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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gays Ousted From Military Hope to return

Joseph Rocha reported being cruelly hazed by Navy colleagues. Katherine Miller resigned from West Point halfway through, weary of concealing her sexual orientation. David Hall was outed by a fellow Air Force cadet and booted from the career he loved.
GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

DADT was an out for Homosexuals now that Obama has done away with it less gays will join.

Anonymous said...

The military needs more people for the upcoming world war. Gay or not, Uncle Sam needs YOU

Anonymous said...

Someday we will look with incredulity at excluding gays from the military. It's just as wrong as it was to exlude blacks or women. It's way past time that Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed.

Anonymous said...

excluding blacks was wrong I still believe that women don't belong in combat and I know gays have always been a part of the military but I thinks it's dangerous to play around with the military just do your job and go home. It's unnecessary to gay it up.