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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jeb Bush Viewed As The Most Unfavorable Candidate In Iowa

An Iowa poll released Tuesday by Public Policy polling has Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton remaining in the lead in their respective parties and Jeb Bush as the Republican candidate viewed most unfavorable by Republican voters.
This poll shows a sharp decline for Bush in the Hawkeye state, just a month ago in August PPP had him polling at 11 percent, now he is at 6, his real issue though is with favorablity.
Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 12.09.56 PM
That number makes him the most unfavorable Republican candidate according to the poll.


Anonymous said...

It will be Jeb Bush because he has raised the most money. Always follow the money in elections.

Anonymous said...

He's the only one with a shot of winning on the GOP side.

Anonymous said...

Not really 12:51, George ruined that chance. People will ask themselves was I better off under a Bush or a Clinton?
Not really fair but that is what will happen.

Anonymous said...

Said he was the only one with a shot 1:40, That didn't mean it was a good shot.

Anonymous said...

Why does it have to be either one of them. It's time for someone new.

Anonymous said...

No more Bushes, please.

Anonymous said...

Hello, 2:12, the once great GOP has been hijacked by wacko extremists that make it possible for candidates like Trump and Cruz chase off all the legitimate candidates. Only reason Jeb survives is his war chest. Either way the GOP has no chance at winning a General Election against any Democrat; at least they have sense enough to play to the center, that's where General Elections are won.

Anonymous said...

2:16 They have the most money, so it will be the two of them, all the rest is one big show for media ratings.

Anonymous said...

If Jeb Bush wins the nomination, we loose to the Democratic candidate. I for one will never vote for an establishment rino. I along with other conservative republicans, will vote to a third party candidate in protest. It's time to get rid of dynasty's.