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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rate For Employed Males In US Hits New Low

Only 66.8 percent of American men had jobs in 2010, the lowest percentage on record. And overall, just 45.4 percent of Americans held a job last year, posing a serious challenge for financing the nation’s social programs.

The overall employment figure of 45.4 percent is the lowest level since 1983, when women began entering the workforce in large numbers, according to a USA Today analysis.

The bulk of Americans who are not working has shifted from children to adults. In 2000, the nation had about the same number of children and non-working adults. Since then, however, the number of non-working adults has grown by 27 million, while the country added only 3 million children under age 18.

Several factors are contributing to the low employment percentages. Men are dropping out of the workforce as jobs in construction and manufacturing disappear. Until the 1960s, more than 80 percent of men had jobs. The percentage of women with jobs, which had been steadily rising, leveled off between 1995 and 2010, when it was 56 percent.

Also, 77 million Baby Boomers are beginning to move from the workforce into retirement.



lmclain said...

Keep them unemployed. Whats the biggest reasson for the turmoil in the Middle East (according to social scientists)? Unemployment. Millions of men have nothing to do all day. Except find trouble. Ferment social unrest. Think the USA is different? Look at the (spreading) chaos in the cities where entire areas are war zones where the police don't even go. SO, raise food prices and make feeding yourself and your family difficult, at best. Close factories. Layoff and terminate jobs. Raise energy prices. Make gasoline unaffordable. Then continue to take people's homes and throw millions (thats right--- millions) of families into the street, while bankers and investors gleefully reap BILLIONS in profits. You may not like the scenario, but these are the facts. BAD things are coming. You're blind and stupid if you don't see it. Or wealthy and comfortable. At least for a while.

Anonymous said...

As the white men go so goes the country.