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DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Salisbury City Flag Changes!
When did this happen and why? Where was the public forum? Where was the public consulted at all? Powerpoints aside, did Jake Day bother to consult with anyone before making such an asinine decision? Just another example of how this city government is a huge, pathetic joke.
This is open to the public for comment. Does anyone else know when this took debate took place?
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At least it isn't a rainbow !!!!!
YUCK!! What happened to the colors of the dogwood that we started out with so many years ago. Very pretty!! I no longer live in town so I stopped hanging it ...but I think I can find a good use for it now.
Looks like a Swedish flag. WIll Salisbury be sued by Sweden? Would be hilarious to witness.
Who cares? Certainly not me. Don't live in the city and avoid it as much as possible.
2:50....the rainbows are coming. They will be painting the crosswalks with that soon enough.
And I'm gay and find this to be quite a joke.
That is an ugly flag.
I hope this is not true.
305 you cared enough to comment on it so don't say you don't care. If you didn't you wouldn't even bother. Nice going Jake, another person is not coming to spend money in Salisbury because of your foolishness. Way to go, Ace.
316 sadly it's true.
Oh, look! Salisbury has become IKEA!
Looks like a beach towel. I'm really surprised it's not a rainbow. obummer and day would get along great.(no caps on names deliberately) They are both delusional.
3:17 We stopped spending money in salisbury a couple mayors before Day. the city has been circling the drain for a long time. Ever notice how the water speeds up the closer it gets to the drain?
I think it is perfect because it looks just like one of those roach tents they cover a house with before they spray. That's my SBY.
It will never be the city of Salisbury flag that I remember. What the hell is that suppose to represent? What 3rd grader made that up? I don't even consider that a flag...
Was born and raised in Salisbury and have family that has been there since the 1700's. Moved out of town 30 yrs ago and am now ashamed to say I was even born there. I will not go to Salisbury unless I have no choice, I even drive to Millsboro if I need to go to Lowe's. That town use to have several nice neighborhoods now there is not one I would walk through in broad daylight!
IKEA is another store that will never come to Delmarva like Apple or Whole Foods or Harris Teeter or Cheesecake Factory. This market sucks. Can't even get a Cracker Barrel without a bunch of who struck john.
I stand with a flag being Red, White and Blue anything else it wrong. (map)
I never heard of any public debate on this issue. We're not a dictatorship so why is Jake treating it like it is?
1. Why does Salisbury need a flag?
2. I didn't even know Salisbury had a flag.
An even better question...Why is that police officer (?) wearing all that combat gear? It looks like he's ready to go to Syria or even Chicago!
Oh my gosh! That is seriously ugly.
Did this go before the city council? Is Jake dictating or did he get approval on this? it should have at least been voted on by the council and the Council should have brought this to the public's attention.
The flag design has no meaning or trace to history. Waste of time and money.
Joe, how about a contest with two possible pathways? One would be for serious designs for readers to send you via e-mail. Could put some or all up for Reader's Choice voting. Maybe the prize could be a one month ad on the blog for winning artist.
Second pathway would be along lines of a sarcastic Caption Contest. Readers could use comments to outline colors, pattern and any symbols they'd have, and why.
Could have some humor while actually presenting a viable, popular alternative. Just a thought.
This is just a small part of the libtard agenda to take down this country.
Attack and remove all that is part of this country's history.
needs a hammer and sickle or red star
You are going to F'in love this.
They stole the logo from the United Kingdom
I did a google search of the image and this is what came up and who the image actually belongs to
Here it is on another one of the UK websites
And here it is on their twitter account
The USA and Maryland flag are so awesome! Couldn't any thought or design be included to the boring/ugly salisbury flag design. There is an art program at SU that probably could have come up with amazing ideas!
Salisbury never had a flag.
The colors, believe it or not, are those of the traditional Day family crest.
Go ahead, look it up.
Who ever is responsible for the website is slacking.
Vacant Assist City Admin position?
Note the flag in this photo
He needs all that gear and protection for writing tickets. They are too scared to go in the hood to arrest drug dealers unless they have multi agency backup with MRAPs.
Oh contraire 5:33....how many would you like to buy??? Better yet what size??
Not coming to Salisbury because the flag was changed. That's ridiculous.
I thought the same exact thing!
Why is there a soldier standing next to the Boy Mayor?
No taste. Wearing the suit he did looks like a clearance item from Marshalls or one that the County gave him after exiting prison.
So what does the old flag look like? I don't think I've ever seen it? Did we have one?
6:31 Not coming to Salisbury because it is a crime ridden ghetto. The flag has nothing to do with it. Don't give a flying ____about a flag.
6:44 Now that there is funny being that the eastern shore and Salisbury are the epicenters of fashion! Bahwaahaaa.
What did yje old flag look like? Really folks, up in arms about a city flag? SMH
Why can he just spend money on flags, ugly ones at that, and no one knows about it? Was this approved or does he just do as he wants, when he wants? I'm so sick of him just wasting money on stupid s$$t like this. Downton BS, flags, no more chain link fences, what the hell is the matter with him - he really needs to see the light of day (pun intended).
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover BUT, neither one of those 3 look like they have any intelligence.
502, people like Day don't give a hoot about history. He just wants cool stuff.
631 they don't come to Salisbury for a flag change. They don't come to Salisbury because Salisbury sucks. Priorities way out of whack and government corruption abound. Are you really that much of a simpleton?
Who came up with this. It is beyond ugly. No imagination, no thought, nothing at all that connect it with Salisbury-The Cross Roads of Delmarva.
Why are people always in an uproar on Salisbury News on everything Salisbury happenings but not in real life. If they bothered to stay abreast of Mayor and Council events, attending meetings, expressing opinions, it would not be news on a blog after the fact. The locals really do not care and enjoy just being mouth runners. Whining on a blog does not make change. If you choose not to go to the horses mouth you will not see change,
You seem to forget that many City Council sessions are closed meaning the people cannot attend them. It's funny this alone doesn't seem to bother folks like you! They're closed for a reason, dearheart. Because the City Council doesn't want your input. They want you to shut up and stand down.
Closed sessions are a little passive aggressive way to let you know your place. Your importance is only during election time when they need your vote to keep them in those closed sessions.
Wise up. Know your place. And as per the Founding Fathers, your place is not to shut up and stand down but to rise up and be heard. Are you doing that yourself?
This flag is nothing but two (non-denominational) colors. At first, I thought that it was the US Infantry colors but I think that those are blue and white. The flag reminds me of something that you would see from a third-world nation or a banana republic. Doesn't mention anything about Salisbury or contain the seal of the city.
If you stare at it for 30 seconds and then look at the wall it lines swap colors!
UK - 1
Da'bury - 0
I think we should be more concerned with the warrior mercenary on Jakes right than a flag. Where is he going to war? Church St.?
The flag does mean 'something'...we want to see a nice looking flag and this ISN'T it...period.
The dim wits that designed this flag did not let the taxpayers or voters voice their opinion---Jake you can't be out of office soon enough.
No it's all about Jakey and what HE likes , not the citizens. That flag is a discrase, what does it represent cause it's shure not my city flag. Total waste of taxpayers money. Like Forrest Gump said " stupid is , is stupid does " and that shoe fits boy Fake and this city administration perfectly. Moron !
Typically a town would have a contest for its citizens to participate in to come up with a design or have at least a couple of examples to vote for. Back-room politics is why voters elected Trump. Where is Salisbury's Trump to step up to the plate to end this foolishness and waste of taxpayers' money?
The flag looks like a prison jumpsuit.
Anonymous said...
At least it isn't a rainbow !!!!!
July 23, 2017 at 2:50 PM
Well it is a rainbow but with only 2 colors.
Anonymous said...
Who cares? Certainly not me. Don't live in the city and avoid it as much as possible.
July 23, 2017 at 3:05 PM
Well it is none of your business then and you don't have a right to discuss this issue. Apparently you do care or you wouldn't have commented you stupid douche bag.
I don't remember having a public forum on this?? Who gave Jake Day the authority to change this flag without asking the real owners of this flag if it could be changed.
Didn't someone say this was the colors of the Day family seal or crest?
Anonymous said...
1. Why does Salisbury need a flag?
2. I didn't even know Salisbury had a flag.
July 23, 2017 at 4:22 PM
Then you are too dumb to comment and shouldn't be.
Jake Day is trying to hire as many employees from the County as he can. The funny thing is he hired John Tull's cow out of the planning department. No loss there as she had no skills and was too grouchy to even talk too. Everyone in Planning and Zoning was glad to see that grouch beast leave. If Jake Day is grooming John Tull for the next Far Cheef then he truly is a tool.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did this go before the city council? Is Jake dictating or did he get approval on this? it should have at least been voted on by the council and the Council should have brought this to the public's attention.
July 23, 2017 at 4:43 PM
I don't remember hearing about it going before a vote, but the likes of Jack Heath and Manure Boata will support anything this Jacked Up Teeth homo does.
Anonymous said...
The flag does mean 'something'...we want to see a nice looking flag and this ISN'T it...period.
July 24, 2017 at 11:16 AM
I want my old city flag back except it should have more color other than black and gold.
Not my flag, not my mayor, not my city, but they still like raping us tax payers.
What, you are saying John Tull's Bovine Beauty doesn't work for the County any longer?? YAY!!
Jake Day thanks for changing the city flag. It really does look like some sort of Confederate Flag now days. Thanks again. I love the South.
Joe I just heard "Deputy Chief 6" say to Central he was stopping at an MVC to check on injuries. Then he said it was a single MVC in a ditch and no injuries.
Central then asked if he needed the sheriff's department to make a response and he said no, he has called AAA.
Well maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be irresponsible not to contact the sheriff's office, especially on the part of that dumb clown at Wicomico Central. How do we know this guy isn't drunk or on some illicit drugs. It's not normal to drive into the ditch. How do we know this person isn't driving illegally.
And you wonder why some firemen are too stupid to be holding the rank of Deputy Chief.
Anonymous said...
Did this go before the city council? Is Jake dictating or did he get approval on this? it should have at least been voted on by the council and the Council should have brought this to the public's attention.
July 23, 2017 at 4:43 PM
It doesn't have to go before the City Council. Jake Day is the Boss and what he says goes.
Anonymous said...
This is just a small part of the libtard agenda to take down this country.
Attack and remove all that is part of this country's history.
July 23, 2017 at 5:03 PM
Yes it is, look what the Snow Flake Libtards are doing throughout the South with our Confederate monuments. Look what Snowflake Jake is trying to do with the General Winder plaque on the County Courthouse property.
"Snowflake Jake" now that is a name we can all live with!
1047 Jake Day can not remove the plaque for General Winder at the County Courthouse. It's up to the County Executive. Being that Jake is in a bad way with Culver, doubt this will happen ever.
Come on people there ARE state and federal ethics commissions in place for just this type of rogue government leadership. Start googling them, e-mail, write them, call them eventually where's there's smoke there's usually a fire
Joe you can post this now, it is another confirmed shooting with a fatality at 406 Bethel Street in Salisbury. It is another fatality in the city limits. What does Jake Day have to say about it now?
A Priority 1 trauma arrest from a shooting is always, always a fatality.
Just to add when you start requesting actual paperwork and answers with city government and state and federal it tends to get old real quick and like anything else concerning government a real pain in the butt. Bury Days dumb ass in responding and supply I g facts that he was on the up and up and he won't have time for ALL the other nonsense he consumes himself with. Also Goole Salisbury Maryland city government, city charter I GUARANTEE you will/can find numerous violations in Days actions
You didn't believe me, but here it is.
It could have been you first.
Wicomico First Alert
19 mins ·
BREAKING now in Salisbury:
Bethel Street
Salisbury Police Department and Salisbury EMS has been dispatched to respond. Crews were originally dispatched to a victim of an assault, the call was later upgraded to subject suffering from a gun shot wound to the back. The patient was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in cardiac arrest.
Additional information will be posted when/if known and appropriate.
Update: Police are searching for possibly two suspects. One suspect is described as as a black male wearing red and black. Another POSSIBLE suspect is only described as wearing a hoodie. Both were seen going southbound from Bethel Street. Police are also searching for a suspect vehicle.
Note: Some information is intentionally not being posted.
If you have ANY information, please call Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165 as soon as possible. You can remain anonymous.
Disclaimer: Wicomico First Alert cannot confirm incidents, information is subject to change.
This flag should be burned it does not represent the bury at all, what is regional looking about this flag? I hope the next mayor because it will not be Jake will drop this immediately.
Considering it was never voted on by the people, this is not the Salisbury flag. Day isn't the final word. Citizens don't have to recognize it as the official flag either.
Who gave Jake Day the authority to come in and change our city flag. Is this some of that Bullshit "branding" that he is doing. I see that flag change didn't help the person that got shot in the back this morning.
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