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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Childishness Of The American Left

The American left is the most self-indulgent, arrogant, and spoiled group of people on the face of the earth. They live in a nation facing national bankruptcy and societal upheaval -- a country presently subsisting on the residue of past economic achievements. Yet the only things that matter to them are their lifestyles and imposing their self-determined superiority on rest of the American people.

The true indebtedness of the United States now exceeds $222 trillion. Appearing on National Public Radio in August of 2011 Professor Laurence J. Kotlikoff of Boston University said:

If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, and subtract all the taxes we expect to collect, the difference is $211 Trillion. This is the fiscal gap. That is our true indebtedness.

Since that interview, the indebtedness has increased by another $11 trillion. Yet these estimates do not include the full impact of ObamaCare, which could add another $17+ trillion. On the other side of the ledger: the annual Gross Domestic Product (the value of all economic activity in the U.S.) is $15.6 trillion. The indebtedness to GDP ratio is a staggering 14.2 to 1 and guaranteed to further accelerate if Barack Obama is re-elected.

The United States is not facing bankruptcy, it is bankrupt. The primary factor that has kept the nation afloat over the past four years is that the dollar, albeit temporarily, remains the world's reserve currency, thus allowing the Federal Reserve to print enormous sums of money to cover the Obama budget deficits and flood the global market with near worthless cash. Today it requires $100.00 to purchase the same goods $10.00 purchased in 1950.



Anonymous said...

Don't forget that both political parties are totally lying to you right now. The Dems say everything is fine. The Repubs say they will cut costs, which is true to a point. Govt. spending will continue to rise, just at a slightly lesser rate.

Get your money out of the stock market now. Get your moey out of your 401K now. Before they come for it

lmclain said...

Its a Ponzi scheme and every one --- every single one -- of the seantors ans representatives should be arrested and imprisoned. And just like all Ponzi schemes, it will crash VERY quickly. If it wasn't such a horrendously scary scenario, it would be funny to watch these same "leaders" and all the goofs who keep saying "the system is working" ask each other "why didn't we see this coming?". Answer? Because our "leaders" DELIBERATELY (and with malicious greed) don't tell us the truth and the goofs refuse to see ANYTHING that doesn't fit their "everything is roses!" misguided beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Just this morning, it was reported that NO ONE is going to go to jail for the MF Global collapse. John Corzine, big Obama fundraiser, is going to go away scot free. The rule of law is now officially dead.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has anything saved for retirement, buy metal silver and gold now. real in hand metal. Money will collapse, metal will not. I wish I had anything but Social Security. This is going to suck.