On Tuesday, June 2nd, the Wicomico County Council voted unanimously to adopt the County Executive's FY16 Operating Budget.
FY 2017 Adopted Operating Budget
FY 2017 Proposed Operating Budget Hearing
FY 2017 Proposed Operating Budget - Detail
FY 2016 Adopted Operating Budget
FY 2015 Adopted Operating Budget | View All Budgets
Fiscal Year Budget Time Line
- October - On or before October 1, all county department heads or agencies must submit to the County Executive a description and estimate of all capital projects already authorized and any new projects they would like to undertake within the next five fiscal years. (Project lists must be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission for comments before submitting them to the County Executive.)
- November - The County Executive shall hold a public hearing on capital improvements.
- December - On or before the third Tuesday in December, the County Executive must submit a capital program to theCounty Council.
- February - On or before the third Tuesday in February, the County Council shall hold a public hearing on the capital program.
- March - On or before March 15, all county department heads or agencies in the executive branch of the county government must submit to the County Executive an itemized estimate of the revenues and expenditures of the department or agency for current expenses for the next fiscal year.
- April - On or before the third Tuesday in April, the County Executive shall submit to the County Council an expense budget for the next fiscal year and the budget message.
- May - On or before May 15, the County Council shall hold a public hearing on the expense budget.
- June - On or before June 1, or such date as set by resolution, but no later than June 15, the County Council must vote on the adoption of the county budget identified in legislative form as the Annual Budget and Appropriation Bill.
A $9 million dollar increase in the budget since Bob Culver became the County Executive is not what a Conservative should be doing. This is an embarrassment to the Conservative Party. This is not the Bob Culver that I voted for.
Where is economic development? Do something to SAVE this county! I'd like to be able to recoup the money we have in our house.
think you meant Tuesday, June 7th....
Anonymous said...
Where is economic development? Do something to SAVE this county! I'd like to be able to recoup the money we have in our house.
June 10, 2016 at 1:10 PM
The County Executive has had a year to do something and has failed to do so.
Also, we the taxpayers are funding SWED, Salisbury Wicomico Economic Development and have been for many years. Dave Ryan is the Director and basically hasn't done Jack Sh*t all this time. Why are we funding the County Executives budget for Economic Development and SWED and nothing is being done?
Dave Ryan. Please tell me what he has done?
isn't swed a skit on the Seinfeld show where George shows up at work with nothing to do looking at the penski file. same as dave ryan does don't u think
Bob Culver has got this. If you don't like it run for his office. To make money you have to spend money. This is not the savings and loan down the street. Build a better community your house will increase in value. We need to push the scum out of this county for that to happen.
Maybe law enforcement needs to stop writing bull shit tickets and get back to fighting crime. The MSP mentality will not work here. We have real crime stop f'ing with the motorist and look for some real crime.
Clean our schools of the no thug left behind program.
Stop looking at the heroin epidemic as a health issue. We never took that stance on crack. White kids get involved and we want to call it an health issue. Screw that wage war push somewhere else.
This are is still small enough the good people and cops should be able to clean it up. Time to wage war on crime.
Culver isn't the answer.
culver isn't the answer, the National Guard is the answer
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