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Sunday, May 08, 2011

No Tweeting for Kent County Employees

The Wilmington News-Journal reports that employees of the Kent County County Levy Court (the official name of the county government) has enacted a policy which regulates county employee use of social media both on and off the job:

New provisions would bar workers from posting materials on or off the job that disparage co-workers, disclose confidential information or "reflect unfavorably" on county government, unless rated as a "legitimate matter of public concern." The same proposals also would create a "duty to report inappropriate use of social media by co-workers or supervisors."


Anonymous said...

This won't last. You can not control off duty speech, especially concerning an employee about an employer.

Gentlemen, Start your lawsuits!

Anonymous said...

See ya' in Federal Court!!!!! Enough of the Government thinking they can regulate your lives OFF DUTY! Stand by on the flight deck because this jets getting ready to hit 180 in about 3 seconds!

lmclain said...

What Nazi government official even THOUGHT for a moment that he/she could actually do this? And how many OTHER government officials signed off on it, also thinking that the government has a right to tell people what they can say and do on their own time??! THIS is how far down the "the government knows whats best for you" road we've gone, that this policy got past the "idea" stage. I'm wondering how many people in that government could SPELL "Constitution", much less know what it is.....If I was one of their employees, I would tweet the most inflammatory and critical comment I could think of (and you know I have some of THAT), wait to be fired or reprimanded, then sue them for every dime they have, and some future dimes, too. I suppose the Gestapo will be monitoring the interent for them.