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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Congresswoman Giffords, Others Shot In Arizona

Conflicting reports on whether Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., has died

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot in the head and an unknown number of others were wounded Saturday when an assailant sprayed bullets into an area where the lawmaker was meeting with constituents, congressional officials said.

Officials said one of the victims died soon after the attack, and others were taken to a nearby hospital.
There were conflicting reports on whether the congresswoman had died.

The officials said the wounded included some of Gifford's aides who were with her at the time.

The officials who described the events did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not permitted to comment publicly.

FBI officials and local law enforcement were investigating the attack, which took place while Giffords was greeting constituents outside a Safeway grocery store.

Giffords, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting her first "Congress on Your Corner" event in northwest Tucson, NPR reported.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

"congress on your corner".....not so if street gang already owns that corner. best wear the correct colors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Congresswoman Gabby-(D)- and her family. But some of the democratic liberals have stepped way outside their bounds in their attempt to reright our nation's Constitution. From listening to the news reports I understand she was a democrat and a staunch supporter of Pelosi's health care bill. It shouldn't come as a surprise that more of these type of events can be expected as further attempts are being made to re-write our nations Constitution. On virtually every corner- our nation is on the verge of a civil war as has been witnessed today.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats have made our streets a vary dangerous place.

Alex said...

4:15 you're an idiot redneck. You're exctly what's wrong with this country.

Anonymous said...

4:15, you are part of the problem. if you think for one second that this is basically just desserts for a political difference, i invite you to move to Iran. sick, sick, sick. you don't like someone's poltics, vote against them. anything else is treason.

Anonymous said...

So 4:15 your heart goes out to the family, and then you announce that it was an act of civil war! It was an act of insane misguided hate! Are these "patriots" your heros?
Work for change within the system, to even suggest any other course is to dishonor all of those who have fought and died.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't help when she was one of Sarah Palins "target the twenty" targets, complete with a bullseye icon, on the sarahpac website. This country is devolving every day. Don't like someone's politics? It's ok to shoot them because they're traitors. Right? Wrong!

Anonymous said...

4:35 You are a sick person trying to tie this to Sarah Palin makes you look unhinged. Why don't you take responsibility for supporting people who want to trash the Constitution resulting in violence.

Anonymous said...

doesn't matter republican or democrat, our overnment leaders have ignored us to long. they have feathered their own nests whether it be to special interests or lobbyists and ignored the will of the people for too long. you see how our government spies on everyone treats law abiding citizens as though they were terrorists and or criminal. Was only a matter of time till those chickens came home to roost. at least the fool who did this didn't walk into a McD's and shoot innocent hard working people!
you are in government, you are the problem!

Anonymous said...

Only stating facts. Sarah palin had (took it down today) a website that showed a map of the US with bullseyes representing twenty congressman "targeted" for removal. She has often tweeted "Don't retreat, reload!" Her rhetoric is violent and the shooter in this case is a right-winger. I don't think she "ordered a hit", but her language isn't too far from yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater. Irresponsible. Not how we should conduct politics in a civilized society. I wouldn't say she's responsible for what happened today, but I'd be ashamed if I were her.

Anonymous said...

Are you retarded? This guy shot 12 people and a 9 year old girl is dead.

Anonymous said...

You idiot conservatives are sick. The fact is an official (Dem. or Rep.) that was elected by her constituents in a free and fair election is attacked should spark outrage in all of us. Like the other commenter said, this is NOT Iran.

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys - conservatives are not calling for revolution. Liberals are. Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright, Francis Fox Pivan, William Ayres and the list goes on and on. And they are talking VIOLENCE.

Anonymous said...

There are people on both sides talking like Mr Gump said, Stupid is as Stupid does. There are people who are very frustrated. But, no amount of frustration excuses a person to shoot, wound and kill people! I hope this is prosecuted as a hate crime and this guy never see daylight again.

Anonymous said...

Jane Fonda has publicly blamed Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the TEA party for the shootings. Why is she not in jail already after what she did in Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

A congresswoman with a bullseye target on her..which is endorsed by a presidential in this country.....please say it ain't so.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a democratic martyr, this is nothing but a plus for democratic party. This will put a damper on the radical right. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Anonymous said...

Please don't lump all of us conservtives with these fringe lunatics. I am horrified by what has happened. Although my politics are right wing, I don't believe violence is ever the answer. I am so sorry for the people and family involved, and while my politics may be different, I pray not only for these poor people but also that nothing like this will EVER happen again.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I hate more: this godforsaken peninsula, or the uneducated, ignorant, backward rednecks that help choke the life out of everything around them. This is not the fault of the "liberals." "Liberals" did not make your life suck so bad. "Liberals" are not your enemy. They are your neighbors, the people who go to your church, the people who teach your kids, the people who look just like you (and in some cases, are as stupid as you are.)

A Congressperson was shot, a federal judge was killed, a 9 year old girl was killed. I realize to you that list actually reads "a Democrat, an liberal activist, and a future welfare mom," but to the rest of the horrified nation, this is a very bad day.

To paint this with any other description is to show just how wrong you are in jusst about everything you do. Do the rest of the planet a favor: go away.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats refuse to listen to the people and for some this sort of thing is the answer.... Im not saying its right by any means but if Liberals refuse to do what the people say some whacko will take it into their own hands

Anonymous said...

hows that sarah palin thing working out for you now....she needs to be held responsible for the hate she spans PERIOD

Anonymous said...

4:15 and 5:09, please tell us that you have no children. Surely those with mentalities like yours should not be breeding!

Anonymous said...

As an independent I observe both sides with amusement and horror in equal measure.

Anonymous said...

yeah, 6:12, the idiots commenting here basically justifying this are really liberals. give us a break. there is no justification for the MURDERS that took place today.

Anonymous said...

What you all fail to realize is that when these politicians realize they will be held accountable and they can be gotten to along with their families maybe just maybe they will start voting for whats best for the country and the people who elected them.

Anonymous said...

I canNOT believe the sickos on here justifying this lunatic's action because this Rep. voted for the health care bill.

Do you really believe that she "deserved" to be shot, and that all those other people had it coming?

Are you saying it's okay for me to come murder you if I disagree with you politically?

Don't tell me that's not what you are saying because it is.

This isn't "revolution." This is lawlessness, mental illness, inciting a riot all rolled into one. You've got a lot of nerve preaching the Constitution.

To the Rep. and the families of all who were killed and injured, most of all the child who came for a civics lesson, my heart is heavy for you and pray to God for comfort and strength to you, and for our country gone insane.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a nutcase, but I have to wonder why the other lives that have been lost in Arizona by illegals mean so little to the government that they will not send more help down there to guard our borders.

Anonymous said...

Violence is being talked about by people at the extreme ends of both political parties. This isn't a thing where a group condoned violence but rather a person carrying out violence had an extreme political view. I didn't see where anyone supported this guys actions. I read here where a couple of people understand that violence is likely to occur because of the attempts by some to re-write the constitution. I understand it as well - but I don't support it. Any attempts to re-gain the fundamentals of the US Constitution will require the support of the majority of the people. You will not gain the support of the people by shooting other innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Alex said...

4:15 you're an idiot redneck. You're exctly what's wrong with this country.

4:30 PM

OOOOOH!!What a comeback...I guess the truth hurts doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

4:15 is right on. Congress has terrorized the responsible taxpayers of this country long enough, and now (in the words of "reverend" wright) their chickens have come home to roost. Just too bad it couldn't have been Bawney fwank. By the way Alex-you're the idiot. That's what's wrong with this country-there are too many like you who refuse to see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...

Assassin's politics lean 'left wing, quite liberal'
'Communist Manifesto,' 'Mein Kampf,' listed as alleged gunman's favorite reads

Read more: Assassin's politics lean 'left wing, quite liberal'

Anonymous said...

What's with all the hate about "re-writing" the Constitution? The Constitution is a living document. It's very design is based on being modified (legally I might add). The founders created it so that it could be changed as needed by a democratic majority of the citizens. However, no where in the Constitution does it say that if you politically disagree with someone it is ok to kill them, their family, their supporters, or innocence children and old women who happen to be standing near by.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin removed, from her web site, Rep Gifford in the cross hairs. Now she will claim total innocence.

Anonymous said...

This idiot was a left winger! Most who knew him referred to him as a liberal. The libs here are complete idiots.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks this crazy person shot Rep. Giffords because Sarah Palin had a target over her picture you might want to go back to living in lala land. Get real...this man was a lunatic! This had nothing to do with Palin. You are just looking for someone to blame.

Anonymous said...

you guys are idiots, inform yourself before you embarrass yourself next time. This guy was a far-leftist and a palin-hater, just like you.

Anonymous said...

Joe- I strongly urge you to just delete all of the comments from this post. An elected official and citizens were the target of a person who needs much help. Lets leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

9:43 said...
"Just too bad it couldn't have been Bawney fwank."

A fine example of the sickness gripping America.

Who the heck died and made you God to decide which of our elected people "deserve to die."

Then you wonder why decent people don't run -- somebody out there will disagree with that decent person and, thanks to support from people like you, and feel entitled to murder them! And anyone else in the way.

Stop, people, and think about what you are saying. This type of talk is intimidation -- "vote this way or we'll kill you."

That's NOT what our Founding Fathers stood for with the Constitution.

When you say things like, "Too bad it wasn't X or Y," it adds to the sense of "it's okay to murder elected people" -- and for a whacko on the edge, that might be all the little push they need.

Orsonwells said...

Gee, I guess Salisbury better quit trying to fight crime in "Targeted" neighborhoods, lest they be called wackos.

Time to get way too PC for our own good?????

"Targeting" crime, issues, or whatever has been around more than 50 tears, and it never incited assassins, nor did it do that yesterday.

Pray for the victims and their families.