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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Conservative Black Leaders Praise Glenn Beck Rally At Lincoln Memorial, Criticize Al Sharpton’s Counter-Rally

Conservative black leaders who participated in the rally hosted by radio and TV personality Glenn Beck at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday said the event honored the legacy and vision the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who delivered his “I Have A Dream” speech on the same date and at the same place 47 years ago.

The event, the leaders said, was designed to honor people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin, the very idea Dr. King spoke of in his speech at the Memorial almost half a century ago.

Alveda King, a niece of Dr. King, said the purpose of the rally was “to focus on honor and on the content of our character, and not the color of our skin,” echoing the words of her uncle’s famous speech of 1963.

“We’re here to honor Uncle Martin,” she said, surrounded by black clergy and gospel singers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. King further said that her uncle would have approved of “Restoring Honor,” which was billed by Beck as a non-political gathering to honor America, Americans like King, and the military men and women who have made great sacrifices for the freedoms that U.S. citizens enjoy today.

Franz Kebreau, national director of the National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of All Colors (NAACPC), told that a counter-rally led by Rev. Al Sharpton, also on Saturday in Washington, D.C., was really a disservice to the slain civil rights leader.

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Anonymous said...

Way to get used Alveda. The focus of the event was building the Beck brand. Kudos to Beck and his success. But you can cut all the "Restoring Honor" crap. The only people who say we somehow have lost honor are the ones mad because they're candidate did not win the election.

Alex said...

I wonder how many mugs and bumper stickers he will sell.

Restoring honor? After all this commotion, I actually watched the full recap of the rally. Looked like a combo of a church sermon and AA meeting.

Anonymous said...

Beck's message was more in line with MLK's dream, It was a short few years ago that Sharpton and crew were praising the new black panthers on that very spot ! So who is the sell out ?

Anonymous said...

10:12 The rally wasn't political .

Anonymous said...

Beck is at the forefront of the media primarily because of his daily ideaological diatribes. Even if they didn't speak directly about politics at the rally, the title for the event is 100% political and only thinly veiled.

Anonymous said...

Beck believes in conservative principles and has spread the word what's the big deal ? A big part of his popularity is the failures of Obama. I bet you can't name one liberal who could draw such a crowd !

Anonymous said...

1:58, you hit it right on the head ("....believes in conservative principles and has spread the word"). I don't have a problem with Beck. My problems are with the bozos who actually believe that Beck along with Limbaugh, Olberman, or any of the other talking heads are actually out here fighting for you. They are simply fighting for your dollars. They are making bank off the political divisions and run-amok ideaology on both sides. Great for them (I admire their success) but not so great for the country as a whole.

Chimera said...

Al Sharpton is not even one fraction the man MLK was....and he knows it which is why he makes such a butt of himself.

Anonymous said...

2:41 You could use that weak argument about CBS nightly news. The reason people like Beck and Limbaugh are so popular is because people believe in the same principles and values that they do.People are tired of having liberalism forced on them and the monopoly liberals have on the MSM.All Beck has done was to give them a rallying point and inspire people to speak out.

Anonymous said...

3:47, the sudden hysteria on the right following losses in two elections is hilarious. Maybe you lost, not because of the media, but because of your guy's policy decisions.

Conservatives run talk radio and have the #1 cable news network. How is that not "MSM"? Beck and Limbaugh daily throw out half truths and inuendo that you bozos suck up as fact. And when someone objectively factchecks their statements, you scream MSM. Hilarious!