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Saturday, October 02, 2010

Communist Backing For 'One Nation' March Raises Eyebrows

The Communist Party USA’s open endorsement of Saturday’s One Nation march on the Mall in Washington shows just how radicalized the mainstream of the American left has become, says noted author Paul Kengor. Organizers such as NAACP President Ben Jealous have labeled the march as the “antidote” to the tea party movement. The event also is a response to Glenn Beck’s Aug. 28 “Restoring Honor” rally.

“We aren’t the alternative to the tea party; we’re the antidote,” Jealous told The Washington Post Thursday.

The NAACP put the team responsible for its annual Image Awards show in charge of organizing the One Nation rally, the Post reports.

“The fact that communists can now act so openly, locked arm in arm with fellow travelers in the ‘liberal/progressive’ left, shows just how far liberals and progressives have come. It’s a new day for the left, apparently,” says Kengor.



Anonymous said...

it really isn't a "new day" for the liberals aka progressives. all these people (including communists) have been running this show for many years.
only because of the "new media" are we able to get this info at breakneck speed.
we no longer have to depend on the "old, dying liberal media".
funny what fresh air and sunlight will do. Truth; what a concept....

Anonymous said...

And the White Power movement endorses the tea party.

Anonymous said...

can someone please explain what the "white power" movement is? i don't know of anyone that is associated with the arian groups. i'm sure there are some, but very few. i do know that margaret sanger (founder of planned parenthood) was a eugenist. she wanted to reduce the size of the black race.
from what i can see and observe in the tea party; there are all races and nationalities represented.
again; please explain what the "white power" movement is.

Anonymous said...

They cannot explain it 9:48 because it does not exist. the progressives do not have any factual intelligent argument and have to reort to pulling the "race" card until it has completely worn out.