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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pesticides In Food Linked To ADHD In Kids

Researchers in large study conclude that parents should buy organic for their children

Levels of pesticides commonly encountered across the country in food as well as around the home are significantly increasing children's risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and could be causing an increase in the number of children living with the condition, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics.

"It's mainly exposure through food. Diet is the driver," says pediatrician and public health expert Phil Landrigan, MD, professor and chair of the department of community and preventive medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. "For most people, diet is the predominant source. It's been shown that people who switch to an organic diet knock down the levels of pesticide by-products in their urine by 85 to 90 percent."



Anonymous said...

Many of us have been crying in the wilderness for some time now . . . trying to relay the information . . . that Big Pharma and Big Agriculture are in a conspiracy to make us sick!

They spray the plants and us in order to weaken our immune systems so that we will contract Big Military Industrial Complex's chemical warfare weapons. Included in the list is Aspartame, Flouride, and Saccharine.

Wake up folks, because the corporations who control your government are NOT friendly.

They want you to be sick and weak. Then they will provide limited relief from the SYMPTOMS of the diseases THEY have given you!

Now . . . where did I put my tin foil hat?

Anonymous said...

Yea, and JFK was killed by a single gun man in a book depository. Right.

Anonymous said...

that along with over stimulation and under disciplined
impulse control is not a disorder or a mental illness it is a character trait that can be modified
everyone is quick to embrace a diagnosis and prescription than the real work of over coming deficits its the same problem we have culturally and politically as a nation presently

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait a minute, blaming big evil corporations is certainly more important than finding the real cause. That makes it somebody else's fault.

Anonymous said...

Big Pharma has a stake in you being sick. Every drug is toxic to the body the longer your on them it becomes more likely that you will need to take another for those symptoms and the pattern goes on.

Anonymous said...

ADHD, imo the most overused 4 letters in the English dictionary. Yes, I am certain as the day is long that chemicals help contribute to these diagnosis. I can't help to think that lack of parenting can contribute as well.

Anonymous said...

ADHD, more like BAD. Parenting is tough, it is much easier to let kids do as they please.

Anonymous said...

5:55- I'm with you. Effective parenting can control a lot of undesirable behavior.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to jump to some anti-government conspiracy theory but is it not obvious that chemicals are making people ill and causing cancers? Seriously you spray your fields with chemicals to kill weed, you use toxins to fertilize the soil to "balance" the chemical compounds add chicken feces that is proven to contain antibiotics they have been injected with and then spray the crops with hazardous pesticides to produce a larger non-infested crop.

The preservatives in food are not healthy, the dyes used in food are not healthy, the packaging food is shipped and stored in causes cancer.

Can any one with half a brain honestly say they don't know any food they purchase does not cause illness and/or cancer? The smartest thing any of us can do is be resourceful and try to grow as much of the their own food as possible to sustain themselves and their families.

Anonymous said...

5:55 Amen!!!!!!!! It is called parenting!!!!! If you can't handle it, Don't become one!!!!! What a joke this country is becoming!!!! No wonder half of these kids don't know what day of the week it is!!!!! Let's just say, give them a beer and a cigarette and they will be better off than being on the meds!!!!! How have we lived?! It is called OUR PARENTS were exactly that, PARENTS!!! They disciplined us, helped us and raised us and they worked for a living and we had home cooked meals and we were a FAMILY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with 10:16. I don't know that I agree with it causing ADHD or not, but with all the genetic engineering and chemical treating being done to our food, god knows what the outcome will be for generations. Food is not food anymore. Most the time, if you read a label on a box, its full of somekind of preservative that you don't even know what the hell it is. When you buy cheese, you're not really getting cheese. And I know my grandparents weren't eating fat yellow chickens. But it amazes me that my grandparents ate something like fatback, deemed heart unhealthy to the core, but they lived long healthy lives. All's you have to do is observe the change in size of children over the past thirty to forty years, and you notice something quite ain't right. You know that saying they didn't make 'em like that in my day. Obesity is a growing talk in this country and it goes beyond that bag of doritos.

Anonymous said...

ADHD, Autism, Most Cancers. All are illnesses waiting for a scapegoat to sue!
Wake up people. Trial lawyers probably funded this study to try and tilt potential juries into believeing this crap.

Anonymous said...

To all you know-it-alls yelling about how ADHD isn't real and the kids are just undisciplined / parents are lazy:

I hope you someday develop a medical condition that other people don't believe is real. (Maybe one you don't believe is real right now?) Then you'll get to see for yourself how much harder other people's prejudice make the already-difficult work of living with that illness.

For the record, no, I don't have any kids with ADHD... I have ADHD. Despite the facts that my parents were involved in my schoolwork, that I enjoyed school, and that I was an above-average student when I could control my symptoms. I was never given ritalin or any other medication for ADHD, we just learned ways to help me ignore distractions, and give my tendency toward mental hyperactivity outlets that wouldn't disrupt my or other students' schoolwork. Treati ng ADHD without drugs can be done; I'm living proof. I even have a college degree.