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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sand Castles Are Now Illegal


Here is a story of how far the corporate gulag has gone down the rabbit hole. In an effort to keep secret the complete destruction of the Gulf of Mexico by BP, it has become illegal to build sand castles. The media cannot allow reporters or camera men to cover the hidden oil - at all costs!

GO HERE to read the article.


Anonymous said...

Valuable information. Thanks for posting this Joe!

We need to investigate (each one of us) the crimes which have been perpetuated against humanity in the Gulf of Mexico. The corporate facist dictatorship which is our Federal Government has hidden the crimes and the criminals, and have thereby become a part of the criminal enterprise.

Untold damage has been done and people are sick. Fish are dying by the scores and the sea is now poisoned.

The corexit is being evaporated and is now raining down on the people killing their back yard plants.

Educate yourself! Please

Anonymous said...

well if it is ILLEGAL that means a LAWMAKER had to make it illegal you see who runs the country the company with the most money hah usa what a joke

Anonymous said...

who cares? oil is natural. what we sprayed on it was not. ill take my chances with mother nature - she knows what shes doing.
besides, 17 "accidents" (gulf x2, china x2, 3 tankers, several refinery explosions - all without explination) ever since obama lifted the moraorium on april 1st? only to reinstitute them and call for higher taxes, fees, and studies afterward? sound to me like these "accidents" werent so accidental.
this is more government controlled media telling you (by investigative reporting of leaks of course) what you "need" to hear. we cant stop them.

Anonymous said...

They can't do anything without government approval!

lmclain said...

Man!! I'm sensing some distrust of our government....say it ain't so!! BP isn't going to clean this up --- not only is it IMPOSSIBLE with our limited means -- but they don't have enough money. Once they start "finding" the oil they so gleefully declared "evaporated" and "gone' (as if by magic!!), then they will be responsible for the associated costs. Why do you think they were in SUCH a hurry to say it's over?? And why did our government wrap their arm around BP's shoulder and say "yep, they're right!! Its pretty much outta here!"? What was the motivation for THAT? Money? Bribes? Payoffs? Kickbacks? SCIENCE??? Even I, only half as smart as Forest Gump, KNOWS 200 million (I think, really, more like 300-400 million) gallons of heavy crude just doesn't 'float away in the air". It's STILL there, in the marshes, on the beaches, in the ecosystem (from bottom to top), in the ocean and on the floor of the Gulf. And its gonna be there for a VERY long time. Its BP that won't be around (for the responsibility)...

Anonymous said...

5:57-Barack Obama recieved more political donations from BP and BP employees then any other US politician over the past 20 years. He was in their pocket from day one.

Anonymous said...

Every real boat owner knows to keep a bottle of Dawn onboard in case you spill oil, diesel or gas in the water. Douse it with Dawn and it disappears. That's what BP and the Gov't. did.....It's on the bottom where people can't se it...poof GONE!