Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened?
Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama, who won the White House with over 95% of the black — and 45% of the white — vote?
A recent New York Times/CBS News poll [1] just revealed that about 60% of Americans feel race relations are not good. Some 40% think that they will become even worse. Yet when Obama was elected, 66% of those polled felt race relations were generally OK. All racial groups, according to recent polling, believe that Obama’s handling of racial relations has made things worse since 2009. Another recent Pew poll confirms these tensions, and suggests whites are now about as pessimistic as blacks.
What has happened to racial relations?
Crime. A small cohort of urban African-American males under fifty — no more than 3-4% of the general population — is responsible for about 50% of many of the violent crimes committed. Blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit rather suffer an interracial crime, which makes up less than 10% of most violent crime. Both the analysis and solution have become taboo subjects. Writing the above is a near thought crime.
Lost in the ballyhoo is that Obama is mixed race; 50% white due to his mother and 50% black due to his Kenyan father. He could have just as easily claimed to be white but he chose to call himself black because for his purposes it promised more rewards and consideration than if he was viewed as white.
He also could have poured oil on the waters by characterizing himself as mixed, which is becoming more common.
Instead he chose to drive wedges rather than drawing us closer.
His tenure has been lawless and driven by his personal ego and radical beliefs but his abject failure to really advance our interracial topics may be his greatest failure. And given the number and magnitude of his failures that's really a tragedy. Martin Luther King weeps.
Reverend Al reminds me of a scrawny grease ball weasel and/or a nasty black smurf that no kid would want.
While blacks are 95% more likely to suffer a black on black violent crime, Rev Al instead goes for the easy meat, the stuff that brings him diamond studded solid gold cuff links, silk suits and $300 haircuts, while bringing his supporters only a bad taste in their mouths. He has so many people fooled!
Civil unrest is what his plan was.
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