LOCATION: Worcester County, Maryland
ACCUSED: Robert Owen RAY Jr 28 y/o
Berlin, Maryland
CHARGES: Second Degree Burglary Malicious Destruction +$500
Fourth Degree Burglary CDS – Possess Marijuana
Theft Less than $100
NARRATIVE: On May 4, 2012, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Barley, Hops, and Grapes convenience store, located at 10441 Racetrack Road #7, Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland, for an activated burglary alarm. Upon arrival, Deputies observed that a window on the north side of the building was broken, and observed a case of Miller Lite beer lying in the parking lot. The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation was called to investigate the case.
Upon arrival of the Detective from WCBI, a canvas of the area found a torn piece of a box from a Miller Lite 30-pack of beer several yards from the broken window. Officers continued the canvas, and located a trail of Miller Lite beer cans leading from the convenience store in the direction of the cottages at 10510 Racetrack Road, Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland. When Officers searched the area of the cottages, they located the stolen beer behind one of the cottages and made contact with the residents. Officers were then able to identify the suspect as Robert Owen Ray Jr. Ray fled the house upon the arrival of officers.
Robert Owen Ray Jr was subsequently located in a near by house (relatives residence) found hiding in a bedroom closet.
Robert Owen Ray, Jr was arrested without incident and charged.
Robert Owen Ray was taken to the District Court Commissioner and ordered held on $15,000 bond.
Because of the quick actions of the Worcester County Road Patrol Deputies, Maryland State Police, Berlin Barracks and Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, this suspect was quickly arrested and taken off the streets.
What a winner. People like him are the reason the need to bring back the stockade as a from of punishment.
Id much rather pay to throw rotten food at him then pay to have him locked up, fed, and clothed.
Why why why would someone get a tatoo on their face or neck. There has got to be a reason besides being an idiot
The teardrop tattoed under his left eye is SUPPOSED to indicate that you've killed a man. But he was caught hiding in a closet!! LOL! A REAL tough guy. His life is going to be nothing but a revolving door of prison, release, crime, prison, release. Unless, of course, a citizen takes care of him and his waste of flesh before he gets another teardrop.
the teardrops have different meanings, but all gang related
That is very close to where I live and work. If I see, hear or smell him breaking into my house or business society won't have to worry about him any longer. I believe in gun control - hitting what you aim at.
Total slacker - the bad thing is that he will be out in no time looking to be a further drain on society. It is only going to get worse. If we expect little, we get little. You see it all the time. I have 2 sons around his age with college degrees and good jobs that pay the bills and take them all over North America. And neither one have neck tattoos.
If I was looking to hire someone to fill a position and I had to choose between a well dressed kid and one with neck and teardrop tattoos, guess which one would get the job. Moot point anyway, he probably dosen't want a job.
The tear drop tattoos don't mean a thing anymore. In the eyes of these losers they think it makes them look like a big shot is all.
I love your idea 12:15 of the stockades. Now he'll get better food and healthcare then most folks paying for it.
Having a neck tat don't make you a bad person.judging people by looks does.you only know this guys a creep because he is on here.reminds me of my grand mother saying a girl who gets their belly pierced is a whore.people like you disgust me.
What does your sons not having neck tattoos have anything to do with their sucess? Nothing! They probly busted their butts or rode a family name.there are plenty of rich and famous people that make your kids look like homeless people by comparison and they have neck tattoos.a tattoo dosent define a person.their actions and the way they carry themselves do.but I'm glad your boys get to travel away from a parent such as yourself.their success more then likely due to the want/ need to get away from someone like you.
3:20, I'm so happy that people who dislike neck tattoos disgust you because alot of people wouldn't want to be around you anyway if you approve of them.
I sterotype and I'm proud of it!
I can understand the USMC logo or the USN Anchor but crap like that is disgusting to even look at. Wonder how much of his hard earned money went for that creepy thing. One would bet that as another said, I would not hire the schmuck. Can you see a bank manager, for example look like that. Ought to be open season with no limit. UGH
It's a shame that tattoos have become "fashionable." I can't help but to wonder what kind of career people who ink themselves into oblivion think that they'll get. Tattoos on the neck? That'll get you far in life. Call me politically correct, but as Walter Cronkite said, "That's the way it is."
3:32, you are obviously a moron. I never stated that my sons sucess was a result of not having neck tattoos. But they are smart enough not to have them. The gentelman as pictured has taken himself out of 90% of the workplace. Brilliant! I
He could play in a rock band, tend bar, be a carny, hang drywall, jump off the rear of a garbage truck, none of which is a bad thing. Yeah, 10% is about right. Why are some of these commenters defending this criminal?
12:52, although we look for a deeper meanings to the tats, he is more than likely just an idiot. At least he doesn't have those disgusting plugs in his ears. Maybe he is saving up for them.
3:32, you are right. Your actions and the way you carry yourself define who you are. This guy broke a liqour store window, stole beer and was found cowering in a closet. I'd say he defined himself pretty well...
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