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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Homeless In Salisbury

Hi Joe,

Tonight, my fiance and I went to Salisbury Park to take a ride on the horse drawn carriage and look at the lights. Thats not important, but the information that we received while we were there is. The man working there informed us that Mayor Ireton recently took and burned all of the possesions of local homeless men and women, including their blankets! What a selfish act of someone who is supposed to be leading this city.

It really broke my heart to hear that someone would do this, none the less someone in a leadership position! I know that this is not the type of person that I want leading my town. Where was his outreach to the homeless to help them? And not only the fact that he did this, its been bitterly cold, how could you sleep at night knowing that you took all of the possesions that someone had, and destroyed them? Where are his charges for arson, theft....? I'm pretty upset about this, if you couldnt tell. I know that some of the homeless people are a nusiance, panhandling, theiving, etc, but what about the ones who are homeless, and just dont have anything, and cant get a job. Everyone knows that the economy is not in the greatest state right now, but where are his morals????????????

I want to make sure that I am getting all of my facts straight before I start a rant, but I also want to know, how can we help these people who have nothing, and I mean nothing, in the holiday season?

Myself and my fiance are currently without a home, and staying with his family,  as we adopted a homeless, neglected dog which resulted in us having to leave our residence and seek one that is friendly with our animals, as we have two other dogs. So, does that mean that the mayor is going to come here and torch this house???

Please, what can I do to help???

A concerned citizen


Anonymous said...

Salisbury has several organizations that help the Homeless. I volunteer with HALO (Hope and Life Outreach) we have a shelter that is open now for the women and children, Cafe that feeds 7 days a week, HOTS (HALO on the Streets) where we go out and feed those that choose to not come to the Cafe. Our goal is a hand up not a hand out and try to encourage them to take the step to get off the streets with our help. I will not comment about burning belongings since it is just someone saying, until it is confirmed. Lastly, if you had to move because of pets I would guess you are renting. Please know Rinner Management is extremely pet friendly. They manage Parkwood Apts and Marley Manor Apts and multiple pets are welcomed.

Anonymous said...

Why would you write this crap. Give me a break. The mayor rounded up all the homless people collected their stuff and burned it. Now he's coming after your and going to burn your house. Yea believe a bum looking for sympathy. Now you want him charged with arson. What a moron. Maybe it was the stuff I always see laying around with no one in sight when walking around the park or river area. And I hope the stray dog you adopted was worth losing your house. I am sure you got kicked out for other reasons.

Anonymous said...

This seems to happen every year around this time. They seem to wait until the coldest 20 degree weather hits. I heard most of the stuff taken and destroyed was what the churches had just collected and handed out.

Sorry, it is just gut wrenching to hear this.

Anonymous said...

May the Holy Ghost move upon your spirit and provide comfort

Anonymous said...

10:38, than you for the support. Obviously, 10:04 cant read very well, as I obviously dont think that the mayor is going to do that to us, it is just an example of what he is doing. Obviously, you are an idiot because if you had read it, the man WORKING there, who is NOT homeless was telling us this information.

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time I have heard of them taking peoples things. Joe posted something about it about a week ago, maybe longer but it was posted that their things were taken.

Anonymous said...

10:38 AM

The guy you are referencing is a complete moron, in my opinion.

He is just mean and nasty. Seems he uses his emotions to JUDGE rather than use his brain to evaluate.

For his sake and others who must be near him, I too pray that the Holy Spirit give him comfort and guidance.

Anonymous said...

Dear Myself and fiance are being over dramatic for themselves. Sad to know they are homeless but can afford carriage rides and three dogs. Now don't get on my case about this - you are the one who suggested you were homeless and the Mayor would burn your fiance's parents house down. I'm from the old school of people should not shack up but get married before living together.

Anonymous said...

A person is nice enough to let you live in thier home , which is huge and you go out and adopt a dog , when you can't even take care of yourself, You are an ingreatful and ignorant piece of work.
I guess you want fries with that.

Anonymous said...

This is not just Jim Ireton doing this. A few years ago Joe had pictures posted when the city police went in and destroyed the tents and took whatever possessions the homeless had when they set up camp behind the civic center in the woods. They always wait until winter. It wasn't that long ago that Barrie Tilghman said we didn't have a homeless problem knowing the whole time there was a cardboard village set up under the railroad bridge on Rt 13. It's heart breaking and I have no answers but they should leave these people alone. Life is hard enough for them without civic leaders taking the few things they have managed to salvage. Shame on all of them

Anonymous said...

While the mayor has his issues, it seems too incredible to believe that he burned the blankets of the homeless. That sounds like one of those stories that, though completely false, take on a life of their own and quickly spread. Can anyone give this story a reality check?

Anonymous said...

10:04 You are Cold! Just remember what goes around comes around, Your turn is coming!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the game of Grapevine.

The guy working down at the park with the horses does not live in Salisbury. He was probably just repeating the gossip he heard.

As much as I can't stand Ireton, all he did was enforce the law after a bunch of business people got sick of seeing folks at the great crossroads of Delmarva intersection. The city didn't burn their stuff.

Do you think it's good for business to have homeless sitting outside your door? I feel for them and I give to the shelters, but if it scares off business, that's more people heading for the homeless line.

Anonymous said...

It seems a little far fetched to me that the mayor would round up the posessions of the homeless and burn them. If he did that is quite an atrociy, but do we have any evidence other then what some anonymous person heard from a random person? If you're going to publish the letter, it would be nice to have some factual followup.

Anonymous said...

yeah you live off someone else cause you can't take care of yourself, then are so irresponsible you adopt a dog when you can't even take care of yourself, so what are you prepared to do or should I ask what are you capable of doing that could possibly help others. Other than run your mouth? Let me guess you want to take from someone who's worked really hard to be able to live indoors and eat and give it to those like yourself who are willing to struggle like the rest of us?
Get off your butt and give them some money! Oh yeah you can't cause you don't work hard enough to have any extra money, join the crowd!
So typical of the losers in this society!

Sam Bowles said...

Yes the mayor did have the Salisbury Police remove personal objects belonging to the homeless in Salisbury. Items included blankets, bibles, clothing etc. He had them remove the items and destroy them. It is not a case of heresay, I personally know someone who is homeless in Salisbury because he can't find a job. He witnessed the police removing the items. You ppl that think this is heresay are just trying to shield yourselves from the truth. WAKE UP. Give something back. Not all of the ppl that are homeless are bums or alcoholics. My friend is homeless because he lost his job and hasn't been able to find another one.

Chimera said...

If it is true it IS cruel but frankly I am afraid to even go near the City Park.I don't know why they all congregate there,unless its because the bus stop is nearby,but the railroad tunnel and the Royal Farms there by Main St always have crazies roaming around.I dont know if they are homeless or not but some of them are aggressive panhandlers and are disturbed enough to scare me.
Furthermore,while I think its irresponsible to take in animals if you cant support yourself,some of the vicious comments directed at the author are just plain mean.It IS Christmas people.And anyone who loves animals is a good person in my book.

Anonymous said...

Why trash the writer of this e-mail to Joe You assume that the writer is jobless because she moved in with us, her future in-laws, you assume she is lazy living off others. She adopted a dog, beaten and starving with deep infected cuts on his head, infected with worms and mites. She has a heart bigger then most who feels the pain of all, human and animals. We are happy to help her and our son until their house is ready for them to move into. I can only hope if you nasty people ever need the help of another you run into this kind young lady because she will help you even as you trash talk her.