DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Breaking News Alert
Fyi, government vehicles being spotted in rural areas outside Salisbury, marked "wetlands" on their vehicle, are trespassing on peoples property and marking any areas with water with pink ribbons, each marked with an alpha numeric code. They do not ask for permission to be on your land, they just appear. It just happened to one of my neighbors. He is furious and said he's been seeing them moving around the area. Not sure what it's about, possibly EPA ? New water law enforcement from Obama? Watch and check your property! Will be checking my property tonight weather permitting.
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It's a land grab by the EPA! Any ditch or piece of property that has standing water after a rainfall will be declared protected wetlands and you will not even be able to cut the grass on it without a permit from the EPA! Another agency out of control and needs to be abolished! Keep voting lliberal socialist in and we will have no rights at all!
Please take pictures of the truck and or the pink ribbons--I would never let a government vehicle on my property without a warrant-
it rained really hard at my house this morning just before dawn....I am sure those chemtrails had nothing to do with it :(
This land gab is not just large tracts of land but to any property no matter how small, if there is standing water after a rain it is wetlands!
Yes take pictures. I live on the water and the extremes theses "environmentalists" go to is insane. I would take down the markers....and call the police.
I've seen this vehicle entering a property off of Meadow Bridge Rd. It pulled to the right and let me pass before it took a left onto a property. I'll be on the look out and photograph it if I see it again.
They have right of way.
2:14 is right, also if you mess with them or the markers you could be fined and arrested. There's no big conspiracy here, they are simply marking and monitoring wetlands. Get a grip.
I'll follow and film them. I'll confront them and throw their asses of the property!
Confront them and take them in custody until police arrive. Trespassing.
Grip this, moron! So you wouldn't mind your government coming onto your property unannounced? Does this end with them marking mud puddles in your back yard? You would prefer government agencies to take liberties in what other aspects of our lives? American citizen my ass. Just give it all away cause you never had to sacrifice anything to enjoy OUR rights. Think about that for as long as your feeble little brain can.
If they are surveyors then BY LAW they have right of access to gain information needed to preform survey if authorized by a licensed surveyor.. Sounds like a wetlands survey.. The have right of access. Let them work.
You all are paranoid and still have Direct TV.
Go to www.narlo.org to get proper no trespassing signs.
Look 2:52, I will assume that you are just some kind of keyboard tough guy and leave it at that. I will also inform you that I have paid my dues in the military specifically Anbar Province Iraq, two tours protecting your freedom to be that imbecile in a keyboard. You really ought not assume too much about others on a blog. Now go back to your moms basement and hide behind that keyboard I paid for jerk.
3:04 you are uninformed, sit back and drink some more liberal kool-aid and keep giving your rights away! By the time you come to you'll realize the only privacy you have is the thoughts echoing in your empty skull!
Grip this moron! LOL!
Will you All stop already....
It is the Obama 's looking for a good place to grow their Marijuana Plants for goodness sake!!!
They aren't government vehicles. They have Virginia and Maryland tags. Here is the website. Geeze let them work. http://www.wetlands.com
They have to know how much rain we received to tax us accordingly
They come on my property and place ribbons they will be gone by morning.
My property is properly posted and in plain view. Nuff said.
Directly correlated to the military plane (based on flight path).
Your story tells who you are. Your a sheriffs deputy! Your were a hero. You flipping zero! Think everyone will believe cops. They know all.
I own 600 acres. Bring it! I'd love to grow pot instead of feed corn.
If you have no tresspassing signs up, they have to ask first!
If they erect a structure (yes a stake in the ground can be considered a structure) they have to notify you first!
Me, I would pull all of their markers if they didn't ask first as I could easily say it looked like a tresspasser was trying to run a path through my property!
Step on my land and they will be warned and if they don't comply.....shot
LOL wow look at the paranoia, typical eastern shore morons.
I have seen them and they are doing most of the work with in the power line right of way. The pink flags either pin flags in the ground or handing pink ribbon from trees will have typically NT 1 or NTW 1 in numerical order. The idea is to have them survey or GPS located. Delmarva Power was recently involved in a notice of violation for impacting wetlands without authorization while performing maintenance on the trees. This project spanned MD and VA. They are also upgrading a lot of the power poles from wood to new steel poles. From what I have seen they seem to be delineating the wetlands along the Right of Way to keep themselves out of unpermitted areas.
I don't think its an issue of paranoia. It's a property rights issue. My property - stay off!
Wetlands survey to tell you what you can and can't do with your own property!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They have right of way.
March 26, 2015 at 2:14 PM
NO ONE has any right of way on MY property, I don't give a damn who it is. Cops need a warrant or probable cause. Anyone else better ask first or they are trespassing and will be dealt with accordingly.
You people are a shame. And whoever thinks he is protecting our freedom ANYWHERE is misguided. When we are invaded and you repel the attackers, THEN you may protect our freedoms, or whatever else the warmongers in DC brainwash you with.
He has a sheriff's deputy? Of his very own? He also has a hero? Wow! You're crazy!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
LOL wow look at the paranoia, typical eastern shore morons.
March 26, 2015 at 6:33 PM
No fat ass, it's called standing up for your rights. Grow a pair, or take off ur bra.
Not one farmer or landowner caught these guys on his property and didn't kill one of them?
I guess once you do one of them, its game on and ya might as well do the others, too.
Put one of those pretty little flags in the pool of liquid accumulating beside their head.
Or stay off private property.
Government and local police and state police getting out of control!!!!
Gee..., ya think so, do ya?
I'm right behind 10:46PM, if enough of 'em 'go missing' the word'll get out.
These Wetlands people were in our townhouse community located in Salisbury city limits. We've already lost all our property rights in these kind of [communist] communities to the dictating Homeowners Association anyway, so unfortunately I'm used to it.
3:04 was just cracking a joke, but I guess you morons don't watch ANY TV.
The good news is now we can sell our house when the times comes as water front.
Agenda 21
I'll go anywhere I want and put up all the pink ribbons I want and there's nothing you peasants can do about it! Now stfu!
Now people care about rights. Only when it effects them.
Idiot.. You moved into a community run by a homeowners association.
Need to find out where they live and protest or post signs and see how they like it,that's how you deal with them but of course you will most likely be arrested for it because they have power in high places.
Anyone thought of chatting w/ 'em to see who they are and what they're doing?
Could save a lot of guessing.
Why would any of these hucks do something like that? They would rather talk tough and rev up thier trucks in your general direction, then actually use any energy and walk thier beer bellies over to ask a question.
Just ask them politely what's up, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you. How hard is that?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just ask them politely what's up, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you. How hard is that?
March 29, 2015 at 1:47 PM
About as hard as it is to ASK before entering PRIVATE PROPERTY
Typical wetlands delineation, like 7:05 stated.
Done the same thing many times while working with Surveyors.
"Wetlands" whether Tidal or Non Tidal are already protected areas, no matter who "owns" them.
Nothing new here.
So if my family has owned my property for over 110 years it is already protected wet lands? Go rub yourself!
Please trespass on my land. I want you to. I need the target practice.
Haha! You guys crack me up. 7:05 was one of the few intelligent posts here. Everyone jumps to conclusions without taking the time to understand what's going on. Most of the time there are logical and legal reasons why things are done the way they are. If you want to accuse someone of illegal activity, be intelligent yourself and get some facts to back up your statements before you speak.
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