If you’ve ever had a conversation about the minimum wage with friends and family, you invariably hear an argument about how raising it would hurt small businesses.
There is compelling academic research that increasing the minimum wage doesn’t dramatically impact employment levels, but a new study underscores another important point—most people earning minimum wage work for large, profitable corporations.
Putting a picture of walmart up, in this case, is kind of in bad taste.
90% of the time, Wal Mart will not start you off at minimum wage. You will at least be started off at 8$/hour. They also give quite a few raises every year, as long as you do your job. Obviously you wont get to 20$/hour pushing shopping carts or standing at the register, but they do have opportunities for advancement, something that MOST other retail stores lack.
It's called, "Slave Labor."
2:55 PM Actually its more like "indentured servitude"
Before long it won't matter how much you pay someone as the dollar will be worthless. Once that happens I might have to start paying people in wampum.
lol. $0.25 raise is advancement. Whats funnier is that you guys will scream "educate yourself and get a better job" then complain because the fed loans money so people can do exactly that.
Minimum wage was designed for teenage workers not for adults to raise a family on. If you want to earn more then develop your skill set you don't get a trophy for just showing up in the real world.
dleo9148 said...
2:55 PM Actually its more like "indentured servitude"
Same same.
I am private business. I start you off at a living wage of at least 13 an hour, and a quick raise with showing your work. I don't want $8 employees, it costs too dang much to teach them, and usually they want to be continually "taught" so they don't have to do it themselves! Give me loyal employees who want to accomplish goals, and your pay goes WAY up!
Don't want that? Don't apply.
7:53 PM
What kind of work?
To dleo9148,
Slave labor or indentured servitude, its all the same. It's people working for pennies or people working for nothing. For pennies or nothing, one becomes the property of big businesses and corporations. Some become house slaves. The rest becomes field slaves. All taking direction from the masters.
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