Over the last couple of weeks, Twitterverse has seen the hashtags #QANON and #FollowTheWhiteRabbit. The latter is from the famous 1999 film, The Matrix, where Neo (the main character) is told if he wants to know the truth, he needs to follow the white rabbit. It also is a play on Alice in Wonderland, where the white rabbit is always in the know of all things Wonderland. Ask Alice!
One curious situation that's come to light while following the white rabbit is this: Why is John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton wearing medical boots on the right legs?

The rabbit tag tells us they may be covering up tracking devices issued by the FBI to make sure they won't leave the county.
The rabbit also tells us, now there's over 1,400 sealed indictments, filed in over 50 districts throughout the country against many high-ranking officials in our government for a myriad of crimes, ranging from treason to pedophilia.
While conspiracies are intriguing, they often disappoint. You be the judge.
Tick tock, Hillary and Johnny. Tick Tock!
Always thought John McCain recovered rather fast from his supposed brain surgery. They rushed him in to vote for the Obamacare Repeal which he voted Nay. Always seemed odd he had a bandaid and his eyebrows were not shaved for the surgery. I'll have to look into this rabbit thing. Thanks for posting.
The media has definitely turned on the Clintons. They keep hounding on the Uranium One deal along with the Republicans' demands for a Special Prosecutor.
I'm still trying to understand why everyone is focusing so much on the Clintons. They are out of office and will never be in office again. The continued right wing obsession with them just keeps them in the headlines every day. I'd personally be happy if I never had to read another word about the Clintons.
159 you have no grasp on what the Clintons have done to America. Shame on you for being so uninformed.
I find it absolutely appalling that you don't care about what they've done. They need to be in jail! Then again, your referring to it as a right-wing obsession pretty much explains it.
The Clintons are icons of the Democratic Party. The pressure must continue to bring them to justice and finally and forever topple them. Until that happens, they will not leave the minds of Americans, except those bureaucrats and co-conspirators who fear collateral damage and exposure as the unhappy couple is taken down.
Prince Ahweed was a big financer of the Clintons. Now that he's been arrested, the Clintons have lost a lot of their cover and former political clout. I've got my popcorn ready.
A lot of indictments are being unsealed. Drugs Drs moneys laundering This is in several states. All manner of fantastical tales.
This would be the best Christmas gift in years!
I don't think this is legit....saw Hillary yesterday and she didnt have a boot.
It was public knowledge that Hillary "fell" down some stairs and broke her toe. Hence the boot. Personally, I have not seen anything about the other two. It is not uncommon for an orthopedic doctor to prescribe a boot for various reasons, but to hide a tracking device is not one of them. Conspiracy...pah.
1:59 its about justice. Nobody is above the law. Laws are in place for a reason. You break those laws and you get your just dues. Do the crime, do the time, Just as you or i would. Just because they have Democrat behind their names does not mean they are above the law. They have committed some serious crimes and the people deserve to see justice served! You should be ashamed that you think that is ok. Well its not!and if the media and some others in elected office would not protecting them then the truth would finally come out. But Comey was right about one thing in his speech. Find somebody to prosecute them. Most would be to afraid because of the dead trail that they leave behind, and they know to keep their mouths shut. and money talks and when you get a big pay day to boot, then it makes it a lot easier to keep the mouth shut.
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