DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 30, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Fence being installed in Salisbury
They are installing a fence in the median on Rt. 50 in Salisbury. It is to prevent the kids from crossing Route 50 that are coming from the schools. The fence will start where Old OC Road comes out on Route 50 and goes all the way to the Arby's before you go under the bridge. They are 2 x 2 pieces of metal and there is no top bar or bottom bar on it, just metal poles placed about 4 inches apart sticking out of the ground. All the money being spent and how many have been hurt? Now look at the intersection at Route 50 and Sixty Foot Road.
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I think it's great and wish they would do it on entire RT 13 and Coastal highway as well in OC
I drove by sixty foot road yesterday and there were 10 people in hard hats surveying the intersection. My guess is, they finally might be in the early stages of a light. However, let's not knock the instillation of the fence. I am so sick of those kids crossing there. They are told repeatedly not to cross there, but to use the crosswalk at Arby's. They ignore it and do as they chose, putting themselves and driver's at risk. They fence will hopefully force them to use the crosswalk. However, I still foresee some of these same hoodrats trying to scale the fence instead.
I just passed this..there is a bar (cap) at the top.
These metal poles pictured is not a picture of the fence at place described. Say what you want but the fence is being installed for the protection of the people/students who chose not to obey the crossing laws.
I seen that just last night for the first time and couldn't believe it. I think it's lame but on the same token those kids in that area had no respect for traffic on 50 and would just step out or take their dear sweet time crossing. Will be better for traffic anyway.
And to the Sixty foot road comment,
That's not in salisbury so why would the town worry about it???
Route 50 is a state road no matter what town it is in.
Joe made mention of this SHA "pedestrian improvement" and road resurfacing project some months ago. It also appears they are permanently closing the Davis Street intersection.
7:57 - I agree with you. However, it will also protect the driver who hits one of these law breakers as well. Even if the driver is not at fault you will be sued.
sothis is ok, but trying to keep illegal aliens out isn't ?
They will cut them down and scrap them when metal prices are up.
Coastal Highway? HA, the drunks coming out of seacrets will still try to climb over them. Enforcement is whats needed!
People should have good sense to enforce themselves and not depend on the LEO to have to do the enforcement. When LEO is required to enforce, folks whine and bitch about LEO doing the job they were hired to do.
Guess SHA doesn't care about the Mayor's fence policy-tisk, tisk, tisk.
Great idea. The 10 min after school gets out the students are all over the road. Ive witnessed them doing pushups and dodging cars like frogger. Totally surprised no one has been hit and killed. Only a matter of time.
Should have been a wall. LOL At least it's not a chain link fence. The Mare would go nuts.
The fence is a great idea. It will protect those who dont have since enough to protect themselves. The students don't have RESPECT for themselves, the law or other people.
What about 13S from College Ave to Tony Tank Bridge. The ones attending the College think they own that section of road and do what they want?
I'm so happy they are doing this , these kids will walk out in front of moving traffic and dare them to move forward. I've often wanted to strike them with anything. My guess is that they will tear down the fence at night , not a very good neighborhood , another part of the bury hood .
Unfortunately the barrier will only trap them once they have left the sidewalk and have crossed the traffic lanes. Bad, expensive answer to lack of crossing guard at that intersection, augmented by some LEO support.
Chain link fence would be less expensive and could be taller and black if they prefer. You could even have barbwire to discourage them when they reach the top, for extra security.
Damn! Will they be able to figure out how to get to the school?
It's a miracle that no kids have been creamed crossing 50 in that stretch of road.
Who is placing odds on how long this fence stays in place?
I'll give a week before there's a big hole cut in the middle of it allowing cut through. These kids are out if control, walking right out in traffic daring someone to hit them. Its sad to see how some of these young girls are dressing, and carrying themselves, middle school kids acting lime college students
if not the kids, a drunk or texting driver will wipe some of it out. The median there had all the signs of being hit and run over by vehicles.
The fence won't be there long. It will block the speed cameras from capturing the license plate of the speeders and they won't be able to collect revenue.
At least this multi million dollar effort will fix a problem that didn't exist! Thank GOD! Nobody died there!
Let's make a median down 13B through town because,.... well it would look nice.
Remember last year they just paved over the 13b battlefield to make it smoother instead of fixing what was broken underneath? Now, those broken are coming back to the "new" surface. Lipstick on a pig is what i've heard it called.
Main street phase 2, another 10 month debacle? Can the businesses there survive another year of NO TRAFFIC??????
God, Help us, please!
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