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Monday, June 08, 2015

Amid Campaign Meltdown, Carson Claims 'Sabotage'

Famed neurosurgeon Ben Carson smells dissent within his ranks.

"I thought it was ridiculous, obviously someone is making an attempt to sabotage," Carson told the Washington Examiner. "I don't know who this is, but there's no truth to it whatsoever. I talked to my campaign and they said things are going as well as possible."

The neurosurgeon-turned-presidential-hopeful denied chaos within his campaign following the publication of a Washington Post article, which reported the loss of four senior campaign staffers and the sweeping disarray within his two allied super PACs. He also denied any knowledge of the source of the "sabotage."

Campaign chairman Terry Giles resigned last month with the intention of forming a third super PAC. Leaving along with Giles was deputy campaign manager Stephen Rubino, a longtime Giles associate, as well as national finance chairman Jeff Reeter and general counsel Kathy Freberg. With the loss of these key aides, Carson is left with few experienced, high-level political operatives.

According to the article in question, this significant loss of staff has created "turmoil" for Carson's 2016 run, as the aides have yet to be replaced. The Post went on to highlight concerns of "dysfunction" due to "amateurism." This is Carson's first time running for elected office.

But he's not worried about the loss of staffers or the apparent confusion within his PACs. His business manager Armstrong Williams says that Carson prefers to stay as "far away from the PACs as possible" so he can focus on the people.

"It was decided when we switched over from our exploratory committee to our actual campaign that many people would leave it," Carson explained. "There was nothing rancorous about it. I was surprised about the Washington Post article to be honest. "

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Anonymous said...

This is NOT a is a sign that these supporters have realized that he is NOT presidential material. Wonderful person maybe...but that is not enough.

Steve said...

Ben is just fine. He needed to lose the quitters. Nobody needs that on their team. I am supporting Ben Carson.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to Ben Carson. May God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Dr Ben Carson is VERY much "presidential material." Unfortunately we are surrounded by imbeciles, morons, idiots and others in the low IQ range who vote for lying losers like obama. They are paying for it now by burying their black children in record numbers. They grew it now they can keep their mouths shut and keep on digging the graves.
When Dr Carson was hired to head the Pediatric Neurosurgery dept of Hopkins there was no such thing. He had to start from scratch and he used his skills to put together a world renowned unit, that other hospitals used for their models. If putting together the unit and the team isn't what being a good competent president is all about then nothing is.

Anonymous said...

Now he wants to play the victim. Maybe he just take responsibility for his own short comings.