DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Your Tax Dollars At Work
In the first picture I want you to notice two things. One, the crack in the brand new blacktop immediately after paving it. Two, notice how they paved right up to the storm drain. Just wait till it rains.
As for the next two pictures, they paved right over top of the man hole covers. That's the honest to God truth.
So here we are paying incredible taxes and this is a temporary paving job in Salisbury on Rt. 13. This means they'll be coming back and tearing out all of the blacktop they just laid down and start all over again.
"Shovel Ready Jobs" eh Obama. It's no wonder America is in the crapper.
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Who is the county supervisor monitoring these jobs FIRE HIM.
Additional examples of forced diversity over quality!
Me no speaka da engli,Now where is my check!
Yeah. Blame Obama. He chose the contractor and spec'd out the job.
It's a state road, with state maintenance. Talk with Donny Drewer at SHA.
you want to see pot holes and street neglect let me give you a tour around Fruitland. im in sales and cover the Eastern Shore and Fruitland in my opinion has the worst streets and highest taxes on the Shore.
Where is the oversite from the county? Isnt there someone that cks the work ? I am Fed Up seeing work being done like this and 2 weeks later being ripped up again is the county paying TWICE.????
obama is da man or at least he says he's da man . Crap rolls down hill , typical minority production and I don't mean Mexicans. ^ guys on their cell phones and the last one asleep on his feet . I have to know how they do that ,is it just a black thing? Thanks obama you made some change alright , that's all I carry in my pocket is change.
We do blame obama.
He Donny aint you supposed to be moinitoring these jobs are are you getting a kick back ?
8:02, The County has nothing to do with this. It is the state. Apparently they are planning, (in the future) to relocate the storm water pipes all along Rt. 13. So some time down the road there will be, (again) massive construction and traffic issues.
Putting lipstick on a pig by paving over broken, crumbling infrastructure. What kind of flood will it be when this stormwater pipe gets clogged and there's no manholes to access it? How many homes and businesses will that flood take out?
It was already caving in and that's why they had to put a steel plate over the storm drain in the first picture! What happens when the whole lane caves in during rush hour?
Why are they back at Elizabeth Street digging that drain up again? Didn't they do it right the first time?
Why do we have to pay for this work 2 and 3 times, when done once right would last 50 years?????
Somebody needs to investigate the storm drain on Beaglin Park coming from Parkside towards the Civic Center. I hit it and broke my drive shaft. My daughter hit it and busted out a brand new tire. Someone else I work with hit it and broke the weld on their rear suspension. Another County SNAFU.
Hey Joe, will this be the Salisbury equivalent of the "Big Dig"?
In the meantime, we have a rainstorm, the water backs up so bad, they have to close off Rt 13.
Union employees of the state or contractors that have shovels that need to be held upright for hours.
This entire town was planned poorly. Everything floods, snow removal is a JOKE
Good ole boy kick backs.
I meant the state .
Sorry state roads.
WHO signs off on these jobs there is the Issue.
What I would love to know is why West Isabella St is still closed. Its been closed off since the first week of July. Sad part is the road still is as rough as ever on the few parts that the reopened.
Having a complete road closure in town for over 2 months is insane.
8:28, why don't you call and mention your concern. Your issue may be in the City, but nobody will know if you don't exert a little effort other than a keyboard.
Call Hogan
JoeAlbero said...
8:02, The County has nothing to do with this. It is the state. Apparently they are planning, (in the future) to relocate the storm water pipes all along Rt. 13. So some time down the road there will be, (again) massive construction and traffic issues.
September 8, 2016 at 8:06 AM
Joe if they are planning on relocating storm water pipes along Rt. 13 then why the hell did they just waste millions of our tax dollars on this pavement program. I drive this road every day and it has been several years of hell putting up with this. This program started under O'Malley and O'Liarton and should never have begun. The road wasn't even that bad. Now I must ask WTH is Governor Hogan allowing it to continue.
Anonymous said...
Somebody needs to investigate the storm drain on Beaglin Park coming from Parkside towards the Civic Center. I hit it and broke my drive shaft. My daughter hit it and busted out a brand new tire. Someone else I work with hit it and broke the weld on their rear suspension. Another County SNAFU.
September 8, 2016 at 8:28 AM
Funny I drive back and forth to Parkside multiple times a day to take my kids to Parkside HS and have been doing it when my kids went to Bennett Middle School for 3 years. Something tells me this person is full of CRAP because I haven't hit it yet, not once in the last 6 or more years and you and your ignorant daughter busted a drive shaft and blew out a tire? Funny you didn't have enough sense to warn your daughter or your daughter wasn't intelligent enough to avoid it!! Something tells me you have a hard on with the County and this is all you can come up with to complain about? I just contacted my elected officials in the County and they have no idea what you are talking about. I can tell something isn't right here.
All our roads state and county are crap, Rt 13 & Rt 50 are overgrown with weed trees, we are a disgrace to the state and Salisbury. We need some news coverage of how bad things are, and it all to be shown national before the city and county cares. All the vehicle damage to wheel balance, alignment etc needs to be billed to the road division.
Anonymous said...
This entire town was planned poorly. Everything floods, snow removal is a JOKE
September 8, 2016 at 9:10 AM
What ever gave you that idea? The entire downtown Main Street was under water at one time. The is the only reason it floods. Right where the court house/state building is that church on the hill was an Old Baptist Church and they did Baptisms right behind the church. That is why it is up on a hill. From the Ramada Inn(I can't spell or pronounce the Mexican name) to the Royal farms on Rt. 13 you can see where the dip goes down and then up. That was all the bottom of the river. That area has been damned off and that is why there is flooding down town and actually all over Salisbury. Look at a map from the 1800's and you will see that it was covered with water at one time. This proves that Salisbury's leadership from Jake Day all the way back has been very poor. Shame on them damn Democrats.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
8:28, why don't you call and mention your concern. Your issue may be in the City, but nobody will know if you don't exert a little effort other than a keyboard.
September 8, 2016 at 9:41 AM
I was thinking it could be in the City as well, but it is obvious this moron has it out for the county.
All I can say, and I will be glad to do it over and over... I told you all so, but I guess all of you were right huh??? Conspiracy people don't know anything do they? Yet they predicted this and oppps they were right yet again...
Its a temporary fix only. Water and sewer and gas lines will be replaced in a couple of years all down this stretch - old ones will come out, new ones in. With any luck they'll use the opportunity to bury the electric and communication cables, too.
Shovel ready jobs for Illegals maybe. Almost every laborer out there was from south of the boarder. Oh the supervisors where white but that is nothing unusual, somebody has to keep the train running on time.
Ok. Whoever says this road was not that bad needs their eyes examined. There are plans for a complete reconstruction of the stormwater in the VERY near future. This road would likely not make it through a freeze and thaw cycle without vehicles being damaged and multiple insurance claims if not crashes. Everyone complaining about a bumpy road. So they have placed a skim coat of hot mix on this road to last till they can do the entire project and have done it as cheap as they could without milling. If they hadn't done this, there would be pics sent to Joe of huge potholes this winter complaining about how they should have done something.
Now for drainage. You people live at sea level and you wonder why we have flooding.
If you think the roads are bad around here, drive in Pennsylvania or other places and then say the roads here are bad. If you still think they are, complain to the State for raiding the road money.
What the State should have done was to issue a press release explaining their reasoning for doing this. It actually makes sense from a liability standpoint.
LOL.... Blame it on the County. Guess everything is the County.
10:28, All of the roads are crap? Wow. Bill to who? City? County? State? Awe hell, just send it to the County. That's all I know, sounds good anyway.
Again as many of us posted before...why didn't they dig it out then repave just don't understand.
Rt.12 from snow hill to Millville branch was paved last Dec. One day it was snowing and they were black topping you don't blacktop until road temp is 45 degrees and rising the road is worse now then before they blacktoped it SHA said they had to use the money before end of year or loose .Another waste of taxpayers money
Hasn't anyone ever heard of doing the job right the first time, and avoiding the costly second visit? How stupid can you get??? Never mind, I already have the answer just look at the city, county, and state government employees.
8:26, the street is Isabella that was dug up again. I for one live close by rt 13 and happy for the repaving.
What does that mean?
I'll tell you something else - on RT 13 BLVD. South - the roadway in front of Taco Bell, Chapotle, Sage, Popeyes - all of these establishments - the managers will tell you that they have suffered irreparable financial damage as a result of the 3+ years of ongoing roadwork. Most all of these managers will tell you that had they known the project would have dragged on for all of this time - they would have been better off to have shuttered these stores entirely.
This is not a joke - just ask any of the above establishment managers.
Then in that case its Hogan fault. Shhheeeesss these people have about 3 brain cells left.
By the way, that is NOT a storm drain.. It is a manhole access cover. It does not drain water from the street...
The first picture IS of a storm drain. The second is of the manhole access cover.
This is one of the things which have changed in recent times.
The new normal.
They now pave over man holes that are of no longer use.
450, you are full of it. Municipal laws require access to underground drainage every 100 feet or so. You are living in your own dream.
The Beaglin Park repaving is a piece of work, and I don't mean a good one. Stay in the lane closest to the center to avoid those really terrible dips at the edge of the street.
The Beaglin Park repaving is a piece of work, and I don't mean a good one. Stay in the lane closest to the center to avoid those really terrible dips at the edge of the street.
10:29.... You are wrong. That would be a manhole every 30 yards or so....
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