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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A/C System Down Again

The Air Conditioning System in the Government Office Building is down once again. We're told this time its only in the mid 80's inside the building.


Anonymous said...

So what? If people would spend more time working and less time complaining, the government would be much more efficient.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 4:51, they're people too!

I went in the last time the AC broke down and it was 90 in the GOB. The people in the parking permit office were at their desks and ready to help me get a permit. They do a great job even when the AC is broken.

Your stupid swipe at a bunch of public servants does nothing to help anyone. Why don't you try spending a workday sweltering at 80 degrees?

Anonymous said...

Try visiting Bennett Middle School this week where temperatures have been in the upper 90's. And our kids are supposed to learn in this kind of envirnonment.

Anonymous said...

The U.S.Postal Service building on Rt. 50 went a couple of years without A/C working. We used chicken house fans among others to try to make it workable. No windows didn't help. A couple of workers passed out and several went home. Yep! it was just about as hot as it is now.

Anonymous said...


First of all, the kids shouldn't even be in school BEFORE labor day.
Secondly, when I grew up in Kansas in the 60's, there was no air conditioning!
What kind of milk toast kids do we have now?

Anonymous said...

Cold cost.

Moon Cricket said...

If Gordy didn't piss the cities money away buying fire trucks and fire stations the A/C system could be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Bennett Middle is in the mid 90's with no hope of air conditioning to fix. Some classrooms have as many as 30 students in them - making it feel even hotter. Sorry if I don't feel too bad for the Government Office Building. Bet we have other schools with temps that high as well.

Sturg said...

So classroom was measuring 104 today!!!

Anonymous said...

My son is a suveryor and works outside hot or cold. Never hear him complain. He is happy to have his job.

Anonymous said...

Hey think about the workers in the restaurant kitchens or the bakery.
we look forward to a cold winter.

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is they dont care. Public schools will become a symbol of the seperation of the societies, just a little symbol. This depression has created a fork in the road for alot of things, which way to go. Any of you feel that? It is the toughest of times, but if you cant keep the A-C running in the local GOB building maybe your financial responsibilities are a joke, do you think? Good Lord...

Anonymous said...

Try working outside on a construction site EVERYDAY its hot for less money due to bid wars

Anonymous said...

5:50 - we learned fine without A/C throughout all 12 years

Anonymous said...

bennett middle was much better then the government building. i was in the the government and it was about 80 with no air movement at all. at least when i went to bennett middle we could open the windows and had fans.

Anonymous said...

Joe WBOC is being irresponsible, NOAA all day has included wicomico county in all watches and warnings and WBOC has not included it. Check NOAA yourself and you will see


Anonymous said...

Suffer! Our building is old and we have no ac. Get over it. I would be happy to just have a job let alone a government job.

Anonymous said...

My central a/c broke down June 3, 2010. I can't afford to pay anyone to fix my a/c. I've gone all summer w/o central air. It has been extremely hot for me. But, I think it is ashame that Bennett, government buildings don't have air. How are the kids gonna stay focus if the environment is too hot. Where are all the volunteers who possibly have kids enrolled in these schools, that could use their experyise and ezperience to resolve this problem for the kids. As for the government buildongs, don't thay have a maintenance department. Just a thought

Anonymous said...

8:56, BELIEVE me, a govt't job is not what it is cracked up to be. Especially a local government job. The pay sucks, and the benefits are expensive. You will take more money home in your paycheck in private sector. That is a fact.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely absurd to expect people to function in that kind of heat, and I agree, BMS staff and students too, and some are more sensitive to it than others. Fix the damn air, and give people air if they have none. and 7:57 it's cooler outside in the heat than inside with no air

Anonymous said...

6:24 - Anything else you'd like to complain about while your going?
You've obviously got a government job with good pay (even though you say it sucks) and you have benefits (some of us have no benefits) and you have a retirement program set up for you too.
Now, take a look around at all those with NO jobs, NO benefits, and truly lousy pay.
It could ALWAYS be worse, so stop your complaining!

Anonymous said...

It was a disgrace how JMB was neglected for years and the students and faculty told to "suck it up" because some old codgers had to live through hot summers back in the day. And now Bennett Middle is a sad pile of rubble with minimal shelter from weather. Back when most people had no AC in their houses it was one thing to tell kids to rough it in school, but now when everyone goes home to, or sits all day in an AC-cooled environment, it tells the kids and teachers that they DON'T MATTER.

If you think the public servants in the GOB don't matter, you're wrong. Any time I've had to call on them for anything they've been helpful and professional. We have a great City staff and they are really not given credit for what they do.

I've lived in other states and cities and this City, despite its terrible Council and past Mayors functions better than the others I've known!

Anonymous said...

This isn't about who suffers more than who. Its about the fact that the City/County spent hundred of thousands of dollars to fix something that isn't worth fixing! They are wasting tax payers' money by trying to patch a problem instead of replacing the problem. The money they are going to spend fixing the AC will far exceed the money they would have spent to replace it.

As for this BMS AC issue:

1-Students aren't in school during the hottest months of the year. GOB employees are
2-The BOE is (I hate to say this) smarter than the rest of the County because they know that it is more cost effective to not address the heat issues at BMS and just wait til they replace the school rather than install AC AND still replace the school later.
3-BMS has windows that OPEN, the GOB has HUGE windows that do not open. That means that there is absolutely no airflow in the building when the AC goes down! It gets hot and germs and disease can fester in that kind of environment causing quite a "sick house"

For those of you complaining about working outside, you are dress for the job, you chose the job and it's conditions and you expect those conditions everyday! GOB workers have a business professional dress code that often times entails coming to work in slacks, long sleeve shirts and ties-none of which are conducive to working comfortably in 90+ degree heat! Certain professions and careers expect certain conditions, when those conditions are not met then it can create a hardship and difficulties doing the job.