ANNAPOLIS, MD (June 28, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley and Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown today released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act:
“President Obama and Congress chose to pass the Affordable Care Act because the status quo was hurting our ability to create jobs, expand opportunity, and protect the health of our children and parents.
“In upholding the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Supreme Court chose to protect the lives of millions of Marylanders and millions of Americans. American businesses will be more competitive in the global economy with lower health care costs and a healthier workforce. Parents will be able to keep their children on their health care plans until age 26. Seniors will avoid the Medicare Donut Hole. And by 2014, no American will be denied health care coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
“Today’s decision gives considerable momentum to our health care reform efforts here in Maryland. What it does not – and indeed must not – do, is give us license to take our eye off the ball or slow our progress. Moms, dads, and kids throughout Maryland are counting on their elected leaders to continue the mission of lowering costs, and improving the quality of care.
“We remain as committed as ever to moving forward on behalf of our families. We must move forward, not back.”
How do these idiots think that higher medical benefit expenses to the employer is going to create business?
These people are idiots!! Better buy the ammo while you're still allowed..
Be prepared!!
The picture at the top of this post may as well be Marx and Lennin.
Try Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, 12:11.
Omalley only knows how to create state jobs-PERIOD. Like the speed camera inititive. That created approx 50 new state jobs. I believe the number is 55 to be exact.
Oh, this will create jobs all right, more state jobs to oversee the state's obligations to it.
nah... its a before and after picture..... they almost didn't get his head pulled out though.........
....and when omalley creates the state jobs to oversee Obamacare, he can then claim Obamacare created more business because the new people working on the state dole will be out spending more money in private industry. That's how it all works.
I'm glad he can't serve another term
Are they twins? They both have funny looking ears!
2:32 No they are Amos and Andy
Both sets of ears are strange...alien looking
They are socialist ears.
All hearing,
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