DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Sheriff Mike Lewis Wasn't Truthful In Fox News Interview Last Night
“Millions of dollars of damage had been done to Baltimore City, and not one of those individuals has been held accountable because we’re too busy recklessly charging police officers,” Wicomico County, Maryland Sheriff Mike Lewis said.
Man who set fire to CVS during Baltimore riots pleads guilty
Fire Marshals Charge Man For Cutting Fire Hose During Baltimore Riots
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Whether or not you go on, Joe...we all know Mike loves the airtime. He'd rather do that than actually enforce the laws within the county. I wonder what gig he's planning on running for next.
Mike struggles with truthfulness.
And, he may be speaking of the Mayor who said they need space to destroy and told the police to stand down.
Come on, Mike. We are sure you can do better than this!!!
ever notice how he tries to get his voice to sound tough? a lie is still a lie lewis, no matter how deep you try to make ur voice
He reminds me of a little bulldpg. He's all bluster and no substance.
Mike missed his calling. He should of gone to Hollywood. You getting awfully closer to Dirty Harry than real police. Leave that BS for the politicians Mike and focus on your county and be able to back that when the shiz hits the fan talk.
Who cares... He was making a point!
Finally people are starting to see what a liar Mikey is!!!!! 12:12 you are so right just as is 1:04. Maybe one day this County will wake up and see what others are starting to. He doesn't care who it is from Federal Court judges, to his family all the way down to the citizens of Maryland. Have no respect for this person.
1:58, WHO CARES??? The TOP cop on the whole Shore LYING! Perhaps you don't realize that if ANY Officer is found LYING, no Judge/Lawyer/States Attorney will prosecute ANY case and they are immediately DONE.
Watch the interview again, then read the quote, which is word for word. Lewis is LYING, period. How can ANY of the Officers working under him ever believe, trust or respect him ever again.
If Mike is to hold his Officers to the same level, he needs to step down and fill out an application with Fox News.
The fact of the matter is truth or not these people who have plead guilty for these crimes will never pay back the amount of damage they have done.
Next Governor then the White House
337-You're a funny guy.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The fact of the matter is truth or not these people who have plead guilty for these crimes will never pay back the amount of damage they have done.
December 18, 2015 at 3:34 PM
you are probably correct, however THAT is not the issue at hand. lewis has lied yet again, and on national television YET AGAIN.
the truth may not matter to you and others but there are still some of us left that it matters a great deal.
2:10 PM
I agree with you Joe. This is, at least the second time he has gone on national tv and flat out lied. And to make it worse, it reflects back on the citizens of this county, if not the city and state.
Like you say, how can anyone ever believe anything he says or does now. Maybe he can be a cop in DC. They are used to liars up there.
3:37, Lying, making things up, misleading the public, yep, perfect.
Blogger Claire Bohlen said...
We need to start a petition for his impeachment. But then he'll probably have the signers arrested with some made up charge.
December 18, 2015 at 4:38 PM
all it takes is one person (hint)
We like Mike --- a lot!
Wicomico will really need Mike Lewis when Macerello becomes a judge next year!
Call Fox News and tell them to doxa fact check on Lewis interview. Tweet Fox News about the lie.
638-Sorry, Mike's schedule is full with tv appearances. More important than being Sheriff of Wicomico County to him.
Blogger Claire Bohlen said...
Ah but I'm a teenager and will not be taken seriously.
December 18, 2015 at 7:33 PM
maybe, maybe not. there are some 'adults' around here I don't take seriously so there's that
Lewis is just a mouthpiece
That is cop speak for, "I did not get to beat them up personally"
Cvs fire got 5 years that means 8 months. Most arson cases get 25 years. The other 200 arrest? Who are they ? How much time did they get. Remember this is 100 million damages.
What's the first time?
Mike... "you're fired" from fox News.
Once they confirm this false statement... no more credibility. They won't take a chance of letting another network throw them under the bus.
Well Mike... you can forget about your talk show after Megyn Kelly
9:58, Are you asking ME to do your research for you?
Mike first and foremost, is a Politician, so knowing that, if his lips are moving,he is lying!
Blogger JoeAlbero said...
9:58, Are you asking ME to do your research for you?
December 18, 2015 at 10:29 PM
you don't think they can be bothered to do their own do ya?
Just think..... All the cover ups he made possible. From his start as a criminal racist cop to his throne he holds unopposed as a result of his tyranny? Even to say covering up murder. And it's not just him. Many officers lie on the stand under oath and are deemed 100% believable because they're cops. And then there is the good cops whose worst crime is to sit silent and not stop the corruption he sees occurring in mass numbers. And the sheeple sit on a supposed jury of ones peers and finds most guilty before trial started. These sheeple have been conformed by TV shows such as cops, into thinking violating ones rights is OK. Ok for the safety of the community or a person's well being. These are gladly given up for a very false sense of security. Wake up Wicomico! Look at our communities. Do you see less crime? No. You see more lies! We need to take our community back. No more unopposed positions. Especially one that is funding a dream of the governor's mansion or possibly a presidency when it should be funding a Mon- Fri 7 am. -7 p.m. elected sheriff who is either in his office or working the streets if the county he took an oath to and swore to protect the citizens that continue to vote for his lies.
My guess is that he was speaking of the Mayor and States Atty in Baltimore. I'm of the opinion that he is a faithful servant .i don't know Mike personally , other seeing he and his family sitting a church pew most Sunday's .i would guess that most of the haters would want him protecting their families . There's an old saying " it's not how you pick your nose's Where you put the Buggars! Semper Fi
Ed, thank you for your comment. I suggest you go back to the entire interview and you will find that what you suggest is not accurate. Look, there are thousands of people looking at this article and comments thinking, no way, not Mike. Well, I have delivered you the absolute evidence and if you research it even more you will find even more charges. Mike is not in the news business. He is not a prosecutor. He is talking out of his rear end and should have kept his mouth shut on this matter, with all due respect. Yeah, I know there's a target on my back because God Forbid I'm driving or doing anything in Wicomico County and get pulled over. Look, this is my job. From the very day I met Mike Lewis I told him, if you or your people screw up, I'm going to tell the truth and I am going to publish it. There's not been ONE comments showing I am wrong. The evidence is crystal clear, you know it and I know it.
Finally, I want each and every one of you to know the following. On January 1, 2016 you will read an article about how many people have visited Salisbury News. Once you see the numbers I am extremely confident you will know that just about everybody and their brother on the Eastern Shore now comes to us daily. The "Delmarva's News Leader" or someone claiming they are the "#1 Blog on the shore" is a complete LIE. ONLY SBYNews exposes our traffic each and every year and NO ONE else does. WHY, because they cannot compete. Those factual numbers have to be the truth or every advertiser can sue me and that would go for ANYONE else who tried to claim they have more traffic. They cover it up because they know for a fact we blow them all away. Once we publish our numbers, call WBOC, WMDT or the DT's and demand they prove their traffic to you. After all, you deserve to know where to best place your advertising dollars.
So if anyone out there thinks, well, that's just a Blog, THINK AGAIN.
So is this article about Mike showing how great he is or You telling us how great you are? Either way your its called narcissism
7:40, How long have you been following Salisbury News? You see, I was the only one willing to stand up to the lies and corruption for the past 11 years. I was the only one willing to take all the time to go to meetings, investigate properties, (like the WWTP) and then take the risk of exposing it all. Does the Daily Times, WBOC or even WMDT challenge Jim Ireton's plan on cleaning up the river in 10 years so people can swim in it again? Do they ever bring up the Old Mall property or even the TIF money taxpayers lost on that deal? How about all of the thousands of dead animals we exposed at the Zoo.
Salisbury News was created with no journalistic experience whatsoever. I simply could no longer stand to read or view the lies that were being told from the local media and our willing to expose the truth.
So now we've become the most visited news site on the Shore and we've earned it. Do tell me, (ALL OF YOU) has crime gone up or down since Lewis became Sheriff? IF it had come down, Lewis would be out there regularly pounding his chest about how great a job he's done. Do you ever see the other media challenging him on those numbers? No.
Leaders lead. Leaders make an incredible difference. I'm not saying in certain areas Lewis hasn't done so but in what is most important to the citizens, it's all hushed up because everyone else is too afraid to stand up to a little giant. I have no disrespect for Mike Lewis, he's a great guy. However, I have and always have had a job to do and this is why so many millions of people depend on what we put out there every day.
Because of our numbers I can clearly state that we have earned it. We do not LIE. Granted, there are some who may not like what they see but they cannot say we lied.
Since I started Salisbury News I have been sued and in each case walked away with victories. Every single time these people have challenged me their only goal was to defame me and discredit me. NONE of them were ever victorious in their LIES, yet the rest of the media published these cases with only what I was being charged with, not the truth or the other side. There have been bogus behind the scene investigations against me. Elected officials have abused their power to try and gain access to my sources and or to create these investigations against me, none of which ever stuck.
Heck, even Jim Ireton used his Police Chief to investigate a crime that started and finished in Delaware where it is a crime but they covered it up to make it a Maryland case where it is not a crime.
We have fought the establishment and we have won. If you want to say I am a narcissist, well, you go right ahead. However, there are 99 to your 1 people out there who respect what I do and know I have earned our place in the media. To start out as one person and go up against corporations who had staffed hundreds of people, I'd say we've done a pretty darned good job.
On January 1, 2016 you will clearly come to learn that without any advertising whatsoever, we have garnished more traffic then anyone else out there in our line of business. You can either stick around or you can simply go away. No one is putting a gun to anyone's head to come here on a daily basis.
Joe if you're going to stand up to lies include Culver, Strausburg and Ennis. Dare you to post this comment.
9:21, Such as??? I believe it was only SBYNews that exposed Strausburg regularly parked with a county vehicle at Back Street. I have never refrained from exposing OUR VIEW if we disagreed with Culver and who is Ennis? Dare you respond to this comment.
More I I I
In the broader context of Sheriff Lewis' comments regarding accountability, one must consider the following:
A large area of the city comprising small, large businesses, and residences were severely damaged or destroyed. In addition, according to reports 144 vehicles, including police and emergency, were destroyed. The total damage was in the millions of dollars.
Reports indicate that half of those that were arrested were released, even after Governor Hogan extended their jail time to 47 hours versus the normal 24 hours to give police additional time to place charges, they were unable to do so.
If we are to evaluate the magnitude of the destruction committed by the large number of rioters and arsonists, with reports indicating half of them were released, and that even currently we have not been informed of any facing serious jail time, one could ask where is the accountability.
Compared to the legal action and charges directed towards the police, it creates the impression that there was a lack and continues to be a lack of holding those accountable for the horrible and egregious acts committed.
Therefore, in the context of total accountability, the remarks made by Sheriff Lewis, in my opinion, accurately described the mishandling of justice regarding the Baltimore riots and situation.
Semper Fi,
MSgt Don Coffin, USMC(Ret)
Don, referencing accountability, no one can argue the punishments do not fit the crimes. If it were you or me, (which we would never do such a thing) we'd be in jail for a very long time.
I can respect where Mike Lewis is upset because they were not properly prosecuted. However, go back to Mike's QUOTE. Not one person has been held accountable and that absolutely is not true. He did not say not one has been accountable to the level of justice Mike believes they should have received, that's a whole different story.
He sensationalized the interview and mislead millions of viewers.
Thanks for your comment though Don.
Anybody want the link for a petition to have him impeached with this discription: We need to call for the impeachment of Mike Lewis from his position of Sheriff. He has been dishonest on numerous occasions including an occasion on national TV. He has supported police brutality. In a police brutality case he was quoted as saying "He (the victim) would have been a lot more banged up if it were me." He is more focused in being on TV and in the media then he is on helping his own county and community.
He quoted something incorrectly was he deliberately trying to lie, I don't think so. And I am sure for the ones that were charged in the riots and did damage to buildings in the city, did any of them actually pay for their vandalism? Or did they just serve time if even that? He and his men were there they took the abuse the same as the Baltimore Police Dept, and all the officers in Maryland are probably disgusted with the way they are perceived, cut him a little slack please. Mike Lewis is a good man and a good servant to Wicomico County and Salisbury, where would we be without him?
10:34 said, "He and his men were there they took the abuse the same as the Baltimore Police Dept"
Now you are trying to suggest rocks and bricks were thrown at Sheriff's Deputies???
Their vehicles are attacked and burned???
OMG, this is getting so ridiculous.
I thought Cope were real men, not drama pansies. Kind of reminds me of the SFD acting like they were all a part of 9-11. Give me a break.
2:13 AM
I couldn't have said it better.
LMAO. You go Joe.
Support from North Carolina.:-)
it's one thing for lewis to make a fool of himself, but he is also making fools of county residents, since he is an elected rep from that county.
take off that uniform lewis, you no longer deserve to wear it.
This won't hurt Mike in the slightest,but thanks for bringing it to light.
When Obama tries to grab our guns Mike won't endorse Obama's law.
Don don't let your ego mess with your success.
When watching Sheriff Lewis on FOX the other evening my thought was he was staying politically correct in his wording by saying
“Millions of dollars of damage had been done to Baltimore City, and not one of those individuals has been held accountable because we’re too busy recklessly charging police officers,”
I would have been bleeped off the air by FOX had I been the speaker and said
“Millions of dollars of damage had been done to Baltimore City, and not one of those THUGS (INCLUDING THE CITY LEADER) has been held accountable because THEY were too busy recklessly charging police officers, Who was "held accountable" when Baltimore City Leaders let Baltimore burn by telling the police to stand down? Who was "held accountable" when hundreds of thugs took to the streets looting, destroying and burning neighborhoods? Who is being "held accountable" when City officials paid millions of dollars to the family BEFORE any of the cops went on trial. It angers me that Millions of dollars in destruction was done and the irresponsible City leaders pay millions of dollars to the family before those policeman,(who have been arrested and charged) are actually found guilty"
I do not think Mike was lying because as I see it no one has been held responsible. I do not think the handful of individuals arrested and charged and in jail lave anything to do with accountable/responsible, unless restitution is required, as in the case posted yesterday on the three thugs in Berlin MD.
Here is where I differ with the commenters on here. According to the dictionary, held ACCOUNTABLE means held RESPONSIBLE. ACCOUNTABLE does not mean "ARRESTED or CHARGED". If it did, those six policemen are guilty. I agree with Sheriff Lewis' statement - up to a point. There was ONE who held herself accountable/responsible. That was the lady who chased her son, slapping him in the head, down the streets of Baltimore, for his actions. And what was her reward for her actions - An investigation into child abuse.
With our difference of opinion I expect this will not be posted to comments
Governor Hogan extended their jail time to 47 hours versus the normal 24 hours to give police additional time to place charges
those courts cost a lot of coin to operate too, even at $1.77 per three meals
10:36, He was lying. You people who come on here to defend his lies are just as bad as he is.
Here, let me make this very simple for each and every one of you...
Show ME the DNA evidence Mike Lewis had on Thomas Leggs to charge him with the death penalty.
You want to see a MASSIVE lie, come on people, show me one ounce of that evidence, because he NEVER had it. The man is a habitual liar.
Come on now, here's your chance to come after me. However, just remember, SBYNews was the ONLY news source that was at every hearing and trial on that case and guess what, they never had the DNA evidence to prosecute Leggs for the death penalty, never.
Now, should he have been sent to his death and did he do the murder, absolutely. But don't go pounding your chest and tell the voters who elected you a BIG FAT LIE just to make yourself look good. It was total BS. You must have three levels of evidence to charge someone with the death penalty and guess what, THEY DIDN'T HAVE EVEN ONE.
Why do you think they moved the trial to Elkton. They wanted it almost impossible for anyone to travel that far to cover that story every day to cover up the fact that they had lied and especially to the Foxwell Family. To give them that false hope was complete BS too.
So go ahead people, prove me to be wrong, YOU CAN'T. Lewis is a BS artist, plain and simple.
Yeah, I thought that might shut you up.
Why do you hate Mike?? I think he is great.
Lee Stevens for Sheriff 2018!
Lee Stevens is THE MAN! I must use all caps to talk about that guy! Joe he will be the next Sheriff!!!
Mr. Lewis doesn't know me.
I do not get how sheriffs can affix gold stars to lapels and shoulders for years of service instead of service stripes on there left side lower jacket sleeve.
Seems image goes really far these days.Looks good for the T.V. i guess
Mr Albero.. Thanks again for keeping the public up to date.
11:37, I don't hate anyone. I disagree with Mike Lewis and I don't handle myself like Mike Lewis and that bothers him. Mike has no clue how to agree to disagree. It's his way or the highway. God forbid you disagree with him or not bow to him.
Me, I like the way I live my life. I enjoy my friends, especially all of those friends who come out once a week to a bonfire and catch up. I don't need a pool or a fancy home to draw people. A simple bonfire is just fine.
I don't have to worry about my staff talking behind my back. I don't have to trace their cell phones to make sure my staff isn't calling Mike, if you get my drift. I don't have to scare them with their jobs if they do make contact with him.
I know who my friends are and I do not lie to them. I'll never forget when Mike got pissed off at me years ago when I exposed they never had the DNA evidence or ANY evidence to prosecute Leggs for the death penalty. He said that everyone at the Sheriffs Office thought I was crazy. That's right, he flat out said that to me. I said, Mike, tell me what DNA evidence you had to prove Leggs "MURDERED" her. He said they had DNA evidence, you're crazy. I sad, no Mike, you have DNA evidence that he "RAPED" her, just like the defense attorneys admitted to in court. So how am I crazy Mike? You lied to the public. You have to have two out of three things to get a judge to even consider the death penalty. One would be DNA and another would be a video confession, YOU HAD NEITHER. In fact, you had NOTHING.
Again, Folks, there's no question the man killed her. I'm simply clarifying, (as I did years ago) that Mike Lewis mislead and lied to the public. He knew they had to have at least two forms of evidence to go after the death penalty and they didn't even have one.
This wasn't just a bad day in course, this was a farce right from the very beginning. Think about all of the money that was spent to put on a death penalty trial, knowing you did not have the evidence to convict the man for the death penalty. Shame on Davis Ruark, Mike Lewis and Rick Pollitt.
So yes, Joe Albero is considered the Anti Christ for telling the truth and calling out the elected officials. Again, any one of you leo's can come on here and call me a liar. BRING IT ON.
Shawn Hannity 4 Sheriff!!!
Isn't each star 5 years in that position? Mike hasn't been sheriff for 20 years, is he just giving himself more bling? Sign this petition for his impeachment.
Mike Lewis is a legend in his own mind. He has many in this area thinking he is something. Take him out of this area and he is nothing. He is still upset that while he was in Baltimore that the people in the shelter gave him the finger and there was nothing he could do about it. He likes the control he has here in this county. His word has become golden by many. It doesn't matter that he and his deputies lie to and about people. Take him out of this area and his performance would be laughable and his lies would be exposed.
2:29, Reminds me of a big fish in a little pond. However, put that big fish in an ocean and it is quickly eaten for a snack.
I have life size Mike Lewis bobble head on the dash of my car
People keep in mind you all voted Mike Lewis to this office?
5:53, Lewis ran unopposed.
Thank you Sherriff Lewis for keeping my family safe
Joe, is it true you were able to visit Sara's body with Mike before anyone else got there? I've always been confused about those stories.
8:29, That is absolutely not true. It's bad enough I know all of the details of her death but I could never imagine having to live with such a memory in person.
Mike Lewis and his staff did an incredibly job securing the location and evidence. If we had a Sheriff with less experience I'm confident that area would have been contaminated and the evidence would not have been as strong.
So you see, I do not hate Mike Lewis, not at all. I simply disagree with him on certain matters.
Mike Lewis pretends to be a cops cop but he is not.
Jay pepper for Sherriff.
Boda for Sheriff!
I wish he devoted him "television expo time" to combating crime in this city!
Quit attempting to get on TV like Discovery, etc etc.
Do you even show up for work at your office???? He should be made to clock in and out...
Wicomico County Taxpayers should be asking him some serious questions about what he is doing to COMBAT crime, heroin epidemic, here in our county in which he is getting paid a very high salary. He just got a pay raise last year of extra $10,000.00 per year. EXTRA FOLKS!
He was NOT TELLING THE TRUTH!!!! if people starting reading Baltimore Sun or Washington Post, Joe is correct!
Those people were prosecuted! I was also confused when Mike Lewis was stating this when I knew creditable resources had previously published their convictions.
I too like Mile Lewis personally, but we need to asking him questions about what he is doing to make Wicomico County Drug FREE!!!!! If not drug free...then reduce the amount of drug crimes! I would like to know his plan for this county and how to reduce crime!
10:11 maybe you can run for Sheriff and show us how it is done. Keep up the great work Mike we have your 6.
Is there a Plan? I too would like to know! What is the plan for fighting
crime here in Wicomico County?
2nd: Specifically, what is the plan for fighting drug crimes?
3rd: What is the plan for preventing drug use?
4th: Why is there so much Crime in Wicomico County?
I don't need smart-ass responses. I need educated, concrete facts!!
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