"I’m not sure what Albero’s point is, aside from perhaps a publicity gimmick to promote his site. If that’s the case, give him an A for marketing but an F for being taken seriously for future political endeavors."
I have known Michael for several years now and without a doubt the man is so into himself it's scary.
On several occasions recently I've overheard Michael telling people he's an elected official on the Central Committee, winning by just a couple of votes, as he claims. However, this is one of those positions very few people even want to be involved in, but it's whatever. I'm personally grateful Michael is involved because he's very detailed as well as dedicated.
My disappointment in Michael is the fact that I have been available to discuss my position to run for Mayor of Salisbury. In fact. my Wife and I were sitting right next to him a couple weeks ago at the Farm and Home Show and he could have easily asked me if I was serious, what my platform will be and so forth.
Instead, Michael did an article calling my campaign a political stunt to gain hits for Salisbury News. Is Michael a true republican? He has the opportunity to ask, he's in the reporting business, yet he never once asked me a single question, how convenient for him.
Michael has always been a somewhat jealous kind of guy. He's a man very verbose in his posts but has a very tiny following, like less than 100 hits a day. For someone who has been blogging for about 7 years now and still only has around 100 people a day visiting his Site, HELLO! Michael's opinion is about as useless as this Post, I guess.
I would simply think that as a fellow republican he'd at least give me a fair shake. The man knows I've moved to Salisbury. The man knows I'm married and we're raising our Grandson. To THINK I'm playing some kind of game is just foolish and irresponsible, especially since he's never asked me any questions and he's had several opportunities.
I guess his ties with Julie Brewington and Jonathan Taylor outweigh his ability to tell the truth. Nevertheless Michael, you know my cell number, you know my Salisbury address, your welcome to call or stop by if you'd like to give your viewers more truth than fantasy.
And now you know why he only gets 100 hits a day. I give you an "F" for Blogging Michael, so we're even. By the way, how was Blogging Summer School?
I have no clue who this person is. He looks like a doofus to me.
I dread this time of the year. Michael is a nice man but doesn’t really understand the Republican Party. During the last election he had a booth at the beer and wine feast. In talking with him during that event I found he was nothing more than a walking billboard. If it’s sticky he will wear it. If it has spikes he will stick it in the ground. Dress for the job you want not the one you have. Stop looking like a walking billboard.
Is everyone expected to know who this is? If you wouldn't mind a little constructive (I hope) criticism: Many of your stories about local politics and government agencies assume a background knowledge that not all readers have. I often feel as if I've been dropped into the middle of a story, and I'm just lost.
2:25-Thats the intention of this story,to tell us everything but tell us nothing.
So I'm sitting here rejecting one comment after the other because they're all saying the same thing, who is this Michael guy.
I thought MAYBE if I showed his picture in the article, some of you might figure it out. Nevertheless, he's Michael Schwartz, (or something like that).
Michael is one of those people who is friendly to your face but will turn on you the instant he feels it will improve his Blog, as we've seen many times before in political races. If you don't serve him a free burger and a beer, (obviously) he's no longer happy with you.
The problem isn't the fact that he'll turn. The problem is, the guy actually believes he's somebody. Michael doesn't show up when citizens are out cleaning up communities. However, he is that guy who sits back and writes about it, a LOT like Jonathan Taylor. To these guys they feel like they've actually done a service to the community.
The difference between me and them is that I actually get out theree and do something about it. Michael put his name in the hat for the central committee because there was no real competition. He'd never run for Mayor, well, because as a LOT of you have proven, no one knows who he is.
I have always tried to give Michael a fair shake. Sure, I've critisized Michael on Posts he's done in the past but it's probably been two years since I've even mentioned his name here on Salisbury News.
I'm sure he did his Post to get me to give him some attention. Lord knows he needs it.
I just wonder how the rest of the republicans on the Shore feel about a guy on the Central Committee critisizing another Republican for having the stones to NOT just critisize Salisbury but actually get out there and run for Office in order to make a positive difference.
Like I said in the article, Michael had several opportunities to sit down and talk with me but he didn't. His article was more of a hit piece. I guess Michael supports a do nothing Mayor like Jim Ireton instead?
Um,Um,Um what was i saying?
That buffoon exemplifies what's wrong with the GOP and why Obama may win when he should not have a chance.
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