather the necessary signatures; therefore, he may not met the threshold needed to actually run against incumbent, Republican Bob Culver.
This is not the most auspicious way to begin a campaign, but not surprising given the players involved. If anything, it only further validates how our local leadership and business class elites always seem to feel they're immune from laws the rest of us are task to live by.
Should Heath manage to get on the ballot legitimately, his nefarious past political folly along with this gross violation of federal law, penchant for rubber stamping items regardless of what they do the community and dubious connections should be a cautionary facts for voters to remember on November 6th, 2018.
Jack Heath is a throw up there because they know that John Cannon can not beat Bob Culver. Heath will not get my support.
yeah the players involved should be huge red flags flying high to everybody. A bunch of snakes!
Palmer and Brad Gillis? LOL If they're involved then it's safe to assume Heath is good for their bottom line but not for Wicomico.
Heath was hand-picked by Day, supported by the Real Estate-Landlord cabal, who donated four times (through a Chicago-Baltimore based realtor PAC) the normal city council candidate campaign dollars in the last election. Look for that PAC to come out again so that the easily manipulated Heath can complete the set of city-county bookend leaders.
More corruption for Salisbury and Wicomico. Nothing will drive people and businesses out of here quicker. This area is begging to go by way of Flint, MI.
Mr. C you're assuming the Mayor knows the laws to begin with. Seems to me he's a pretty daff kid so he probably has no idea this kind of crap is illegal, even if it does look bad to anyone with common sense. Day likes to fashion himself as some Godfather-type.
The "Hatch Act" should be the BIG concern here. The mere fact that City employees could be in fear for their jobs IF they don't sign the petition is really bad. Employees could be looked at as non team players. While Day is completely rebuilding the staff and even creating new positions, all of which dedicated employees are not being promoted into, the Feds need to step in and take a good hard look at what's going on.
I'm convinced most locals don't have a clue what's going on downtown because if they did they'd be running all these assholes out of town on a rail.
I was just wondering the same thing, 1121. Why don't locals run these morons out? It's not like they haven't done it to other people in the past. Remember that car dealer that claimed bankruptcy every 7 years and put all the assets in his kids' names in the 80s? Or that Bejan builder who did all those McMansion neighborhoods? He was run out of town. Same with a lot of people. Why don't people do this now? Gillis doesn't do anything for Salisbury that doesn't line his pockets in the process, plus all his shadow companies are beyond undetection but he still continues to f&&k with us all the time through his politicians and underhanded "bids" which we all know aren't kosher. It's pretty miraculous he ALWAYS underbids everyone else.
Why doesn't SbyNews ever write on Gillis's underhanded crap? Shadow companies? I want to know more!
We already have Flint's water, 1105.
Wasn't Heath involved with the Lower Shore Enterprises when that woman stole a bunch of money? Not a good professional record either.
Maybe it's time all the good, intelligent people just leave the Salisbury/Wicomico area and leave the disaster to the ones who made it. They won't have much tax money to work with but f**k 'em. They can deal with it.
11:34 AM someone else made comment on the water issue on another thread, which spurred me to start paying attention and what he/she said is true.
I have also had to resort to bleach tablets in my toliet, other wise within 3 days mold starts growing under the water, lining the bottom of the bowl. How messed up is that. I don't drink tap water but you have to wonder wth is going on with the local water supply.
I have the same problem 1147. Where do you get the bleach tablets. I never thought to do that. It's black mold that grows all around under the toilet. Looks like dirt in the toilet bowl. I've had the problem in all three of my places in Salisbury but never in the county when I had a well.
We have the same water issue in our toilet, too. It's pretty nasty. No one in our home drinks the city water. It's disgusting. We even buy bottled water to water the plants.
Still nobody seems to have an issue with Day and the younger Gillis owning a large plot of wooded land prime for development in the county on the east side of the bypass? It's a prime candidate for annexation to the city, along with a gazillion dollar water, sewage and roads need once it's annexed, very possibly to be paid for by city taxpayers through some developer reimbursement scheme. It could be very reminiscent of Mike Dunn's west side Sassafras scam, the one that allegedly made him a millionaire.
Jake Day is actually the person who is violating the Hatch Act if he's making his staff feel they'll be fired if they don't sign the petition. He's becoming a regular Jimmy Walker from Tammany Hall era, known for its corruption and Boss Tweed tactics. Hint: Jake, Boss Tweed went to prison and Jimmy disappeared in the middle of the night, never to be heard from again! Get the picture?
Mayor Day needs a Buddy in charge of the county, to raise taxes and cover Salisburys ridiculous budget the is now spent. Bills are coming in and noway to pay them.
Satan has many angels , Day and Heath are just two of them. They served his majesty obama (satan) well.
Heath is trying to slither in claiming to be an Independent. Proves one thing. The SOB is a man who is void of any and all integrity, principles and morals. I don't think he stands a chance. The county people won't be fooled by a scam artist.
Heath never saw a proposal by Day that he didn't like. That should be enough to wise people up.
Was this the guy with the resume with all the typos and grammatical errors posted here a couple weeks ago? That was not a resume for a real CEO.
Not a big Culver fan - but Cannon has been shown to be a RINO afflicted with cranial rectitis! Heath is waay worse!
Hopefully we'll get to keep the best of the worst!
and wasn't it under his watch that the Lower Shore Enterprises was embezzled out of a lot of money?
Bad news for Salisbury. Sad.
He seems to possibly have a lot of BS going on with him. Wouldn't be surprised if something was uncovered if someone took the time to do a bit of opposition research.
1121 and others
Most regular people have no idea about the extent of power exerted through the masonic halls of local towns.
Information trickles down from state, federal, and international levels of masonry enabling those in the "know" to learn of government largess. Of course there are vested interests involved in politics at all levels. To assume differently would be naive.
He's shady. His resume reads like he applying for a job. On his campaign site where there should be a biography it's the same thing that is on the resume. I don't trust him. Just the way he is trying to sneak in does say he is a man who is not trustworthy and has major character flaws-the lack of integrity to name one.
People you have to understand the mentality you're dealing with, Jake day and his cronies believe these are merely the benefits that go with the relationships formed through city government business as well as any other civic or church activities their involved with. Its an endless attempt for these minions to feed their egos and pride. Their driven merely by material gain and so called local prestige and recognition, and don't mind arrogantly boasting and bragging about it. Wicomico county residents Mr albero has tried to warm you about Jake days fraudulent attempts to control Salisbury/wicomico county as one to MAKE you pick up the tab for his egotistical social agenda.
Salisbury use to have some of the best water around. This what happens when politicians control your utilities, cut corners, cut budgets, increase their pay, create positions for friends! The citizens suffer with bad water, roads, sewer, overgrown city property while you are fined for it. Keep electing these fools in and pay higher taxes for their 'pet peeved. And when you can't pay they take your property and sell it to people like Gillis and Cannon for pennies on the dollar or less.
Gillis has always backed dems, a big red flag he is backing a supposed independant!!
If someone has to break the law right out of the gate before they're even elected, then they're not the person to be the county executive. We have to start demanding better from the people we vote for. We teach our kids not to lie and steal so it doesn't make sense we should expect anything less from politicians than we expect from our own kids or ourselves.
Boy palmer gilliss acting like a cocky little prick for that photo op. I honestly can't believe that someone within states attorney or state ethics haven't investigated these clowns for fraud. Day has already proven what he's all about no threat of him possessing an ounce of character or integrity. He's going to provide his closest confidants with any/all info that comes across his desk.
People this whole circus is just getting started. You have the usual suspects gilliss father son swindlers, Jake day and his clueless self, but days thrown in a new twist with his befriending of robby sheehan, SU previous government liason guru. There's bound to be sime behind the scenes backscratching deals going on. There already inadvertently bragging about new thongs coming there way and the benefits of these types of asset based acquaintances. Nothing like working state and federal govt programs/grants to the benefit of those closest to the Intel. And better yet so.e being able to utilize the good old 501c3 status. A bunch of snakes in the grass people
It was i under his watch...He has zero qualifications to run. His own daughter runs a pyramid scam in town. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Anyone can call the Attorney General. I’d be surprised if they haven’t already been contacted and building a file by this point. 🧐🧐🧐🧐🤫🤫🤫
This guy is not smart and absolutely not Executive material. You can see how slow he is when he speaks and the way he carries himself. Purely pathetic and for sure not capable of making executive level decisions. I am not sure how or if he can find his way home, let alone run a county.
Not a dynamic personality or presence. Sometimes you have to look twice to make sure he's there.
Whoever thought Heath was a good idea is just as asinine as he is! Palmer wants a yes man so he can keep feeding off the back of this community like a leech.
Just read the Daily Times for a balanced and objective set of stories about Jack Heath. That way you'll really know the truth!
(And if you believe that...)
if day owns land that is not part of the city, and he sells to a buyer and the land gets annex into the city, can some one say a possible conflict, especially if someone buys with the notion they will get hooked up to city water and sewer.... on another note, water / sewage bill, the city sewage portion is about triple what the water cost is and trash pickup has currently doubled...... tax and spend, so here are the numbers if you pay $ 40 in water then you will pay approximately $ 120 in sewage, if you used to pay $ 20 in trash disposal you now pay $ 40..... these are just example figures.... logically i do not know how i can use more sewage then water ......
one last note.... I just wish for once, some one, who is mature and has integrity would run for office in this smalls-town area, so tired of the powers to be to act as though they are in middle-school.....
On your note, 1022, no person in their right mind will run for elected office until people the loopy tunes people like Jim ireton & that fat ass EBT blogger are run out of town on a rail. Their nasty treatment of decent people prohibit anyone who has family or a respectable career from ever wanting to run. People get sick of the toxic BS people of their ilk toss towarda anyone they oppose!
This sounds like a scam of Jake days
Whenever you see the Gillis clan in attendance -- keep your hand on your wallet.
We saw the name Gillis on the board that recommended the pay increase for the mayor to $75,000 per year, comparing Salisbury to Frederick, of all places, which is like comparing apples to oranges.
IMHO - Norman Conway was one of the BIGGEST abusers of the Hatch Act. Time and time again I saw him lobby on behalf of the educational establishment while simultaneously being employed as an elected official. Although he may contend that the payments made by the Maryland Legislature towards his salary were not timed at the same time as the Wicomico County Board of Education, does not suffice, according to my estimation. There exist collusion in my estimation.
Another DC politician got busted this week for violating the Hatch Act, Heath and Day better watch their steps very carefully. It is becoming more prominent to be busted on this violation. Threatening to fire or even giving the inference a person will be fired for not signing a political petition is a clear cut violation of federal law and won't be taken lightly.
Who is the old man on the left trying to balance himself from falling, or watching for drones?
Rubber stamp? The dude can't even stay awake half the time. You'll say yes to anything when you're in a coma.
From the looks of that pic, Heath would be a government puppet for the Gillis-Gilkerson crowd. Thanks but no thanks. Palmer and his group should be investigated by the FBI for their corrupt practices.
I was recently in a doctor's office that the Gillis clan built. The plumbing is failing, the wallpaper is peeling off the wall, the fixtures are substandard and the place is a general mess. The owners just shake their heads to express their disappointment in their choice of contractors.
Sounds like Gillis is no better than that India guy who skipped town after his McMansions started falling apart. They'll do anything to cut corners instead of taking pride in their work 137. People having to come back for new structures due to their neglect is their stock & trade. It's how they make money. Repeat customers. If you want quality, spring for the extra bucks and have it done right. Dung traders like Gillis Gilkerson are scam artists.
If Heath were elected it would become a playground for federal agencies to investigate this area for corruption. The whole f-ing swamp would be dismantled and they would all go down the perp walk to federal prison. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
With the choice between Culver and Heath, may end up abstaining from voting for a county executive in 2018. Haven't been bedazzled by either. It's like picking between the devil and deep blue sea. Neither option is all that hot.
11:00 am, I believe that’s the same Chicago based real estate pack that funded Day’s run against Debbie Campbell. It’s a very sad time for Salisbury and voters should follow the money and tell Chicago backed candidates to take a hike.
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