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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Officer Refusing Homosexual Training Program Reassigned

The Army National Guard officer who refuses to cooperate with the Obama administration's plan to force open homosexuality on the military is not being punished.

On the contrary, the lieutenant colonel, whose identity is being protected at his request, is getting exactly what he asked for: transfer from a command to a staff position so he will not have to order troops to undergo the Pentagon's pro-'gay' indoctrination.

"Today is my last day in command," said the career Army officer. "From now on I'll be a staff officer without a bunch of people working under me, so I won't have the moral conflict with having to enforce this new policy on them.

"It's not punitive, the state is actually standing by my position. I've worked with some really good commanders over the years and we have a good rapport."

The officer, who formerly commanded a battalion-sized unit, has strongly held religious beliefs that homosexual behavior is morally wrong, and he thinks the military will be damaged severely if it implements the Obama administration's plan to allow homosexuals to serve openly. He said many of the men under his command share his views.

While his identity is known within his chain of command and his state's National Guard administration, the officer believes he has not been identified yet by the Department of the Army. Nearing twenty years in service, he wants to remain anonymous in order to protect his pension for his family's benefit.

"When I retire I will speak on the record. I don't know how much I can do before that. Sooner or later I'm going to get told to shut up. If I continue to make statements, it might become a witch hunt. I don't want to lose my retirement unless it comes to the point they tell me I have to attend the [pro-'gay'] training."

Many fellow officers are applauding him for the stand he has taken, the officer told WND.

"I've had nothing but support from all those in my unit, in my state, everyone that I've talked to. A lot of people have called me to voice their support for my position … a lot more men would take my position but they're not as close to retirement.

He added the men in his chain of command are sympathetic to his position opposing the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy banning open homosexuality in the ranks.

The officer criticized the U.S. Senate harshly for voting to repeal DADT, accusing them of "contempt for the Constitution" and hypocrisy.

"The only real argument the senators made for repealing DADT is that we're losing all these potential soldiers who could be filling all these critical roles in our military. Well, what are they talking about right now? They're talking about making large cuts in the military. Were they just pulling the wool over our eyes, just making the best argument they could while knowing this was coming all the time? To me It's so hypocritical.

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Anonymous said...

Guess I was right about my prediction of more officers would refuse the gay agenda that the government has forced on them.

Right wrong or indifferent, I admire people who stand up for what they believe in.

Good for him and the many more who will surely follow.

Anonymous said...

Kick him out, he doesn't belong in the National Guard.

Anonymous said...

This proves that it's a distraction and the military should go back to banning gays from service.

Anonymous said...

10:06 AM

Why not? Because he can think for himself? He has morals? He doesn't want to be a hypocrite?

Anonymous said...

Agree 10:06. If he doesn't want to follow the law of the land he shouldn't be in the military.

Anonymous said...

They know that the military core won't stand for it and will leave the service which will weaken the military which is their goal!

Anonymous said...

He did the right thing based on morals.

Anonymous said...

10:45 AM

That's right. Let's get rid of all the people who don't agree with the pc lawmakers. We can have a military made up of only gay soldiers and gay supporters.

I feel safer already.

Anonymous said...

10:45 it's his patriotic duty to protest bad laws.

Anonymous said...

They need to focus on their jobs instead of sodomy.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! "contempt for the Constitution" = allowing people with different religious/social beliefs to serve openly like everyone else. You guys are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

11:09 - No, it's his patriotic duty to follow orders and military regulations. If he doesn't like it, he can leave the military or go to Leavenworth. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Serving in the military is not a right.

Anonymous said...

If they can do the job, it shouldnt matter what or who you are...and Religous veiws come on, again if they can do the job leave them alone. i believe in the No ask No tell....
hey 10:31 Do you serve in the Military????????
bunch of idiots...
and its funny :-)

OH,ok lets just ban them from be police, firemen and woman, some people just need to think before they comment.....

Anonymous said...

Don't ask don't tell It was the right thing. Alawies trying to fix whats not broken.

Anonymous said...

Commissioned officers take the following oath: 'I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.' Notice that the oath demands allegiance – not to one's commander, not even to the president or to a government administration – but to a set of ideas, embodied in a document called the U.S. Constitution. This is not by accident. The oath omits allegiance to men because our founding fathers recognized that some men would go astray due to lust for power, and the logical outcome of a military force with allegiance to a man is eventually a dictatorship. If anyone doubts this truth, I encourage them to read the Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler or his oath for public servants.

I suggest all of you read the rest of his email found in the link Joe has provided.

Anonymous said...


10:45 - You have to remember that the "law of the land" is created by normal, present-day human beings. That is to say that a slight majority of 535 people plus the president are the ones making the vast majority of our laws (and sometimes it hardly seems things are determined by a majority anymore once the president gets a hold of it.. but anyway). This does not mean that these 536 people are going to be right all the time. It takes OTHER PEOPLE to stand up for what they believe in. That's the only way change can happen. We have to do what we believe is right for us. If this man doesn't agree with it, then he needs to find a way to peacefully make a change (which in my opinion, he did). If Louise Smith came to your house and knocked on the door and said to you, "We will be holding _______* fellowship meetings at this residence the first Saturday of every month from now on and you must train new leaders how to run the meetings." Would you be unpatriotic telling her that if she insisted on holding the meetings at that particular location then you would move? After all, you are a "citizen" of the city of Salisbury, and Mrs. Smith is council president, thereby making her "the law of the land." You did sign up to live in Salisbury, making you obligated to follow all of the city's laws.

* fill in the blank of something you are not: Chinese, Mormon, Green Party, Promotion of the Legalization of Marijuana - whatever you don't believe in

I'm not trying to pick on your specifically, but the idea that because he is in opposition of what the new president has passed, after he has been serving for such a long time under different administration, is not unpatriotic and not grounds for immediate dismissal. Just because he disagrees with this doesn't mean that we should automatically decide to "kick him out." It's a touchy subject, and while I respect the Office of the President I'm not naive enough to think that Mr. Obama and his cabinet are the be-all end-all of what is good and morally right for every individual in this country or serving in this military.
He did a good job... he asked to be put in a position where he wouldn't be forced to make the choice and the military accommodated. I wish more people in power could be so logical and peaceful about decision making. He didn't compromise his values or his paycheck.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so important to let everybody know you're gay in the military, I mean shut up and do your job!

Anonymous said...

Dress it up anyway you like but being gay is queer behavior. Why are the liberals forcing queer lifestyles on normal people. Will it be long before they champion pedophile behavior or relationships with animals? What you choose to do in your bedroom may be your business but keep it in YOUR bedroom. is not a dating site.....

Anonymous said...

4:42 The Nazi's did the same the book " The pink Swastikas " It's an eye opener.

Anonymous said...

4:42, sorry if you are so close to the border line of being gay that seeing another gay person might tip you over.

Anonymous said...

5:57 Typical homo response,You have to pretend every body else is secretly gay. It's a mental illness as you have proven.

Anonymous said...

5:57 PM

That is a worn out and useless tactic. Straight people know gays exist, this isn't something new. We just don't want it shoved in their faces 24/7.

Trying to coerce people to think the way you want them too will not work and just causes more resentment.

If that is even possible.

Anonymous said...

That picture looks like an army of losers.

Anonymous said...

4:56 & 5:57:

I and many other normal people are not entertained by a bunch of queer people. Sorry, you have to do your own stroking.

Not interested in reading about Nazis or listening/watching a bunch of queers like some weirdos here. Go off and enjoy your gay websites and please don't tell the rest of us about it. We really are not interested in hearing about your weird desires.

Anonymous said...

Gay people are funny... Basically you will like me if you want to or not. I will force you, you big bully.. You have to like me its the law...

Anonymous said...

Agree with 5:57- 4:42 either you experimented with homosexuality as a teenager and have remorse, or you're a total moron- perhaps both. Don't even try a comeback, because I'm way more intelligent than you are, you buffoon! You're the same idiot who posted the other day about concerns about beastiality marriage if gay marriages are accepted. Just look at yourself. You're an abomination to intelligence. Joe, please post this because that fool needs to be put in his place.

Anonymous said...

So we went from don't ask don't to allowing them to serve openly, and not have to hide. Now others with a different life style or belief are having to hide

Anonymous said...

The Bible says Homosexuality is a sin. That is good enough for me. Reverend Bill Warren from Allen Memorial Baptist Church preached that in a serman last year and was not afraid to be politically correct. I admired that in him. I'm so tired of having others immoral lifestyles shoved down our throats. I would never harass or make fun of someone gay but I don't need to hear about it publicly. I agree w/the other post that stated just shut up and do your job. I applaud the Army guardsman for taking a stand. I respect that.

Anonymous said...

This country will continue to go downhill until it returns to it's founding Christian values.JMO

David Hearne said...

If this man were a muslim and felt that he could not deploy to Afghanistan due to his beliefs, would you folks who support him now still believe that the military should put him in an office somewhere and carry him along until he is eligible for retirement?

And do you support any military member being able to refuse to serve with those he finds objectionable? That's what this is really about , isn't it? It was bad enough that they let the blacks and the women in, and now the gay people can't be discriminated against. This is just going to take all the fun out of war, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

11:06 Hatred from the pulpit fills the collection plate.

Anonymous said...

11:06- Baptists are the biggest hypocrites and haters out there. They'll tell you that you're going to hell and sit there all smug like they're perfect. Their big motto is "Once saved, always saved." Guess what Baptist boy? What if you're saved when you're gay and you're still gay? As you guys say, "Once saved, always saved!" See ya in paradise!