Mayor James Ireton, Jr. will be joined by downtown supporters and business owners today at 1:00 pm on the plaza outside the City Center building to make a statement about the City Council’s rejection of his entire downtown revitalization initiative.
Oh, wait till he hears of my plans for Downtown.
Then you'll understand why!
Then we will understand why what?
Little boy didn't get his little way so he is going to throw a little fit. A little sad don't think.
I hope he has a permit for the fireworks show he is getting ready to shoot off.
What is your plan? Can you post it?
Poor Jim can't get a break. His plan is a good one right? NOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!
Ireton is going to show how much he hates women again.
I didn't know Ireton hates women. He acts just like one.
They rejected your plan because it sucks. Albero has the greatest plan ever introduced for downtown and it will work. Your gonna lose this election Jim. Albero for Mayor.
Now the DA has a plan. It only took him is entire term to come up with one. JEESH
Get a good picture of him Joe. I know he hates that.
Can you give us the details on this Republican bumper sticker? If this man hates Republicans so much and is so outspoken he should not be the Mayor of our non partisan city.
Jim sure does have predy lips!
What is his shoe size?
I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick of Jim Ireton's daily piss and moan press conferences. He loves the negative press and he is making the city more of a laughing stock than Barrie Comagees ever did. Some one with any sense from his party needs to put some sense into his head. This is ridiculous.
Thank goodness that we will be free of Jimbeau for a week soon when he goes to the Democrat Convention, along with Laura Mitchell, to help nominate his idol -- Obama.
What is his shoe size?
Ireton went to Annapolis to support the gay marriage bill. Did he go on our dime or his own.
Size 15 shoe, your lying right?
He just wears big shoes to make men jealous. His toes are 3 inches shy of the tip of his shoes.
Anonymous said...
Thank goodness that we will be free of Jimbeau for a week soon when he goes to the Democrat Convention, along with Laura Mitchell, to help nominate his idol -- Obama.
July 3, 2012 11:26 AM
Who is paying for Laura Mitchell's trip to the convention? She is unemployed and lives on subsidized housing so I know she can't afford it herself.
The center of all of Jim's problems is Jim himself.
Anonymous said...
Ireton went to Annapolis to support the gay marriage bill. Did he go on our dime or his own.
July 3, 2012 11:42 AM
Are you going to the press meeting Joe?
If yes are you going as press or a business owner?
Don't you worry Joe. This guy is burying himself. When I listened to his radio interview I couldn't believe all the personal attacks against you. He wants you to be civil but then he goes on accusing you of all sorts of things. The council obviously knows you have a better plan. What bothers me about this press conference is that Ireton just cannot accept that you have better ideas. My husband and I will be voting for you.
Things are heating up around here and I am noting talking about the temputure.
Why does he hate Republicans so much? And he had the nerve to call you a homophobe, woman hater, immigrant hater, etc. You never did anything and he is caught red handed bashing republicans. His political career is toast.
You may not be a republican, (I'm not either) but I'll be voting for one to be our next mayor. You treat my women friends on the council like dirt and Joe has always been respectful. The interview did you in Jim.
Hey you sexy thing you!
Shame on Jim for letting his supports down the way he has. I really did expect more from him. Sorry to say he has run out of time. Joe you have my vote and I will be telling everyone I know how I am voting.
I hear a storm is coming! His name Joseph Albero. So prepare yourself for some serious clean up!
His plan is the same plan that was introduced in 2005. It didn't work then and won't work now. Seven years of that plan didn't do a thing. Best thing Jimmy can do for downtown is just GET OUT!
Nobody cares about his press conferences. If he keeps up with these childish outbursts he calls press conferences, the press won't even show up.
He has city employees go to his press conferences on the taxpayers back so that it looks like somebody cares what he has to say!
Our tax dollars pay for his cheer leaders.
So that bumper sticker speaks volumes about who he appoints or doesn't appoint as department heads. And that is not bias or discrimination?
His trip to the Democratic convention won't cost the taxpayers anything. He's going with a date and the other guy is paying for the room.
Anonymous said...
He has city employees go to his press conferences on the taxpayers back so that it looks like somebody cares what he has to say!
Our tax dollars pay for his cheer leaders.
July 3, 2012 12:54 PM
Bingo, that is Jimmy's motive. The City Council needs to put a stop to this. My taxes pay for the city employees and department heads to work, not be warm bodies to make the crowd look larger. Jim Ireton the city employees can't stand you so quit forcing them to be your crowd. Make it optional and I guarantee the only suck up that will be there is Jessie Cocci.
Please move this to the top. Keep the local news together.
The council has no power over the mayor when it comes to directing staff and department heads. Maybe that's just the problem.
3:47 --
OC doesn't have this problem as has been demonstrated.
I work at PRMC and live on Hall Dr. in Salisbury. Tomorrow I work from I work from 8:00AM to 8:00PM; now I find that Jim Ireton an Mike Dunn and the city will close South Division St. at 8:00PM. I won't be able to get to my home after work to rest, eat dinner, enjoy my 4th of July nor will the more than one hundred neighbors be able come or go from their homes. Thanks Jim Ireton.
You have him on the ropes Joe. Time to ground and pound.Keep up the pressure.
Jimmy will be unable to attend the fireworks in Willards tonight.
It's Red Hot Chili Pepper Enema Night at the Blue Moon in Rehobeth tonight
i just saw jimmy on WMDT, mark my words, he's close to the edge and is about ready to jump off the roof any time soon. What a bozo and his little dog mitchell too.
I also saw Jim Beau on TV spewing venom at his press conference about the newest, latest petition by Mitchell and himself.
We all know Jim by now, and he's in full melt down mode.
Another petition for Mitchell, the freshman council person that wanted to remove the Lord's prayer from our city council meetings. The same council person that used all of Salisbury's travel budget for council people, all on her own?
She first needs to learn her obligations to the citizens she represents before she tries to have other good, hard working and honest council persons removed. It's pure jealousy, that's all there is to it.
Let me get this straight. One question, the city website belongs to the citizens of Salisbury, how can Mitchell and Ireton provide links to a petition that would be a conflict of city business?
Granted, they both have the right to start a petition, however, not with Salisbury city taxpayer resources. DUH
This is an abuse of power.
The council may not have any power over the mayor in regards to deligating city staff members, but the taxpayers do.
Having paid city employees ordered to go to his little whine conferences, (To make it look like people/citizens are there for the camera) is definately an abuse of power and a waste of city funds, when we, the taxpayers are footing the bill.
City employees should be doing city work, not playing politics in the sand box with Ireton and Mitchell.
These are the same failed plans that have been churning for years.
Thank God he isn't a Republican, most Democrats wouldn't want him either, what a piece of $#!*. Spoiled, prone to temper tantrum, and not in touch with reality are the three decriptive statements I would use to describe Jimbo. He needs to go and fast. Oh, and by the way take the deadly three with you. Happy 4th of July.
Anonymous said...
Hey you sexy thing you!
July 3, 2012 12:07 PM
See Joe is not a Homophobe. He posts these comments from other dudes.
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