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Monday, February 07, 2011

Arizona Takes Aim At Automatic Citizenship For U.S. Born-Children

Sponsors say goal is to force a court ruling that a child born in the U.S. is a citizen only if either parent is a U.S. citizen or a legal immigrant. 

1 comment:

Bob said...

"......or a legal immigrant" that will be a point of contention if passed. To me it says that if a person is here on a seasonal work visa to work on a farm and they have a child, the child will be an American citizen. I say delete that part of the text altogether or better yet - add "and" as a conjunction. ".....If one parent is an American citizen AND the other is here legally....." That would certainly thin the herd.

I commend the states that are affirming their soveriegnty as well as those who take it upon themselves to address issues upon which the federal government are failing to act.