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Friday, August 21, 2015

WalMart Starts Tackling Beggars


Anonymous said...

I think ours have moved to the Kmart shopping center now. Saw a girl with a sign right there as I was leaving Taco Bell and a male and bike along with assorted other stuff was behind and on top of what I am thinking was an electric box there.

Anonymous said...

Why work when you have lots of stupid people who will give you money for nothing, and all tax free too.

Anonymous said...

Why work when you can sit on two stolen milk crates with a crude cardboard sign and people just give you money? Then at the end of the day walk to the other end of the parking lot and climb into your 2014 Chevy/Ford extended cab 4X4 and drive back home to your 3 bedroom rancher!

Anonymous said...

What happened to Nick Parks? Is he in jail?

Steve said...

Sitting at the Home Depot light the other day, some caring soul came out of Applebee's to give the beggar woman a soda. After she thanked him profusely, he hadn't stepped back on Applbee's parking lot yet before I saw her drawing out the vodka bottle behind her sign! LOL!

She's just there to be a successful alkie!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am tired of seeing and being approached by the same people, year after year, claiming that they're "homeless."
After a while it becomes evident that some of them are "homeless" by choice. At that point, I tend to think of them not as homeless, but as bums, people who avoid work and sponge off others, eliciting sympathy and ill-deserved charity from those who don't know them for what they are.
They give the real homeless a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Homeless people don't have a place to wash clothes and shave, all you have to do is look at most of them and you know they are fake!

Anonymous said...

The bury.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a place to wash clothes and shave? Ask a Marine or a soldier or sailor.

Anonymous said...

"Begging" is their job. Why would they want a job with WalMart?

Anonymous said...

I learned years ago at a church I attended, if you offered them a sandwich and drink, they did not want it, just money they would say. Unfortunately for those that want to do good and help, we are just being enablers, the same goes when you offer some yard work around your house they are not interested. It is not like long ago when they really did need food, clothing and work.

Anonymous said...

To the people who feel sorry (or guilt) for them donate your money to a shelter. There are to many resources out there for them to be begging. (lazy)