The incident took place on September 12 in Wyman Park Dell, and three days later investigators apprehended two of the suspects in the attack, identified as Zannay Laws and Dakei Perry, both 18 years old.
As of Monday afternoon, police were still looking for two additional suspects in the stabbing and robbery.
IF found guilty - they deserve the death penalty. They cannot and should not be saved!!
Definitely subhuman animals!
If obama had a son.
Charm City ambassadors, these two.
Thugs - consider them armed and dangerous...approach with extreme caution...then end their oxygen-wasting existence!
Animals, not even close to human
What I would like to say you would not post and not because of language. What a lovely pair, perfect mother to her child, just ask her. Of course it is not there fault, it because there were raised under suppression from .....I think you know the rest of this rhetoric!
This is why you should be able to carry a handgun.
Ah Baltimore. I am thinking Shaefer had it wrong all along. The Outhouse of Maryland is Baltimore City. What a bunch of criminals from the mayor on down to the low life scum that walks the streets. That's why I don't go to Baltimore.
When will people take the streets back.
When we are able to protect ourselves! And we are not incarcerated for doing so.
This is why people are laughing at Kapernick. Is this the "oppression" he is protesting against ?
Omg its Arnold Schwarzeneggers worst enemy predator
Dont get caught lol.
Hey,those in the black community, do these two represent you?
This is just one of many of this type of incident happening in Baltimore City in the past year. All black on black. You know a new level of depravity has hit when they prey on their own elderly. I know of at least one elderly man who was beaten so badly he died. It's one thing for the drug dealers and thugs to be murdering each other but when they have sunk so low as to do this to their own elderly things can't get any worse. Where is the outrage.
BLMs finest.
Rick Meehan has invited them to OC, where the po-lice won't bother them.
You can thank you LBJ for starting the welfare program that has brought these sick generations of fatherless uneducated usefull idiots. It's a vicious cycle. Our government supports breeding illegitimate children allowing them to continue to live in poverty while giving them endless checks! Hell its probably in their wills!! Pass it on down generations. makes sense doesn't it? that is if you want to control dominate and brainwash people into thinking we have crime problems, race problems, education problems problems, problems, problems... all funded supported and fostered by our fine government that's who I blame.
There's a bad case of tension alopecia going on there. Plus, she's fried the rest of her hair with bleaching treatments. Food stamp dollars at work.
NOT "teenagers" Adults!
I haven't seen the video, and would prefer not to see such a depraved atrocity.
So they attached an elderly BLACK man this time?? Where are the protests? Doesn't his life matter?
We need to do what the police won't do.
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