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Friday, October 28, 2011

Today's Survey Question 10-28-11

Do you think Pot should be decriminalized?

Updated story at noon.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES. The revenue generated would be enormous

Anonymous said...

Most definitely! We need to take the criminal factor out of it and benefit from the tax revenue it can create. People are quite capable of deciding for themselves if pot is something they want to use. The government needs to stay out of it. They should do what they do best and just collect the tax revenue.

Anonymous said...

NO! I think it should be LEGALIZED and TAXED. That's all it would take to make room for real criminals in prisons, win the drug war, pay for Obamacare, balance the budget and start paying down the defecit.

Anonymous said...

Yes. It should not be placed in the same league with cocaine, heroin, crack, meth, or even pills. Pot is a natural growing plant. I say legalize it and restrict it such as no smoking on the job, operating a vehicle, etc.

Anonymous said...

Yes but grow it here and put the military on the border to stop the import pot.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be legalized, but it will never happen. People in very high places dictate where it comes from and who sells it.These people will not allow legalization to cost them millions upon millions of dollars. Why do you think the federal government is shutting down medical pot in California?

Anonymous said...


Rick said...

Yes. I've never seen someone get stoned and want to fight. Can't say the same thing about drinkers.

Anonymous said...

I would rather deal with someone on pot than someone on alcohol

Anonymous said...

Yes, and tax the crap out of it.

Anonymous said...

No , what are these lame excuses?
It's a drug and you do not function properly under it.

Anonymous said...

yep! no different then anything else. you want it go for it. don't come crying to me when your lungs rot out.

Anonymous said...

Keep the dirt weed illegal and the Killer legal...

Anonymous said...

no. i believe we should criminalize alcohol too

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the drug dealers would pay taxes on their sales? How would IRS you monitor that? You let all that weed go legal and you will have pot heads robbing everyone and dealers killing because someone else is selling on their corner. There will always be someone trying to be the top seller making murder clime even higher! Keep it illegal!

Alex said...

1:51 you're probably a lot of fun to hang out with.

Anonymous said...

Yes. All the money in the drug trade goes back to the cartels and out of this country into the hands of war lords. Remember Al Capone and the mob rule over prohibited alcohol? Caused a lot of murders and contributed to other organized crime.

Tax it and keep that money here in the United States. It's California's biggest crop without a doubt. Imagine what tax revenues that would create in this failing economy.

Taxpayers have spent 100's of billions of dollars on a failing war on drugs. It may even add some legal jobs to the economy.

I was just the opposite, pot turned me into a cigarette smoker and an alcoholic which was much worse.

The past three presidents have admited to using it. That's a far cry from Nancy Regan's just say no. Just say no to that last beer before you kill somebody.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely!! I know of a gentleman who got 5 years in prison for having a couple of pot plants. He was placed in DOC with murderers, sex offenders, rapists, etc., for having pot!! It was for his own use, not to distribute. Is that crazy or what??!

Anonymous said...

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NO! I think it should be LEGALIZED and TAXED. That's all it would take to make room for real criminals in prisons, win the drug war, pay for Obamacare, balance the budget and start paying down the defecit.

October 28, 2011 12:01 PM

Umm, based on the rest of your comment, I think you meant YES and not NO.

Do you really think the drug dealers would pay taxes on their sales? How would IRS you monitor that? You let all that weed go legal and you will have pot heads robbing everyone and dealers killing because someone else is selling on their corner. There will always be someone trying to be the top seller making murder clime even higher! Keep it illegal!

October 28, 2011 2:19 PM

If it were legal you would not have pot dealers any more. It could be set up like dispensaries like they have/had in California.

They have been selling, growing and TAXING it in California for years. So I guess that would answer your question about the IRS.

I'm thinking smoking pot makes people more friendly and less violent. Possibly that is a threat to the fed because then perhaps it would affect their war-mongering ways.

But that's just a theory.

The U.S.A. is the world's LARGEST consumer of illegal drugs in the WORLD.

And N.Y.C. is the capital of money laundering. Legalization would be a major economic blow to that city.

Anonymous said...

1:12 - ur an idiot!! What do you think alcohol does?? Dumba@#!! Marijuana is simply a plant that grows from the earth. It's properties are natural and is far safer than cocaine, heroin etc.. Why it's a schedule I drug beats me! I don't even use the stuff but I have never seen someone die or overdose while using marijuana. I would bet a paycheck that the stress that millions of americans endure everyday from jobs, unemployment, hardships, etc. would diminish significantly. Watch the comedy show Mr. Katt Williams has on weed on You Tube. He explains it well.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with America...WAY too many useless druggies & alcys like Anon 2:33 who think non-users are the ones that are useless.

Anonymous said...

Cigarretes are FAR worse than weed. Statistics anywhere show that people are more likely to die from smoking cigarettes than weed. The only TRULY unhealthy part about weed is smoking blunts/joints etc beacuse the paper is harmful to your lungs. if people were allowed to smoke joints in public, i bet cigarette sales would decrease as well.
i understand the point to give it restrictions and tax it. but legalizing would bring in much revenue and once the country starts making money, all these bitter people would shut up because the more revenu from weed, the less taxes they would have to pay!!!! the smokers will be taxed on it not you, let people have fun! we let everyone else have their alcohol and cigarrettes which are far more dangerous. open your minds and your eyes!