Around 8:20 pm on Friday night, an apartment fire on Jersey Rd. was dispatched. Central alerted stations 16, 2, 1 and 74. B. Records responds and is first on scene as the ac on duty. Only establishes command once asked by central if he had command. Meanwhile equipment is responding, Records advises under control, however notifies Engine Tanker 1-1 on radio to investigate the 2nd floor, middle way, smoke coming from door possible food on stove ... he returned all equipment except engine and truck which was duty crew. All equipment was put in service before an engine crew investigated.
Anyone else think this is a little hinky? Why would you cancel man power and water that was already responding WITHOUT completing a proper investigation to determine the exact cause of smoke? What would have happened if it really was a fire? Is Records just trying to play hero again and not follow SOP's? Rather interesting how he cancelled the volunteer response, makes one wonder his motives and whether or not he is deliberately not utilizing a valuable resource of the volunteers. This man is going to get someone seriously injured or worse if these antics continue.
It seems he was reasonably sure the fire was under control and the responding units are capable of finding the exact cause if it wasn't already obvious which is usually the case. Most of the time people complain about too much equipment responding. I'm no fan of the Salisbury FD after the recent events but this doesn't seem bad to me.
Was he in charge? Yes.
Was the fire controlled? Yes.
"Anyone else think this is a little hinky?" The only thing hinky is fools listening to chatter from dispatch, are able to get on here and tell experienced firemen on the scene how to fight the fire.
@12:27---Good answer Brian--Should be good enough for everyone else too?!--we need to respect those in charge--that's why they're there!
..this kind judgement helps keeps costs down, and ultimately TAXES down! Salisbury/Wicomico NEEDS better decision makers
Good Job Brian
Keep up the good work
PS Let that shithole burn down
Don't believe some of these comments. My main concern is a situation is not controlled if you have to investigate other areas to determine all sources of concerned, Then after you have investigated all sources of concern and have physically visualized the source to determine what is the cause and it has been handled then and only then can you say it is under control. This shows again the Hoppes command / Administration is a total failure. This is true in any Law enforcement / Fire Dept 101.
The Records family has finally scene the light and come to their senses after reading years of comments on this blog. They now know that to much equipment is responding to fires, fuel and tax payers money is being wasted. He was able to save the tax payers money but turning equipment around. Kudos to this blog and the Records family for bringing positive change to this county.
The Records family may be making changes in the city, but I don't think they are making any decisions in the county.
@ 1:36 if you walk in an see a burning frying pan that is the cause of smoke there's no need for a stupid investigation use that lump 3 feet above your A-hole.
I just want them to remove all those stupid blue markers from the roads.
Must be a slow news day when you have a story about a pot of burned beans. I'm pretty sure Bryan knows what hes doing and I haven't heard anything about a building burning down Friday night. Guess the boys over at 13 were bored and needed something to talk about.
Brian Records is the most proactive citizen I have met in Salisbury. As his former neighbor, he kept us informed about the nearby threats. He doesn't pretend the city is safe. He speaks the truth and does his best to bring awareness to the crime, drugs and danger. He doesn't drink the kool aid and he doesn't move away. He is here for the long haul and is doing his part privately and professionally to clean up this town.
Known Rickards for over 35 years and I see he has a lot of people snowballed. I have seen the 3 sides of Brian and he has stayed away from me when he sees me because I know how 2faced he is and a crooke snake waiting to bite your ass and hide when he can't make hisself look great. He is a lot of BS.
Any firemen with common sense can smell burnt food a mile away it stinks. He did the right thing cancelling fire units not needed for the safety of fire and public.
Here we go again second guessing the senior experienced guy when you were not on the scene. Since the assistant chief arrived first maybe he realized the call was food on the stove one of the most prevalent calls in the fire service next to fire alarms and stopped other units from responding.
Follow SOP's? Is there an SOP that states let fire engines run emergency when there is no emergency? Looks like somebody is jealous to me.
According to 13 out of 14 comments you are the only one who believes "B. Records at it again?" The 1:36 comment had Diddly Squat to do with Brian but showed resentment of Hoppes/Administrative/ LE/101. Happy to see less attacks on here,
Sounds like he broke sops doing so
Against sfd sops
You must of ment he lies alot .
Sure the sop states proper Ppe . It's clear you have not rode in years. Records just free lances .
Outside looking in Eric
Free lance - knowledgeable firemen self supportive capable of operating singly accomplishing a task vs station 1 volunteers being led by the hand still having problems completing task.
The hate comments from grown men (I guess) are very sad. With all of the crazy things going on in this world, nobody knows how long they will be living. After a while, you just need to learn to get along and work together. Life is way too short.
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