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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Should There Be Choking Warning Labels On Food?

Choking is a leading cause of injury in children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, especially those four years and younger. Although the number of choking incidents involving toys and toy parts has gone down in the last 20 years due to manufacturer and federal government warnings, the number of food-choking cases in youngsters is still high.

"We have done a great job in this country (of) preventing choking in children on toys, “says Dr. Gary Smith, co-author of a new study on choking injuries and a professor of pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. “Since the 1990s we've had laws and regulations, systems where we can monitor these injuries when they happen. We have no such systems in place currently for food."

The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, reviewed thousands of statistics on children who had choking-related emergency room visits between 2001 to 2009. The study authors found that an average of 12,400 children under the age of 15 were treated for non-fatal, food-related choking each year, which equals about 34 children per day.



Anonymous said...

So what you choke to death or die from plugged arteries. Your dead either way.

Dana said...

There's too much government involvement now. Let the parents do their job and monitor their kids while they eat. Now if you were to give Michelle Obama and her husband something to choke on, I'd be all for that! :)

Anonymous said...

Ban all food now its killing our kids.

Anonymous said...

Just tell the kids to not put food in their mouths. It will keep them from choking and then you won't need your food stamps or money! Win-win!

Anonymous said...

you can choke on any food or drink.

lmclain said...

I KNEW we hadn't run out of things that the liberal "we know whats best for you" idiots could start passing restrictions and laws against (to "protect us"). If they really want to protect us, maybe they should jump out of their 13th story window. One can actually imagine some kind of "monitoring" of grocery purchases, "classes" for welfare mothers to instruct them on which foods are "dangerous", extra surcharges on certain grocery items (to pay for all these laws and classes), and (don't laugh), cameras in one's home to insure (with appropriate fines, of course) "compliance" and proper serving methods. Keep cheering.

Anonymous said...

Don't choke on a gulp of water!

Anonymous said...

Why would they need a choking label. It's food! If they choke on it is because they are talking with there mouths full or being greedy about food.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever choked on a hot dog at Camden Yards?Countless millions of people have gone to Orioles games and who knows how many millions of hot dogs have been consumed.Just curious.

Anonymous said...

No one chocked on the hotdog in the ballpark, but many were mugged and beaten as soon as the went outside.