Maryland Legislature Won't Allow Private Windfarms
Greg Latshaw:
I hate to burst your bubble but Maryland will throw up more stumbling blocks to private wind farm development than Carter has liver pills.
As author of HB 1510 I can tell you first hand that our elected officials will not back such a proposition. They will instead - thwart private development - through regulatory action - and then move to garner the market by the State developing it themselves - through negotiated PPAs. They have already started to move in this direction with the State's drafting of PPA's - (Power Purchase Agreements) - for renewable energy - whereby they are currently negotiating with several private developers - Bluewater and NRG. Anything that may disrupt the initiation of strong State controls will be thwarted by our elected officials.
Believe me - I've lived here all of my life - just follow the money trail. It is most unfortunate for Maryland's landowners, farmers, and private developers.
The state of Maryland initiated the same action with the former Baltimore Colts - and that is one of the reasons the Colts moved to Indianapolis. They are trying it with the private harness racetracks - forcing State confiscation on those to.
I guess windfarms will be the next - state run and controlled utility to. They would much rather have several large State run wind farms than to allow 1000 individual homeowners to install them. That way the state could control the utilties prices instead of the individual homeowner or business.
I've always said; 'Maryland has the best politicians money can buy'
This is yet another example to prove it.
And the idiots keep electing democrats. You get what you deserve in this case. We just had an opportunity to make a change but we reelected O'Malley and the rest of the liberals so it's no use to complaine now.
Who wrote this?
With all the HOT air in Annapolis,they just need to stand on the steps and BLOW! I just solved the energy problem ;0
Yet another reason for the easternshore to secede from the western shore. By now it should become obvious that our region is being restrained and is misrepresented by the shear numbers of western shore delegates.
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