
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, April 17, 2011



Unknown said...

He is not wearing a seat belt. Im gonna tell.

lmclain said...

Catching criminals. How can anyone be worried about THAT? Well, at least THATS the idea we are supposed to latch onto and be happy that as soon as we step out in public, our picture is taken and "processed". Our government (as shown on TV, in the New York Times, and even on this site) has deployed unmarked vehicles that examine you, your family, your car, and your home for illegal "things" (no search warrant needed, for all you innocent, but concerned, citizens). We are stopped at Nazi checkpoints throughout the country to see IF we are committing a crime (the presumption of innocence went out the window years ago). We are on a VERY slippery slope, but thats how its done. Now this. One day soon, we will be required (all you "if you're not doing anything wrong, then don't worry" idiots and sheep made it possible) to give a DNA sample and a fingerprint. And you WILL be checked. For crimes committed, unpaid taxes, unpaid fines, possible (I said POSSIBLE) future criminal activity - because you fit a "profile". Its all for your own good, of course, but while you are here, "VERE ay yaw pay-pa's!!" Seig Heil!!! Orwell was a prophet.

Anonymous said...

No seat belt. No uniform. Looks like a slob. Can we install cameras on Rt 13, Rt 50 and in large mall parking lots for example and lay off 10-15 police and let the police be in one command center to dispatch cars, etc. for follow up? Should cut our taxes for police who drive around all day, waste gas and do very little and increase the efficiency of actual police work. I say put this in the budget of 2012 for City and county forces and cut hundreds of thousands of dollars for labor, overtime, cars, vehicle maintenance/gas, onboard technology, etc. Great idea. His last comment that this is going to revolutionize the way we do police work in North Amercia can start in Wicomico County!

Anonymous said...

anon 10:18
you are a total idiot. You are the type of person who would complain if you didn't ever see a cop, yet will also complain if you see a cop just riding around. Did you ever stop and think that maybe by that cop just driving around, he may deter a crime from happening.

Sure, alot of cops would love to have the firefighter theory(no offense to firefighters, just an example) where they could just hang around at a station and wait for calls but that is not possible in todays society. We live in a area where we NEED cops to be proactive and not reactive. I recently went to a seminar taught by Sheriff Lewis and he says it perfect.

1. there are people who sit around and watch things happen

2. there are people that go out and make things happen

3. there are people that wonder, "How in the hell did that happen".

If a cop sits around and waits for things to happen, crime will go up and it will be anarchy!!! For you to say they are driving around wasting gas, you are clueless.

By the way, YES, i am one of those cops that you speak of cutting. Its ok, you are entitled to your opinion. I will still put my life on the line for you each and every day, get shot at while doing my job, put up with ignorance and disrespect yet be expected to smile and be professional, still do my best to keep you and your family safe and out of harms way, still put on that uniform and take pride in doing so and most of all, defend this amazing country i call the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

so we can bypass the national id debate...big brother already exists...

they are always looking for absolute compliance unless you come from Mexico

Anonymous said...

12:21 you rock!!! thank you for all you do!! my bf is also an LEO who puts his life on the line every day for people who do not care that hes doing it!! Keep up your amazing work!! o yeah and he drives the car in this county that does exactly what this guy is showing you!! And it is stopping crime!!!

lmclain said...

12:21 where do I start with you?? You "put up with ignorance and disrespect", huh? Does that include calling citizens, whom you serve (I know that might be a strange concept to you) "total idiot"? How many times have you been shot at? Most cops NEVER pull their gun during their entire career. People are sick of hearing how you have such a dangerous job. First, its VOLUNTARY. Secondly, there are several more dangerous jobs than cop, but NONE of them keep saying it to the rest of us. So you went to a class taught by ANOTHER cop and he had words of wisdom dividing our nation into just 3 groups of people? How surprising. No one in their sane mind disputes the place police have in our society (not even me), but the complaint most citizens have with the police (and millions share this view) is that you (cops) prey on regular citizens for money the government needs and wants, making sure we wear our seat belts (VERY dangerous crime there), don't do 63 in a 55 (right up there with armed robbery), and talk about how dangerous your job is while you (cops) flaunt the law and use your authority to innoculate yourself against the consequences. I can go to Booth street RIGHT NOW and take my pick of several men "hanging out" to sell me drugs. EVERY DAY. BUT, if I wasn't wearing my selt belt on the way there, there would be 2-3 cops pulling me over. Perhaps searching my car, maybe even beating me up, because Iwas "disrespectful", which I would like to take a moment to point out --- the Constitution gives me that right. Intentionally gives me THAT right. YOU, as a government agent, have to (in theory, that is) accept it. But, in reality, cops view themselves as PUBLIC MASTERS. "Disrepecting" the masters will often get you beaten, handcuffed, and perhaps killed. And sometimes you get killed for no reason, as dozens of court cases have proven. And no, I'm far from an idiot...just another citizen.

Mardela said...

Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear. It's those who live to break the law, scam their way thru life and have no respect for themselves or others that need to be concerned.

Do you get nervous when the police pull up behind you?
Do you think that the police are corrupt?
Do you think the MVA is corrupt if they suspend your tags if you don't carry insurance?
Is the world against you and corruption is everywhere?

DO you think if the police, a judge, states attorney, politician, government worker or anyone else makes a mistake they should be fired, stoned, tar and feathered, shot by a firing squad, exciled or just plain blogged forever?

Get a life, call Dr. Phil and look min the mirror because none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes and all we can do is learn from them. Relax a little and understand that the world is not against you. No one is holding you down or back but you.

Life is too short to be in conflict with those around you. We should all get along better and work to better ourselves, better our community, better our country and be the leader of how to get along with love for thy neighbor.
God Bless you all and God Speed!

FO-WEEL said...

Wow, emotions flying here for comments. It is a little interesting but what you may not know is that Homeland Security Director JANET Incompetent-tano has vehicles that can stop outside your house and see in your home, bathroom,bedroom and so forth. You raise alarm about this video that is used to track the bad guy but make no complaint of Obama's girl Homeland Security Janet with these state of the art vehicles, and your bail-out money paid for them.

Anonymous said...

Memo to the "idiots" posting on this thread. MSP is already using these cameras and have been for some time now.

Kristen said...

2:30... Seat belt laws are in place so that when you get in an accident going 63 in a 55 zone you won't get thrown through the windshield. No matter how petty you think laws are, they are in place to protect and prevent anarchy. Also, you can't just go to Booth St. and arrest someone because you know have been arrested for crimes before. That's the same law that protects your "right" to rip an officer up one side and down the other because you got caught speeding.
And you want to argue that it is not a dangerous job? Why don't you go walk down Baker St. at 3:00am. Officers have to pull their guns all the time, you just don't hear about it. It is self control that keeps them from firing it. I typically pride myself in keeping arguments civil, but I can't stand people like you, so suck it. Next time your house gets robbed, call Obama.

Anonymous said...

Cops have no business having this technology ..... this is invasion of privacy to say the least .... this is not a good thing at all and is something that should be illegal to use Period.

Cory said...

I agree with everything Imclain 2:30 said. Most Cops are out of hand

Anonymous said...

Imclain - I'm thinking you must belong to a group that Mike Lewis didn't ID.
1. You tried to become a cop and failed out or they wouldn't hire you because you're crazy - and now you're angry and jealous.
2. You were a cop and you were fired because of whatever reason - and now you are angry and jealous.
3. You're the lost love child of some right wing extremist that is stockpiling weapons, MREs, and bottled water, and you're actually praying for the next big civil war so you can help rebuild America into your ideal Utopia. Probably spending most of your time peeking out the windows looking for black helicopters, proudly wearing the foil hat that your daddy said would block the government from reading your mind - you're angry and jealous.

Just FYI, nobody in your local law enforcement agencies is interested in spying on good law abiding citizens. We are looking for CRIMINALS - drug dealers, thieves, robbers, rapists, etc. One of the most effective ways to do that is to find them during traffic stops, and this system allows cops to ID the vehicles and criminals that I mentioned above just a little quicker and more efficiently than a cop can do by himself.

No, I haven't been shot at yet. Yes, I have drawn my gun on suspects during my career. No, I don't beat or abuse innocent civilians. I take pride in trying to help or protect members of the community that I patrol. In fact I try not to do anything that will bring shame or distrust to me or my agency. I also realize that I am not perfect or above the law and act accordingly, as do the majority of the officers in this community. I admit that there are a couple of bad apples in the group, but that is going to happen in any profession and we try to weed them out as soon as they are identified.

Instead of taking cheap shots and making up lies about your local law enforcement officers, maybe you should get to know some of them. Go on a couple of ride along visits with different departments. See what's really going on instead of just criticizing all the time. You may be pleasantly surprised if you actually got to know some of us, instead of just passing judgement and spreading BS lies that have no merit. I doubt you'll do as I suggested and nothing will change though.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Cops have no business having this technology ..... this is invasion of privacy to say the least .... this is not a good thing at all and is something that should be illegal to use Period.

8:43 PM

Cop hater and more than likely a law breaker!!

lmclain said...

LOL....u cops crack me up...You deny that police across the country have murdered innocent citizens? Robbed them? Extorted them? Escorted and protected drug dealers and their shipments? These are not lies, but facts. The mobster who just spilled his guts in New York admitted (and the prosecution didn't deny or challenge it) that an FBI agent tipped him off about a pending investigation. If the truth hurts you or embarrasses you, thats your problem. Further, I don't quetion the need for police. Every society needs police, including ours. I merely point out that so many of them fail to remember who they SERVE. Oh, they'll tell you we serve the public, but the "public" is a mysterious entity that is never in front of them. As far as "not interested in spying on good law-abiding citizens "(I am one of them, by the way), what do you think is happening when those unmarked (why?) backscatter X-ray vehicles rolls through a neighborhood looking into everyone's bedroom? Isn't THAT a search? Without warrant? And the Nazi checkpoints where cops stop INNOCENT citizens to see IF --- IF --- they are committing any crimes? The list is growing every day. I DO have police in my family. We've had these discussions before. But the Romans said it best...."who guards the guards"? Cops are more like revenue enhancers for the government than someone who "protects" me. And will someone tell me how a seat belt (or lack thereof) has anything to do with anarchy? LOL! All these posts from cops prove my "public master" assertation. If you criticize them, challenge them, or question their authority, they label you a criminal, as if no one should be allowed to do that. Now, excuse me, please. There's a hole in my tin foil and I think they're trying to pinpoint my location.

Anonymous said...

To 9:28 maybe the cops should actually do some real police work other than using technology like this to prey on people true nobody is perfect but the only time a persons license plate should be run by a cop is during an actual police stop not just running everyone's tags because they can. I actually get pretty pissed off when a cop rides my ass checking my plate when i know ive done nothing wrong and committed no violations of any kind

Anonymous said...

Maryland State police in SBY currently use this.. If u ever see a trooper car with 2 boxes on the truck lid. thats what they are

Anonymous said...

8:43 im thinking if your car was stolen and the theif drove by the cop that had such technology in his car you'd want him to apprehend the theif and you get your car back but maybe I'm wrong!?!

Anonymous said...

11:06 that is why i am extorted for insurance every year. Theft is my last concern

Anonymous said...

Some people are bringing up the fact that this guy was not wearing his seat belt but seat belts may not be required in Canada where he was filming this.

Kristen said...

It is true that there are police across the country who cross the line. The same is true about every occupation. There are teachers out there who sleep with their students, but you don't say that ALL teachers are pedophiles, do you? No. It only takes one to make a bad name for a group. Stop honing in on a few and thank the many who protect you.

Anonymous said...

this is nothing compared to the technology the government uses against the average law abiding citizen. The have the ability to track everyone of us. They can see what you are doing in your home, they track you and listen in on your cell phones, even when it's not in use. Wait till you see what else they bring on line just to track all us freedom loving types!
Only good thing is there are alot more of us then there are of them!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:44 am, see Imclain for a little help. He will give you some tips on how to track and spot those secret black Nazi helicopters. He can also help you with shaping and fitting that tin foil headgear that will keep the govt. from reading your thoughts. BTW - those little toys that come in cereal boxes and McD's Happy Meals?? Those are actually tiny cameras, listening devices, and transmitters designed to brainwash our children. Thank God there are wonderful people like you guys out there that haven't been snowballed like the rest of us.

I'll keep patrolling your neighborhoods, and doing crazy stuff like locking up criminals, but YOU guys are the real public servants. You guys are the ones that are keeping the good ole' USA from being over run by the New World Order.

As a retired service member and current police officer, I'd put my public service record up against yours any day.

No where in my previous post did I deny that there are dirty cops. But there are damn few when compared to how many good hard working honest cops are out there.

If you are such a perfect person, grow a set of balls and go apply to any local law enforcement agency. Show us all how its supposed to be done. Be the example that we can all look up to. I doubt you've got the guts.

Anonymous said...

three is no invasion of privacy here. youre in PUBLIC. i love this idea!

lmclain said...

9:19....Tell me, please, when was the last time the police protected anyone against a home invasion? Or a mugging? They usually are there AFTER the fact, to write a "report" to increase crime statistics in order to justify MORE police. What they ACTUALLY do is mostly traffic enforcement because THATS where the money is, and if you just ask your boyfriend, cash flow is the issue. Just go to any local courthouse and take a look at the traffic docket. Millions of dollars are being taken from the citizens (just in this state alone) for traffic violations. Of course, pulling over the car on Booth Street because the perp didn't put his turn signal on 200 ft before the turn (having 4 black men in the car had NOTHING to do with the subsequent stop and search) and finding a couple of joints in the car (BIG fine, too!) is just a plus (for the State). Its ALL about the money and citizens know it. Protecting us?? Propaganda.

lmclain said...

Breaking news this morning ---- 400, thats right FOUR HUNDRED of New York's finest being charged in ticket-fixing much for the "damn few" theory. Those are the ones that were caught. The narcotics division is waiting for the next "damn few" cops to be charged with shaking down drug dealers, stealing from the evidence room, and taking bribes to look the other way. You know, protecting and serving. And the next time you patrol my neighborhood, please catch the guy stealing all the bikes...'cause I grew a set of big balls about 40 years ago and if I catch him first, well I won't be needing YOU for anything...

Anonymous said...

I forgot all ten of us working at one time for 85,000 people are suppose to be everywhere at once. I guess I was off that day when the academy handed out super powers.

lmclain said...

You mean the Sheriff's Department, the State police, the DEA, the local FBI, the local ATF, the County police, the armed Fire Marshalls, Local Homeland Security agents, the armed IRS agents, the Natural Resources Police, the National Park Service officers, the armed Postal Inspectors, armed Immigration Officers (each and every one them them authorized to shoot to kill) and all the undercover and unmarked vehicles from all those agencies....ALL of them were off, too? MAN! Its a good thing nobody was misbehavin' on your day off....

Anonymous said...

Imclain - I'm not a New York cop idiot. And those cops that are being charged for ticket fixing - innocent till proven guilty, probably don't know as much about US law as you think you do.

Seeing as how you understand very understand little about modern police work, let me school you. A majority of the crimes being committed have one basic thing in common - transportation. They have to move from point to point to steal, buy drugs, commit robberies, burglaries, store stolen goods, etc. Criminals are vulnerable during traffic stops. Its a great oppurtunity to stop
them and conduct investigations. Just FYI running a K9 around a stopped car is not a search its a scan or a "free air sniff" (court terms - not trying to confuse you). If that K9 gives a positive alert on the vehicle for contraband items (drugs, firearms, bombs), then the officer has probable cause to search the vehicle. Traffic stops give us oppurtunities on the street to conduct investigations. As far as how many home invasions or muggings we have stopped? How many muggimgs or home invasions occured within a block of a police officer conducting a traffic stop? Probably damn few!! So making traffic stops makes us visible - that prevents crime. I really don't care if you believe it because you are uneducated on this subject. Our crime stats prove it, but you probably weren't aware of that because you dont take the time to attend city council meetings or do ride alongs with your local law enforcement agency.

I stand by my previous post regarding the fact that Mike Lewis didn't ID which group you belonged to.
1. You really wanted to be a cop and couldn't because you were too weak, too fat, too dumb, too lazy, too scared, or psyche testing proved that you were mentally unfit.


2. You were a cop -and probably carried a very big chip on your shoulder and you got yourself fired - couldn't stop drinking, couldn't stop lying, cheating, stealing, getting high, too lazy, too scared, or somebody finally figured out that you were mentally unfit.

Either way - you're just jealous and angry that you aren't one of us. You say you have a set of balls then go to your local police department or sheriff's office and go for a ride along. Spend some time with them and really get to know them and then tell them to their faces how lowly you think of them. I bet you can't do it.