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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Black Lives Matter Bans White People From Next Meeting

Black Lives Matter Philly banned white people from an upcoming event, claiming it is a “black only space.”

The April 15 meeting plans to discuss projects and initiatives for the upcoming year and act as a place for people to “meet, strategize and organize.” While children are invited to attend, white people are explicitly banned from the meeting, according to the Facebook event page.

When people began questioning the ban on whites over Twitter, Black Lives Matter Philly stayed by their ban, explaining that their meetings are “black centered.”

Anyone who identifies as “African disapora” is allowed to attend, the group explained over Twitter.



Anonymous said...

sounds like discrimination, which is illegal

Rebel Without a Clue said...

Well, I don't think that anyone can claim to be "African disapora" so it will be a very small meeting, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I remember reading about a time when white people did the same thing...but everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Can you say racists?

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for white kids in Balto City skools, especially. I wonder if DeRay considers them "human capital"?

Anonymous said...

Who cares. Good decent people would not ever lower themselves to ever breath the same air as the filth that subscribes to BLM anyway. God is seeing to it that they get theirs. Ever since BLM black on black murders have skyrockets. This is no accident but punishment sent by God to punish an immoral people.

Jim said...

Open, blatant racism and discrimination.
SUE them. Make the courts rule on it.
And make them pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Who white, in their right mind, would want to attend a meeting such as this crap anyway.

JoeAlbero said...

8:34, and it was WRONG then. Have we not evolved? Or is it the liberal way of thinking. It's ok now because it was done in the past.

Anonymous said...

It is what it is....racism. BLM is every bit as racist as the KKK was ever accused of being.

Anonymous said...

People have to make up their minds, do you want black people to solve their own problems or not?

Anonymous said...

Certain people, some would argue, haven't evolved.

Anonymous said...

Negrostupidous- I thought they were extinct. Then I was driving in Da Bury and saw a monster buck had to be a 20 pointer. I am glad America the "Real America" woke up and voted. You can call me a racist all day long I still say boat em up and ship them to the Sudan or Liberia see just how black folks treat black folks. Oh hell i forgot just send them to Chicago. BLM is old news and Whitey is sick of it. Any white wanting to attend a BLM meeting should be hung by the neck til dead.

Anonymous said...

That's OK I didn't want to attend anyhow.

Anonymous said...

segregation at its finest.

Anonymous said...

Racists period...

Anonymous said...

Nice >> that they get away with Discrimination
When , if Whites dare did that would Not be Allowed

Just more Proof they are Racist and the Race card needs to
be Taken Away >> this is 2017 !!!!

Anonymous said...

BLM is still relevant or needed? Like Joe mentioned, have we not evolved???

Anonymous said...

9:58 - these Black People aren't trying to solve their problems, they are trying to Stir Up problems for Good Americans who just want to be left alone by minorities and not Have To give them Special Rights due to their pigmentation. If you think they are trying to solve their problems, you are crazy.

BLM has a long history of rioting and causing problems for the Rest of America!

Anonymous said...

Racist are NOT Relevant !!! Never Acceptable !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can the Klan come too !!!

Anonymous said...

Cummings will be there !!

Anonymous said...

8:34 Joe is absolutely correct. Whites have evolved. Blacks haven't. They don't value honesty as proof by the BLM movement which was built on a lie that Brown was shot in the back while running away with his hand up. LIE. Blacks for the most part do not value honesty. This is why they excuse Obama and now Rice both pathological liars. This is why the black youth are blowing each others brains out in record numbers. It's an uncivilized race no matter how much they keep on with their lying. When you don't value honesty chaos happens. Blacks need to stop all that lying they constantly do and start getting some morals.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not for nothing but tbe last place i would ever want to go is a BLM meeting.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of all you Liberals running over here to call us Racists, just because we are Good Americans who can see through the lies that BLM and Blacks in General are telling. You People are the most Intolerant, Hateful group of so-called Americans around. If you hate the direction this country is going so much, you are always Free to Leave! Maybe some place like Saudi Arabia will be more to your liking. Except they will probably chop your heads off shortly after you arrive.

Anonymous said...

"MATTHEWS: Susan Rice's job is to watch national security. As she told Andrea today, our colleague, she made it very clear what she was doing was when she saw an American name show up in a surveillance of a foreign perhaps agent, she wanted to know who that was. What's wrong with that? "

I WAS a Baltimore City School student (Poly). It was a mostly white school in the middle of a black neighborhood and we generally left each other alone and tolerated any difference. One afternoon however, the local hoodlums decided to jump on some of our students and beat them up. It took maybe 48 hours for the student body to mobilize and show up on the public transit system with chains, clubs, and any other weapon we could conceive. The showdown day saw the Poly students outside the Sears store on one side of the road and ANYONE else on the opposite side. Was anyone hurt? No.Did we make out point that we would NOT tolerate this behavior? YES! We coexisted in peace from that point forward. That is of course until the racial unrest of 1968 when the sitting president ordered me to active duty to suppress.

Do they ever learn? Do their parents teach them what they have learned? Obviously, not.