Grounds for Secession
Inadequate Representation
From the Atlantic Ocean to the Chesapeake Bay - (eastern shore) - we have just 4 Senators out 47 Senators or just 8.5% of the Senatorial body. On the Delegate side we have only 12 Delegates out of 141 Delegates or just 8.5% of the Legislative body. However, land wise the eastern shore comprises 1/3 of the Maryland's land area. In population - Maryland's eastern shore only comprises about 8% or 420,792 - (2004) census estimate.
Special Interest Is Stripping Easternshore's Autonomy
This past Maryland legislative session SB 590 - Fairness In Negotiations Act - was passed by the Maryland General Assembly. In essence - passage of this key piece of legislation circumvents each Counties elected or appointed school board decisions and thus subjects the local decisions to central power - The Governor. This piece of legislation will allow for the local school barganing unit to appeal virtually any decision that it is not satisfied with - thus stripping local autonomy. And guess who appoints the Appeals Board - The Governor. Moreover, strong State central control over population growth allocation, business development, and environmental regulation is circumventing the easternshore's right to self-govern.
Sales Tax Collections Not Being Returned Back To Locality
As a devout reader in all of Maryland's House & Senate Bill synopsis for each of the past 5 legislative sessions - I can assure the typical eastern shore citizen - that our aspiring views are not held with the same weight and respect as we might be led to believe. For example under -both -Republican and Democratic Governorships - I have been personally informed by each administration and the State's Comptrollers offices that they were working on a formula to try and ascertain as to how much of the sales tax collections were actually being returned back into each respective District. After all isn't it fair to assume that what comes in - (sales tax revenues) - should stay in - as opposed to being funneled out into Districts that don't share in our representation. This is what I thought our Constitution was suppose to be about - to protect our population from taxation without representation. Then why should entities like the Maryland Stadium Authority and Baltimore Development Corporation be entitled to proceeds that come from our region. Do we - (eastern shore) - realize the same significant benefit?
Maryland Motorist Fuel Tax Not Being Returned Back To Locality
Or how about our Maryland fuel tax that is collected here on the shore in the millions and then we suddenly realize that all but $200,000 is being returned to Wicomico County.
Maryland's Unfunded State Employee Pensions
Let's not forget that Maryland's unfunded liability for its state employee pension system has now gone from just under $3 billion in 2004 to over $17 billion.
Maryland Retiree Health Care Benefits
We also have unfunded liability for retiree health care benefits that are over $15 billion dollars.
So all told we have over $32 billion in unfunded liability that is just simply being ignored.
Frederick County Also Taking Up Secession Study
Don't think that we aren't alone either - (Kent, Cecil, Caroline, Queen Anne, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester). Just this past month a Frederick County Commissioner, Republican Lennie Thompson, also made the suggestion for Frederick County to Secede. In fact, the Commissioners have already formally met to study the benefits of such a move.
Bottom Line
In light of all of the above cited items - wouldn't it be prudent to either split and form our own separate State - or - alternatively, join-up with another entity - like Delaware - in order to allow our people to decide on how best to govern ourselves?
Soon to be elected officials - perk-up. If you aren't listening - now is a high time to be attentive!
Thanks Breezer - excellent article
Are you talking about a new seperate state? I'd like to see THAT fly in the US Congress...we'd get two US Senators AND a Congressman ? This is too stupid for anyone to believe would ever happen.
The nuts are early this year - it must be the weather.
Response to 9:14 Post
You have eatten chicken for so long that you have for forgotton what steak actually taste like.
Leadership is what it takes. Do you believe that our Country would have been under British rule as opposed to US rule had it not been for a select few of early leaders?
What I'm saying is that we have to the right to self-determination. If we have force a 9 County ballot initiative via militia then so be it. Moreover, our new formation is also grounded in established law. Early on our governance was more or less controlled by the eastern shore counties. This has all now changed. Our agenda has and will be set by the western shore counties.
Were you aware that even Wicomico County used to be Worcester. And also Queen Anne's County was carved from Northern Talbot County and Southern Kent County.
Or how about Delaware's legislature giving unananamous approval for the seceding eastern shore to join-up with lower-Delaware.
What we need are leaders to step up to the plate.
I knew this issue was going to come about sooner or latter. Things have been fomenting for so long that it is already to late to be undone.
Beezer - you have definately struck a cord.
Joining with ES Virginia and Delaware would be a great idea
I also agree that we get no representation and limited benefits.I have always believed that Md and VA portions of the
eastern shore should merge with
If you don't know the difference between "succession" and "secession," perhaps you shouldn't be calling for anything.
i would love to see this happen. ive dreamed about that since i was young. id even accept delaware absorbing us and keeping dover as our government seat.
I don't believe our incumbents are going to move on a separatist move because they to are on the public dole. As long as their paycheck arrives in the mailbox they are not going to bow to the public's sentiments. However, I do believe the seccession does have merit especially for the general public.
Reference to 9:14 Post
You are right - we -(newly formed eastern shore State)- would get 2 new US Senators and another Congressional representative.
And guess what that would sway into our favor because of our conservative principles and views. And that idea really scares the existing US Congress.
I'm all in favor of a separate state.
I read the article on Frederick County's idea to secede. If the eastern shore should decide to split - we really should send someone to Frederick to see if they would like to also join us.
It looks as though they are really serious to.
this has been a topic of discussion for many years. i remember talking about this seriously in the 60's.
yes; i would welcome it for all the reasons given and more.
it would take true leadership and the support of the vast majority of the citizens.
i like the "delmarva" idea; to include delaware, maryland and virginia.
The western shore elected officials have not only taken the prime jobs - they have also regulated the use of virtually all of our land.
What is left are crumbs and now not only is our economy shattered but our children are saddled with debt that we really had no say in.
I say the sooner the split the better.
The easten shore is full of rednecks and idiots. Stop whining. If you don't like it, move.
Great Idea, cut off the shore from the only culturally viable part of the state! It will be like tying off an unwanted skin tab, we can just turn purple and fall off! Lets go ahead and take the notion a step further- physically detach the shore from the unites states, and PUSH it off into the great blue Atlantic. That way the rest of us wont have to be effected by your run-off chicken pollution and piss poor politicians.
The reality is you can't make everyone happy. There will always be whiners no matter what. The western shore has larger corps because it is the "main" land. The transportation costs are not as high because there is less empty traveling. There are more resources do to the people fighting to have those resources. The taxes are much lower on the eastern shore, there are less public services, the open land is a deterent for many larger corporations that do not mind putting out the additional funds for taxation which in turn keeps them on the western shore. The middle/lower eastern shore is not an ideal location for a great majority of businesses and government agencies because, once again, the drive time and distance from co-ops. There are a lot of areas in Maryland not on the eastern shore that have very tight knit, conservative values and principles that is surely not exclusive to the eastern shore. The problem is the local governments do not fight for the people they fight for their pockets.
You want change? Get the scum out of office and elect people that truly care about the people. Once again that is not just the eastern shore that is nation wide. a
"If we have force a 9 County ballot initiative via militia then so be it."
Yeaaaah Breezer, THAT will ever happen... haha
now back to the day room with you!
I agree with 12:08, I also agree that we would be better combined with Delaware. Delaware is so far advanced in their state working together. Take law enforcement, the entire state is connected via one computer system. Maryland, about 100 and they can't communicate with each other. maryland jumps on the counties and cities back, instead Delaware leads the way and tells the counties and cities to put in a little bit and expand to make a better system.
We need better than maryland is offering us now.
I've seen Delaware's Governor more than O'Malley here on the eastern shore.
All I see are his campaign signs and that goes for Ehrlich to. So what does that say - that the eastern shore isn't worth campaigning for. And that my friend pretty well sums up their attitude on the western shore towards eastern shore politics. The only person I've seen to make frequent visits is Brian Murphy. And Murphy is who I'll be voting for.
The bottom line is that most of the citizens located on the eastern shore have been plundered. It is a type of robbery where they do not have to use guns but legislative ammo.
And that they have been very successful at. Case-in-point look at your tag fees, registration, flush tax, real property tax bill, sales tax, the list is endless.
Something else for the crazies to waste their time on.
whats co crazy with not wanting to pay for Bmore welfare and anchor babies? whats so wrong with wanting to set up a new confederate state- free from paying any taxes?!
only a wet pant liberal would not want to succeed from western MD/
I just mad a bumper sticker that says "Delmarva needs to Succeed from Western MD" put it right next to my NRA emblem.
what does "succeed from western MD" mean? Furthermore what is the benchmark for success?
What the heck do you THINK succeed means you moran?!
It means to not be a part of MD anymore, starting a new confederate state and making out own laws, tax free!
what do you think it means?! it means to not be a part of MD anymore...
Dont you have a education?
Gov. Schaefer compared Maryland's Eastern Shore to an outhouse. That is what the Western Shore thinks of us. I would totally support it but I don't know how it could ever happen.
Um, 2:13 secede would be what you're thinking about.
Succeed means achieve what one aims or wants.
I also think you meant morOn.
ES is a beautiful place, too bad it's populated with people like you.
First off, you're a "resident," not a "residence."
Second, representation in our government is not based on land mass; it's based on population. That's the way it's always been, which is why we have a census.
Third, if you think taxes from the Eastern Shore are supporting the Western Shore, pardon me while I bust a gut laughing. Far more money has come east that was collected from the affluent areas than could ever be traveling the other way.
I agree the Eastern Shore is thought of dismissively by legislators over there and some governors ("outhouse" comes to mind). But in terms of fair share? You've gotten more than it. Your roads and bridges weren't built with your tax money, just for starters.
ES would not form a new state, but should instead merge with Delaware, making The First State encompassing of the ES counties of Md & Va. That almost makes sense. Delaware is already way way too small for having 2 US senators anyhow.
2:37 1&2: dont you try correcting me, you sound like some smarty-pants-progressives- throwing your big bad education around... I know what I rote. YOU spelled it rong not me!
Delmarva Tea Party for succeeding in 2010!
Honestly the dumbest idea I have continually heard. I'm guessing that Beezer is over 60 years old. My grandfather used to talk about the same thing 30 years ago. I think that there must be something in the nitrate infested water around here that makes you crazy when you get your AARP card.
Yes..now that Wicomico County is the fourth poorest county( I think only Alleghany ,Dorchester and Caroline are worse off) in the state let's make it better by seceding and eliminating any fiscal assistance altogether.
Great thinking..you should join the Obama economic advisory team.
3:21anon, dont you DARE compare this Tea Party backed succession idea to ANYTHING obama...
you need to decide which side of the state you want to be on- the wet pants liberal western shore or the true patriot, god fearing eastern shore.
you must be one of those RINO's on a boat in the bay. Yuck.
3:31 I would rather go without then put up with the Western Shore liberal B.S. We have totally different ideas on things therefore the Eastern Shore never gets a fair shake in the political arena.
Hey , you spoiled bratt , assistance should be earned , you on welfare?
2:49 too funny.
Good one 2:49.
I know that you and the Tea Party will secede, I mean succeed or is it suceed? Whatvever... How can it not with memebers like you and leaders like Palin and Beck.
this State has always been run by pocket-lining thieves ..Mike Miller had his own limo...there is no true benefit anyone can outline we get from the State of Maryland..
If OC was hit by Earl...O'Malley would build three more schools in every Western Shore County and left Worcester County to pay their own way
To 2:37 Posting
You need to go back and read the article. Beezer said that they - (State government) - is evading transparency by not invoking the sales tax return formula.
On the amount of State money we receive - I beg to disagree with you. Look at our astronomical tag and license fees, flush tax, inventory tax, sales tax, corporation filing fees, personal property tax filing fees, so on and so on - the list is endless.
I say the sooner we move in the direction of seccession the better.
4:41 yeah you are so right in your own little imaginary world that is! Get a grip on what the rest of us call reality. While the world or state does not revolve around the eastern shore there is plenty of money thrown at the eastern shore that is generated on the upper eastern shore and the entire western shore...emmissions for example.
On the western shore kids get 1 math book, 1 literature book, 1 english book, etc and get this they have to use that same book at home and at school unlike the eastern kids that get one to keep at home and one to keep at school. That's wasting money right there not to mention all the other hurry up and spend it tactics the eastern shore government uses to keep milking the system.
How much did the state pay Millies in Vienna for a run down dump that is supposedly going to be used as a tourism center....it's crap! Then again it's who you know right?
you couldnt convince delaware to take us.
Just got home from teaching at school and I would like to chime-in.
'Ought from Ought is Nought'
Mathematically speaking 0 - 0 = 0
When you are from the eastern shore and have nothing to start with then nought is what you will probably end up with - under the current system.
I say go for the gusto and split with our western counterparts. If we have to team-up with Delaware then so be it.
Yeah! This hea' Tea Party needs to get behind the eastern shores push the succeed from western maryland!
It's coming western MD! we're going to succeed from you!!!!
I'm all about it! We would be better off.
would rather live in jersey or ny state than be combined with delaware. that state is a hole that provides the country with nothing other than a place for air force jumbo's to land and park and a tax haven for banking thanks but no thanks and no delaware here thank you
Woe - this is really an interesting topic of discussion.
Great job in reporting this SBYnews. No wonder your site is getting hits off the geiger counter scale - with coverage like this I can see why.
No more city trash a loud on the shore.
I was just told that the AFP is now going to consider pushing local republican candidates to add secession to their platform.
I for one wont vote for anyone who doesn't publicly endorse this idea.
anonymous 8:56, since when has the AFP not followed in Salisbury News foot steps? Oh, that's right, night meetings, I forgot. Other than that, pretty much ALL of their topics came only after I had gone public with them. Mind you, I'm cool with that because they deserved all the attention. However, Julie Brewington would act like it was her idea. I had been fighting the Library for what, 2 years. All of a sudden Julie comes along more than a year later and the bulb turned on in her head. Like, groovy, I don't like them spending $32 million on a new Library, like, DUH. How many AFP Members go to the new night meetings? When you have to dig for things to fight for, that's pretty scary. I know, pick a topic they have come up with and then type the key words in our search box and see how many years earlier we had already come up with it. This should get interesting.
7:42 I believe what you were trying to type was "allowed". For such witty people some of the comments sure don't show it! I guess those posts in particular go to show what happens in the two counties with the highest home school populations. If nothing else in this world please give your children a chance to succeed, (proper usage, did you notice?), in life with a proper education so they can determine proper wording and spelling so they do not look like a bunch of uneducated morons. Please allow them to be better than you!
9:46, Is there a reason why you must call people out on poor spelling? I may be an outsider to the eastern shore, having come from WV, but the people here on the shore are honest hard working people. Regardless of how many misspelled words I read, I would rather stick with honest folks then some jerk who would rather take the time to point out another's flaws. -CJ
Fact is their isn't a tax base large enough on the Eastern Shore to support a state gov't. I guess you guys want the some good ol' boys running a state? They've done "wonders" in Salisbury, letting it turn into a complete garbage dump. I'm a conservative, who grew up on the Shore. I've heard this nonsense my entire life, it's not going to happen. And if it did, the Shore would be worse off. You actually believe the Shore is a net tax "giver" to the state of MD? It's not.
The path to statehood is laid out. Just follow the lead of Puerto Rico. It can be done. Imagine walking away from the liabilities of the western shore. Imagine the income from border tolls. Start with a smaller more conservative state. It would be a new beginning.
And that would be why slick Jimmy will be our new state senator to prevent the peasentry from uprising.
I'm all for it. Imagine passing our own laws instead of having some paper pusher in Annapolis shoving their crap down our necks. Yes sir,a totally win situation.
I live in Ocean Pines. We are a self sustained community with our own water treatment plant, fire and police dept etc. Yet we have to keep a Berlin Zip Code all over the county losing tax benefit. Tough. We pay the money to live where we do and having to be associated with Berlin is wrong
5:45 PM
They already voted unanimously to accept us. DUH
I just want to point out that with all this "resenting" of government going on here, each and every one one of you are now on the FBI and Homeland Security's list of undesirable citizens and possible homegrown terrorists and further, the "thought police" will now be monitoring your e-mails, cell phones and personal movements. If I were YOU, I would stop this independent and unapproved free thinking stuff RIGHT NOW. If not, Govenor O'Malley will be arresting you very shortly. Don't worry about the charges --- they're not going to be a necessary part of that process.
Would be most interesting to see what Delaware's legislature thinks about this initiative. Being that they have already voted unanomously to accept the eastern shore before - I wonder what they would think under their current leadership.
Ref: 9:49 Post
I guess they'll arrest the Delaware legislature too for even considering the proposition. Get a life.
will not ever happen Ocean City gives the dummiecrats to much money
10:49....LOL! I got a life...A good one...Probably better than yours. AND it included some schooling. LOL. What the heck is "unanomously" anyway? While you're looking THAT word up, check out "sarcasm", too. Then, make sure you wind the windows closed on your trailer -- it's going to rain today.
I'm all about it !!!
Beezer! Step out behind the anonymous name and lead the charge.
Arnold Watkins
Salisbury, MD
To Arnold Watkins
I to was just thinking about how Beezer has 'picture framed' the easternshores issues so well. While I ponder all that has transpired for the past decade or so - it only seems appropriate for Maryland's eastern shore counties to secede. Our people truly deserve better than what we have had representing us in Annapolis.
Lowell & Rich were right on target.
12:44 what a contradiction. Smaller more conservative state but charge tolls everywhere.
Yeah, good luck with that!
Secede then blow the bridge
Any person that believes that this is possible is foolish. You guys going to war? Ha ha ha ha!
hey 9:03, I used to live in the Pines also. I got sick of neigbors calling the OP HOA to send fines because my son left his bicycle on the front lawn. The HOA fees were absurd, that is why I moved away from MD and now live in Delmar DE. It is close to salisbury (work) and my taxes on the 1.5 acre property are $ 352.00 per year. You should move on over!
812 I love it! awwww snap.
I have heard ocean pines people were....strange to put it nicely
If we join up with Delaware, we will be ruled by Wilmington which, is just like Baltimore politically. I like the idea of Eastern Maryland, Virginia will never give up their little piece of the peninsula. If it wasn't for the cash cow Ocean City is to The Eastern Shore...they would have cut this "out house of Maryland" loose a long time ago. I', in!
I'd rather join with Virginia than Delaware. Join with Virginia and you gain more rural representation for the State of Virginia and we gain a capital that represents our needs. Join Delaware and give it 20 years, and we'll have the same problem with Wilmington that we have now with Baltimore.
See, I think REAL wishful thinking goes like this actually.....DC should become its own state and take Montgomery County, PG County, and Northern Virginia with it. If this happens, both Maryland and Virginia will be red states forever. Outside of Montgomery and PG Counties, the only truly Democratic liberal locale in Maryland would be Baltimore City and the rest of the state can outvote and overpower them, the way liberal cities like New Orleans and Atlanta are overpowered by the rest of their states. Most of Baltimore County and Harford County are actually conservative. People in Western MD (west of Hagerstown) also feel a disconnect with the rest of the state. Yes this will add some liberal ppl to Congress, but add even more conservatives.
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