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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tea Party Racism

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Anonymous said...

Ha, roll out two blacks as proof of no racism. LOL

The Tea Party is not racist. They just think that poor people are poor because they are lazy and lack judgment. They see alot of poor blacks, so it's ok for them to believe that most blacks are lazy and lack judgment.

Anonymous said...

The latest and the old worn out call of racism attack the American people can see right through this!

Anonymous said...

They ignore the voter intimidation by the racist group the Black panthers but accuse Mom and Pop who protest wasteful spending and loss of freedoms as racists. Anybody who disagrees with this administration is accused of racism. The good thing is they have gone to this desperate tactic too many times and it falls on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, I still can't find anyone who can answer "what freedoms have we lost under this administration?"

Anonymous said...

2:20 Right now it's financial freedom by being over taxed however it's what your leaders have put in place like health care. They have forced people to buy something they don't want which is illegal,now that it is law the government can dictate everything from your diet to your over all lifestyle. If they deem anyone of these things unsafe and unhealthy they can make the case that it will be un-fair for tax payers to pay for your health care if you live what they say is an unhealthy life style and drop you from the system but still make you pay for it.Why would you ever give full control over your life to the politicians?

Anonymous said...

3:37, all that lard in your diet has clogged the arteries to your brain. Are you forced to buy car insurance, are you forced to get a driver's license to drive? Both government "dictated" but the sky didn't fall with either of them. Providing affordable health care to all Americans will save money in the long run for all Americans. I think, if you really, really, try hard, you can think of a few ways you still have some control over your life! Be not afraid!

Anonymous said...

so 3:37, you have been under the same tax law for the last 2 yrs. that was in place before (were you in bondage then?), so on point #1 you are wrong.

How many people don't want insurance? There is no mandate to buy "gov." insurance. And please explain how the scenario you pointed out (which isn't even accurate) is any different from insurance companies currently closing their doors to smokers, drug users, AIDS patients, cancer patients, or any number of preexisting conditions? That is prior to the inactment of the health care law.

Get a grip. I'm not saying I'm a huge fan of the law, but atleast critique it in a logical fashion instead of coming with the same played out hyperbole.

Anonymous said...

6:44 The question was what freedoms have we lost? I didn't say we have lost freedoms up to this point I merely pointed out the things that are in place that could potentially interfere with personal freedoms. Sorry if your were confused but not surprised being you are a Obama-care supporter. 6:38 Where is it in the law that I have to have a drivers license? What law says I have to buy car insurance? And as far as affordable they have already stated that their cost estimates were wrong! But keep drinking the kool-aid and wait for your government freebies Obama-zombie!

Anonymous said...

9:50, 6:38 here. You are right, you don't have to get a license or buy insurance. I assumed you could figure out that I meant if you were part of the majority of adult Americans who drive a car. And for the record, mr. know it all, I did not vote for Obama, have paid my own way all my adult life, have no credit card debt, and support as many local charities as I can fit in the budget. Guess I don't fit your profile, eh, stupid?

Anonymous said...

11:23, why debate 9:50? He/she can't even get their story right.

"I didn't say we have lost freedoms up to this point" 9:50
"Right now its financial freedom..." 3:37

Careful with all that back pedaling, you might trip and fall and have to use some of that gov. health care