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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Maryland Democrats Respond To Ehrlich Campaign's Election Night Tricks

Annapolis, MD- The Baltimore Sun today reported that the robo calls recieved statewide on election night telling voters to 'stay home' and not vote have been linked to a paid  Bob Ehrlich operative.
In response to this report, Maryland Democratic Party Chair Susan Turnbull made the following statement:
"It is deeply troubling that an operative working for Bob Ehrlich's campaign was responsible for this shameful and illegal attempt to deceive Maryland voters. We hope the Ehrlich campaign will fully disclose their role in this unfortunate episode and cooperate fully with any ongoing investigations in the matter. The right to vote is precious in a democracy and anyone who attempts to deny that right to citizens should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."This is not the first time that Bob Ehrlich has been responsible for attempts to suppress voters. 
In the 2002 Governor’s race, Bob Ehrlich’s campaign distributed a brochure at African American voting precincts that included a picture of Mr. Ehrlich, Congressman Elijah Cummings and other notable African American leaders - along with the caption: “Democrats for Ehrlich.” That assertion was not true.

In 2006, Bob Ehrlich’s campaign for Governor
bused homeless people from Philadelphia on Election Day to distribute fliers designed to trick African American Democratic voters into voting for him by falsely suggesting that Ehrlich was backed by prominent African American Democratic leaders.


Kim said...

How is this different than OweMalley spending taxpayer dollars to pay overtime to State Highway workers to take down Republican candidate's campaign signs? When most people hear a robo-call, they automatically hang up on it, so chances are, they didn't have any impact on the ultimate outcome of the election. When people are driving, they DO see the campaign signs, so when they drive and only see Democratic signs, that tends to make an impression. While both tactics were wrong, who actually committed the bigger sin?

Anonymous said...

mad because they didn't think of it in other races