DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 23, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Please Help!
I was hoping you could raise some awareness on this situation. My sister is a 16 year old sophomore at James M. Bennett High School. Today, the school took her out of her classes, sat her in the office, made her miss her lunch, and finally threatened to suspend her for wearing a rainbow skirt. Mind you, she identifies as gay. She gets bullied and attacked for this, and today was told that she wouldn't have been called a fag had she not been as open about her sexuality. I've read the Tinker vs. Des Moines case, and a rainbow color skirt, worn by a female of any sexuality, does not cause disruption of any sort except to those who are inconsiderate and cause disruptions anyway. There are children being attacked, and they're more worried about a rainbow skirt. If you have different opinions, that's fine, thank you for reading, but I know a lot of people in Salisbury read your page, and it would be awesome to shed some light on this situation.
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In my world and 99.9% of the world people are straight , what does that tell you.
Then my grandson can wear his "Make America great Again" Shirt and hat to school, which he is not allowed.. So That has to be ok with you gays.
NO to the propaganda lesbian Rainbow crap.
Wonderful. She 'identifies' as gay. Maybe she should identify as a high school sophomore female instead of throwing up on the world that she is gay like that is some type of badge of honor. Then get offended because others get offended. Do I need to walk around and brag about my heterosexual identity? Of course not. I'm tired of people always force feeding others what they identify as. Who cares! Keep it to yourself and your friends and you won't get bullied because your not advertising it to the world.
Doesn't sound like something that actually happened. Story reads like fake news propaganda. I have 2 kids at Bennett and the actions you describe of the administration do not match anything I have ever seen from them. A local would just call it Bennett and leave the James M off.
Gay behavior IS offensive to some people. Why offend them intentionally?
You need to contact a national news outlet. Contact Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon.
You are correct, everyone has a right. But there are always consequences. If she had not worn the skirt there wouldn't be a problem.
No one is going to protect her from mean children and bullying.
She chose the life style, she needs to also grow a tough skin and get past ignorance.
All of this demonstrates that she is still too young to understand what her life is going to be based on her choices. Consider this a life lesson.
I feel for your sister yet I have to also wonder, she obviously knew this skirt would stir up unwanted feelings. If that why she wore it? Should she have left it home knowing it would create a problem? Yes, we should certainly be more concerned about people attacking people, but perhaps we should start thinking....is what I'm about to do going to provoke a negative action? If so, then am I not the smarter person to NOT do this so nothing will be provoked? Just wondering.
great parenting skills crying on a blog rather then teaching your child. sounds like she's seeking attention and getting it, what's the problem?
Funny. And to think that they allow boys to wear their pants on the ground, out of control hallways, and slaps on wrists for assaults. This place is insane. Thanks, WCBOE!
My first thought would be the skirt was to short. Do they enforce the dress code there?
I have to wonder why she would wear a 'rainbow' skirt, other than to be provocative.
If she wanted to make a statement, I guess she did. But those that she provokes and offends have an equal right to respond. And the school certainly has a right to enforce their policies.
She can not intentionally provoke people, then claim to be a victim.
The local schools have gone overboard on pushing homosexuality on schools and the 99 percent of kids who aren't gay and now when they go out and advertise they are gay and get a few wise cracks they are upset. Bottom line yo have failed as a parent.
Whoever you may be ..... your are a VERY !!! And I mean VERY !!!!! Intelligent person . You clearly do well for yourself in life as well. Just being nice and letting you know. Hope you have a great day.
Your last paragraph is dead on correct!!
To the letter writer: Did you really expect any sympathy or support from this crowd?
To Jim (11:28 a.m.): I wonder why the guy in Princess Anne still had the Trump campaign sign up almost six months after the election, "other than to be provocative." I'm not defending the dangerous behavior of those who burned the sign. However, as you say, those who are provoked and offended have a right to respond.
Get your daughter some help and quit blaming everyone else for her problems.
Sorry but you won't find much support here.I have never encountered so many homophobic people as I do in this forum anywhere else.So much closeted (pardon the pun)hate for gay people is rampant here on the shore.
I may not be gay myself but its their life,and they are not hurting me by being that way and thats that.It's up to God to judge them,not me.
When it comes to gay teens,they are already in danger,whether it be violence at the hands of homophobes or suicide when their families reject them.
If that were my daughter,I would be up in that Principals ass with a lawyer in tow.
Wicomico county schools don't do shit about the thugs terrorizing schools,fighting over baby mama drama but a rainbow skirt is offensive?
your Not pushing your BS Agenda on me sooooooo....off.
ANY punk kid showing there A.. needs to bw suspended for sexual harrASSment.
Not quite how it happened from what I hear. There was more than 1 student wearing rainbow garb. Some chose to wear flags as scarfs. I don't think this was seen as a problem until it became disruptive throughout the school. From what I heard, the "threat" of suspension did not come from what was being worn; however, from the threats made against administration because they dared question the disruption that was being caused. Many who were wearing the rainbow garb were not even gay; just wanted to have something to take a stand on. On the other hand, one gay male was heard to say (paraphrasing here)....I wish these people would stop their antics; they are making us look bad.
Two words: School uniforms.
Queensgirl 52, did you vote for Bernie or Hillary? They both lost. Get over it.
I'm sorry but I was apart of this and that is not the story. There were 3 kids called down to the office for carrying a gay flag around the school. Then they changed the look and wore as a belt and got called out because it offended people
Obviously if she likes girls then she isn't too young to be gay. If she wasn't sure she would be bi-curious. There isn't a problem with what the kids were wearing. There is a problem with the judnemental people in this country
Christians Can't wear anything to display their Christianity...Trumpsters, the same, Conservatives, the same, Military, the same; so why on earth would you chose to deliberately wear a shirt that will be offensive to 90% of the population...Not a good choice, so just move on.
Queenie dear, that man in Princess Anne proudly displays the Trump Signs on HIS property.
11:11, I wouldn't call a conviction for 1st degree assault and a potential 3-5 year prison sentence a slap on the wrist. If an assault happens in Worcester county schools it is swept under the rug and nobody ever hears about it. Wicomico schools charge students criminally any time something happens and they should be commended for it.
Hey Briggs! Good to hear your propaganda!
To Queenie...have you ever looked around at all the "propaganda" in terms of signage relating to elected officials? It seems every roadway, bridge, building, park bench etc are named for one. Someone with a sign in their own property is simply free speech.
Queenie-- the Trump sign was on Wink's private property, as an expression of support for the President. There is no policy about signs that he violated.
Nobody tried to set that girl's rainbow dress on fire, did they?
If the UMES students were offended by the sign, they are certainly within their rights to say so.. but not to destroy it. That was a criminal act.
The whole county needs to go school uniforms...PERIOD!!! Some of the stuff I see students AND teachers wearing is unbelievably inappropriate! Khakis or black pants/shorts, and a three polo colors. No skirts. No pants that purposely don't fit. That eliminates a whole plethora of time-consuming idiotic administrative problems! Kids can express themselves on their own time where the parents have to deal with the consequences of their kids' expression of individuality....not the school. If you can not be fair to all differences equally, set a standard that removes any ambiguity. If you want to express yourself, then wear rainbow or confederate underwear or socks!
1028 is right. I've seen students AND teachers dressed inappropriately, too. A dress code should be instated because apparently, people can't seem to dress themselves these days. Guess it's another cradle to grave thing.
155 it's not about a fashion show. High school is supposed to prep kids for college and/or work life in adulthood. Good God people, don't you have any sense?
All i can say. Wake up!! Its just Another hidden danger of the rainbow.
To the person that says Wicomico county charges students criminally is full of it. I have seen MANY instances over the past 30 years of working in the county where assults and weapons have been swept under the rug. The boy that raped the girl at Parkside a couple years ago had been moved from school to school because of assults. He should have never have been there. In Wicomico county there is a protected class of students that can pretty much do as they wish. It gets to the point that they rape someone or try to choke an administrator until anything is done. Why is Wicomico county not interested in protecting the innocent students and teachers? Very sad.
Cant we all just get along
1037 you sound like a moron. If this person who wrote the Please Help post didn't really wanted to get opinions and guidance then she wouldn't have posted it in the first place. If they have a thin skin then they shouldn't have opened up their personal life to be put out there in a public forum. Most people really don't give a hoot whether a person is gay or not. Unlike some people usually don't go around broadcasting their sexual orientation like a huge billboard with neon lighting. Most keep their sexual preferences to themselves and its given out on a need to know basis. Frankly, couldn't care less if someone is gay or not but I don't want anyone's sexual orientation flashed in front of me or my kids. That goes for straight, gay, trans, questionable and or asexual. I don't care. But you're "can't we all just get along" makes you sound like a pinhead.
It's not a fashion statement. Considering the school had a huge plan and event for April 21 does not mean we are looking for attention. With new staff and administration it is getting harder and harder for LGBT students to be who they are. All of a sudden this year it's a problem but last year kids didn't get threatened to be suspended. We took pictures last year and they even started a club for support of the LGBT students and staff. Now this year the name of the group has been changed. When will people see that we want equality just as much as other people. Also if you have a problem with seeing or your kids seeing this kind of stuff then get over it because thug is America in 2017 and we will not stop till we are free
The problem with UMES is that they have an outspoken racist as President of the University...Juliette B. Bell.
".. When will people see that we want equality just as much as other people.."
What exactly is the problem? What is it you can't do? The Supreme Court has declared you 'equal'.
What you really want is for everybody to say that homosexuality is normal and OK. It isn't. It is perverse and works against the common good-- if for no other reason than the way so many of you act out. And no matter how much you holler and fuss, it will not become normal.
If you want to think your homosexuality is OK and have relationships and the like, that's up to you. I don't think anybody really cares at this point, except when you start getting into everybody's face with it. THAT is what we are sick of.
I think most people who act out like that are looking for attention-- "Look at meeeee.."
But it is very self-defeating, because it brings you just the kind of attention you have complained about.
Just leave your rainbow stuff at home and go live your life, and let everybody around you live theirs.
3:21....you nailed it.
Thank you.
You asserted that is perverse, that it works against the common good, and that it is not normal.
Will you please substantiate these three assertions?
Its Really sad. Attention seeking people like them make it really hard for gay people. There are a lot of gay people who just want to live a peaceful life and not be discriminated against for their choice in a personal relationship. They dont go around flaunting their sexuality to comeplete strangers, which is NONE OF ANYBODYS BUSINESS, whether you are gay or staight. They just want to be happy and left alone,just like anybody does. Then there are these people. Because of their upbringing and lack of attention at home, they crave attention SO BAD that ANY attention is enough for them. They get in peoples faces trying to intimidate people to agree with their way of life. They SEXUALIZE everything, which makes me think ITS NOT LOVE that they are ranting about. They disturb the peace with their ridiculous protests. They basically are screaming at a BRICK WALL. Trying to change a persons belief just because YOU feel like they should believe as YOU do IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! SO SHUT UP ALREADY! ITS BORING US! You are not going to change anybodys mind about how they feel about your lifestyle. Just like NOBODY can change YOUR mind and make you not be gay. Honestly, NOBODY CARES TO KNOW what other peoples sexual orientation is. Again, NOBODY CARES! Just like they dont care about what you had for lunch or what your favorite color is. Most people are just trying to live their lives and taking care of their families. NOBODY has time to think about YOU or the LBQTUVWXYZ or anybody else for that matter. For the poster at 1:01....if the school had a STRAIGHT CLUB how would you feel about that? You dont want "equality". You want ATTENTION! You also said you won't stop until you are free. Free from what?
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