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Thursday, August 28, 2014

3 Points and 3X the Money...

First they said we would never be able to close the gap to single digits...WE'VE NARROWED IT TO JUST 3 POINTS!

Then they said we would never have enough money to run a competitive race...WELL, THEY WERE WRONG AGAIN!

Campaign finance reports were released last night and we have a tremendous financial advantage over Anthony Brown!  As a matter of fact, we have 3X more than Brown!

3 Points x 3X CASH ON HAND
DONATE $9, $90 or $900!

Brown spent millions in the primary attacking his opponents, and immediately declared himself the future Governor, assuming he only need wait for Coronation Day!

He never imagined that he would have a real fight in the general election with a viable opponent, but we've proven him wrong again!

With only 69 days left in the election, we are positioned to WIN this race. We have narrowed Brown's lead to only 3% and currently have 3X the cash on hand of the Brown campaign.

We've secured more money AND a statistical tie!  No wonder the Brown campaign is in PANIC mode and running desperate, false attack ads against us!

What frustrates Brown's team more than anything, is WE KNOW THEIR PLAYBOOK and WE ARE PREPARED:
  • We know he'll point to the future, because he can't talk about his failed past.
  • We know they'll label us "right-wingers", but our focus is on bi-partisanship solutions that are good for ALL MARYLANDERS.
  • We know he'll announce program after program for "growth", but has NO way to pay for them other than raising taxes AGAIN!
Over the course of the next 69 days, you will continue to hear about my solutions on how we'll CHANGE MARYLAND for the better.

Our momentum will continue to build because Marylanders want a Governor who is focused on cutting taxes, bringing jobs back to Maryland and restoring our state's economy!

Please make a donation to our effort today to keep us at a financial advantage.
Thank you for your support,


Larry Hogan
P.S. Help us change Maryland by making a donation TODAY!


Anonymous said...

The sad part about this is that 80% of the counties in MD will have higher votes for Hogan. Only a few counties will have higher votes for Brown. However those few counties control the state. I truly don't believe MD will see a republican governor for many years to come. I will still cast my ballot in an effort to do my part for the change that our state truly needs. However I know the chances of change are very slim.

Anonymous said...

You dam people are always asking for money we certainly don't have. Some of us are out of work. Some of us need a pay raise. Some of us need to put food on our table. Got to pay the mortgage, electric, telephone, rain water and cable. Baby need new shoes. Dog and cat need food. Some of us need gas money. When are ya'll gonna the middle class, the poor, kids, elders and veterans.