INCIDENT: Burglary/Theft
DATE: August 20, 2010
LOCATION: 33500 Block Mt. Hermon Road, Parsonsburg, MD 21849
NARRATIVE: On August 15, 2010 the Wicomico Sheriffs Office responded to the above address for a reported burglary and theft. The victim’s residence and garage were subject tobeing forced open and numerous items were taken to include long guns and jewelry. Members of WBI were assigned the investigation. After several days of intense investigation members of WBI arrested the below listed suspects for the burglary. Many of the items stolen were also recovered.
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776
Willard Hope Croswell 44 W/M Bob Smith Road, Parsonsburg, MD
Ronald James Campbell 29 W/M Walston Switch Road, Parsonsburg, MD
Ronald James Campbell 29 W/M Walston Switch Road, Parsonsburg, MD
I am happy that these particular victims were lucky enough to recover most of their stolen items. However, they broke into my home on more than one occasion and have stolen thousands of dollars in jewelry which they were seen pawning at local pawn shops. I am sad to report after hours of looking in those pawn shops yesterday they have all been melted down and I will never see them again. Including my Grandmothers wedding set and anniversary band that I just received when she died in December. Very unique nautical charms and bracelets. Diamond earrings and tennis bracelet. 2 very detailed fishing pole charms and the list goes on. I have so much emotion about this since I have been given these two work for 2 years and this is the thanks I get. What you have reported is only one burglary but stay tuned there are many, many more to follow with the same faces attached. I hope the justice system puts these creeps away for along time....what is that saying...Never bite the hand that feeds you!!
Is that Pete? Wow he has been eating good!!!!!!!!!!!
don't worry pete,,i'll take care of ur ole lady,while bubba's taking care of you!
They didn't go through the window to get in that is for sure!
I won't say it won't happen but most of the time, they won't be charged with everything. A friend of mine had her house broken into and had fingerprints in the house that came back on Nicole White and John Parsons. John Parsons was charged and is now in jail. Nicole White has never been charged with the crime.
Could these two be the ones that were doing burglaries by four wheelers? This had been taking place for several years in the Bob Smith Road/Tingle Road area.
The whole family of Croswell are nothing but thiefs. Check out their court porceedings on the whole family. Crooks
Darn they should have come on down Mt. Hermon, between the dogs and my gun, they would not be doing that again. Did they know the people whose house the stole from?
Well Well Well. P-burg fire dept. Ask pete for the money stolen from the safe years ago. I guess I was not wrong after all.
This dude is on crack. He just has a wife that feeds him well. Why else would he be doing this dumb crap.
He has been doing this for years he just had the right friends looking out for him. A.M.S.A. cops. Hmmmmmmm. No need to name any of them.
Awesome work W.B.I. I bet they confessed to that detective that wears the skin tight clothing. Wow smoking weapon. It should not be legal. I thought Sam had quit wearing stuff like that. you all thought I was talking about someone else.
Awesome work keep it up.
Some folks never learn. They should have gotten jobs during the Salisbury PD and Task Force scandal, and their involvement could have been swept under the old rug, with the rest, or gotten jobs at the Landfill, where the crimes would have actually paid, and they could hit all the county residents at one time, laughing all the way to the bank, then go on with business as usual.
The croswell family is a bunch of theives and crooks as for the other one I feel sorry for his family and the two year old the most. He'll do the time lets just hope he learns from the experience.
It's obvious that those of you that are making nasty comments don't really know all of the Croswells. They are a very nice family and would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. Not one of you know the details of what really happened here. What happened to "Innocent until proven guilty"? You probably all go to church and sit there holier than thou, and then come home and make hurtful comments and judge these 2 people before you know the facts. You should be ashamed of yourselves!!! Would you want people to trash your entire family just because one of your family members is accused of something that he may or may not have done? Would you want YOUR wife, children, and extended family tore to shreds and made fun of just because YOU were accused of something? I don't think so! This is a very hard time for the Croswell family, and I think your time would be better spent praying for them than bashing them.
Y'all better watch what you say here. It's not hard to figure out who some of you are, and unless you have proof about what you are saying,(Pam, I know for a fact you have NO proof that Pete was involved in your burglary), what you're all saying is pure slander and defamation of character. So, maybe you should keep your rediculous accusations and hateful comments to yourselves!!
IF you check the judicial page you will see that there is another group of charges and now Pete is under an additional $75,000. Does he have a job?
No need to feel sorry for the "other one." Seems he did not learn from the past, and will be a covicted felon all over again. As far as a whole family being crooks and thieves, glad you posted that. I am sure the innocnet children caught up in this did not know what they where
you all got alot of mouth on a screen! i am a croswell and if you screen talkers gor something to say you know where we are jts market around eight oclock if not i`ll give you my number we can have a chat!!!!
is this guy any relation to bill croswell or william croswell what ever people know him by from willards
11:10-cmitchell-it's RIDIculous...not REdiculous. Just thought if you were calling Pam out you should know how to spell properly first.
Also, I have known Pam a long time and she surely wouldn't post information that she didn't know to be true for the world to see. She has her name on it for God's sake.
Take a seat somewhere and handle your own business. It will all come out in the wash.
Check out the newest blogs for today and you will see Willard (Pete) Croswell was rearrested and now back in jail. If you check the court proceedings you will see ALL the Croswell listed in there for thief in last year. The one brother was involved with the Landfill scandal.
11:10 cmitchell
That's nice that your sticking up for Pete but honestly I didn't accuse him the police contacted me and said I need to go do inventory on my jewelry based on a confession that was given. So, although I do admire your loyalty you just need to let the facts unfold.
oooooo someone called the Croswell's a name. Now they are ready to kick butt. Jt's is not even open at 8pm on a Sunday is it? Nothing but a bunch of old lonely men hanging out there. Get a life. Sticks and stones is all it is yet you want to fight someone. Grow up
Yet another fine example of shore locals proving their ignorance. I thought these types of crimes didnt happen on the "holier than thou" eastern shore??? You'd be foolish to trust 75% of the local ppl around here. Most are backstabbing crooks with nothing more than stupidity and ignorance to contribute. The funniest part is that ppl here actually think and trust these local ppl and most wave the "everyone on the shore is so friendly" flag at the drop of a hat. Ahhh, what naive small uneventful lives that you live.
none of you know the facts.not even me.if you did i`m pretty shore you would not be saying anything.so all the slander your throwing around on here is all talk.and i notice that you want to talk smack.i pretty shore if this site automaticly put your name on here there would not be all this crap so talk all you want our family is great enough to stick together no matter what!!!
Pam, Pete hasn't confessed to anything! It's Ronnie that's singing like a bird to try to save his own butt, and some of the "burglary's" that Ronnie is talking about didn't even happen! Ronnie is telling it all and blaming it on Pete and who's to say Pete was even with him. Everybit of this is from what Ronnie is telling, and there's no proof that Pete was involved in any of it. Just because they know each other and work together doesn't mean Pete did what Ronnie is saying he did. Like I said, The more Ronnie implicants Pete, the better Ronnie looks. I don't know how they think Ronnie is a credible witness when some of the people he's saying Pete Stole from have never been burglarized. They need to throw out everything Ronnie is saying and stick to what they can actually prove!
Anonymous 2:43...I hope you know that the police have done their homework and have tons of evidence or Pete would not be locked up. Pete is not confessing but the videos at the pawn shop tell a very unique story. I would love nothing more than this to go away as it makes me sick just thinking about it but the fact that the police got a confession and then I came home to check my jewelry box and all my gold was missing really isn't looking so good for Petes innocence. Again, lets just let the police do their work and we will wait for the court date so the jury can decide.
The pawn shop video shows Ronnie selling your jewelry. A different one shows pete in a pawn shop. That's it, not selling buying.. nothing. Not with your stuff or anyone else's. Being in a pawn shop doesn't make you guilty. They have many many unsolved burglaries in this area which doesn't make the cops look good. Now they have Ronnie who's willing to close the books on all their unsolved cases. I think He's blamed Pete for everything that's unsolved since 1852. They have a gold mine in Ronnie, They ask him "Hey Ronnie, how bought this one? It's still open" Yeah, he did that one too!" Ronnie gets immunity, the cops close their unsolved cases. Some body gets a bonus and a award for closing the last 250 open burglary cases. Why do you think Pete was arrested for one thing then 2 days later a few more things, then they are talking about more next week. It's not because anyone saw him or he was caught red handed by the cops, it's all just because Ronnie is running his mouth getting pts for every case he blames on Pete. You notice that Ronnie is suppose to be in on this too but you only hear of Pete getting all these charges. What is Ronnie getting Immunity for closing cases for them? The don't have proof on all that he is being charged with. This whole thing is Bull!!!
I feel sorry for this poor person defending this crook. Here is alittle Police 101-They would need evidence to hold him and they have plenty of it. I would guess your the wife or mother and I am sure I would defend my loved one regardless of the evidence PILING up. There is a gun that was stolen and tracked to Petes brother so wake up he is far from innocent. Don't worry he will have his day in court and then we can see the evidence for ourself. In no given day that I would run into Pete was he without Ronnie so if you think Ronnie acted alone, I highly doubt that will be the next breaking news. Face reality now it will be easier for you to handle then when he is hauled away for years and years.
Seriously?? Did you forget to finish third grade? Half of the things you spew do not even make sense. You are not doing your friends any justice with your postings on this blog. It's probably best you just hush up for now.
and for Petes defender, There was a jewelry box full of jewelry from an estate in Willards that was stolen out of the house found in PETES truck when they arrested him. So seriously you need to quit defending this low life that stole from the people that provided his living.
Ok, here's the thing with the gun, Pete, and his brother...Pete's brother made the comment that he was looking for a small shotgun for home protection. Pete said he would look around and see if anyone had one that they might want to sell. The next day Pete called his brother and said Ronnie had one that he could have. His brother asked him how much he wanted for it. Pete said that Ronnie said that he could have it. That's how his brother had the gun. Pete said he didn't know where Ronnie got it, that he just had it. So his brother did get a gun from Pete. But Pete got it from Ronnie, and Ronnie said he just had it and didn't have a need for it anymore,so Pete's brother could have it. How does that make Pete guilty. The gun came from Ronnie!
This is to anon 6:54 Our Wonderful Mother passed away 3 and a half years ago. Please, before you point fingers at family members think about these things. You have now hurt our family in another way that could have been totally avoided by you.
Billie Jo Croswell White
And yes they found a jewelry box in Pete's truck. But think about it, Pete was arrested the first time then bailed out. He knew they were doing multiple searches on his property. If he knew that was in his truck it would have taken 60 seconds to grab that jewelry box and throw it in the woods across the street. Some one said Pete and Ronnie were always together. Who's vehicle were they always together in? PETE'S! Isn't it at all possible that Ronnie could have hid it in Pete's truck? And of all these burglaries that he is suppose to have done the only that was found in Pete's posession is a little jewelry box? Idon't think that's hard evidence. Especially when they've gotten their information from someone that has been proven to be lying, someone that has been cornered and the only way he can get out of it is to spill his guts and give the cops what they want to hear to close their cases. They say most of the stolen items have been recovered, where did they fine them? They sure didn't fine them at Pete's house! So who does that leave? Think about it!
so what's the story of the jewelry box. Let me guess, I have the story down pat. Ok, Ronnie said Pete I am bringing my Grannys jewelry box because I am afraid someone will break in and steal it and Pete said no problemo we can just drive it around like its our pet today. Everywhere we go it will go. OH NO, the PO PO showed up with an arrest warrant and Grannys box was taken but it is all just a huge misunderstanding. Ronnie dun it, I swear! you guys are freaking crazy if your sitting home thinking Pete is clean as a whistle. You will have a very hard life ahead of you seperated from your loved one.
And how do you know he didn't just say he got the gun from Ronnie to cover his own ass. Trust me they were always together
And to 6:54, I will be glad to "face reality" when I see some hard proven facts. So far all I've heard has been rummors, subjective theories, assumptions, circumstantial evidence, and down right hateful lies. Just because he has been charged with these crimes doesn't mean he did it. There are a lot of people every day that are charged with crimes that they didn't do. Pete has the right to remain silent (which he's doing), right to an attorney (which he has), and right to due process, by which the burden on the prosecution is to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. So far, I can see where there is reasonable doubt in everything that has been presented. Therefore, unless there is hard facts, Pete cannot be convicted. Until then I WILL defend him, just as any one of you would want and should be defended if there is reasonable doupt. If you have facts then I will be the first to admit I was wrong. But we live in the United States of America, and you, me, and yes even good 'Ole Pete has the right the right to due process and a fair trial, and not to be unfairly convicted on the accusations of an angry mob.
I so need to go to bed I cant take these comments another minute defending this bastard...he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. If you want to live in denial do it but quit posting these stupid posts that make no sense. Ronnie did whatever Pete told him to do and I am not a fan of Ronnies by no means but to blame everything on him and thinking Pete is innocent, COME ON!!!!!!
Ronnie has stolen from every job he ever had. Buddy Lloyd & Sons he was stealing materials off of jobs and selling them for money. Pete is by far an angel. But I know them both and Ronnie has done this shit his whole life. Pete as well but I never thought Pete would steal from a persons house. Its different when you take stuff from a jobsite but to steal from a persons home is crazy. Either way stealing is stealing. And for Billy he is just upset. He needs to worry about his own problems. Everybody would have thought that Pete would have learned from his brother. Guess not...Sorry to his Family.
My comment is not to take up for either Pete or Ronnie.As a family member of Ronnie are whole family knows he lies and steals he has been doing this for a long time and apparently things are still no better.He is very good at story telling he has hurt everyone in our family and left neither of us untouched by his behavior.All the family has tried to get him help for years he just craps on all of us.So good luck Ronnie your gonna need it I dont think your storytelling will go over for you so well this time.He has treated his own family like dirt just for trying to help him. I wonder if his new woman knew about this I feel sorry for both of his children because He is not much of a example for them as a father and has never really been a true father some people just have bad blood he is one of them. His father was from Va. Beach and he was just like him a thief and no good. Maybe he will have time to think for a while about what he has done to everybody May god help him but I forgot he does not believe in god I wonder if he does now?
Wow. This whole thing has blown my mind. I am so not going to make excuses for anyone, but I will say that the truth ALWAYS comes out in the end. Good or bad.
I don't know Pete, but I do know Ronnie. I consider Ronnie a friend and I talk to Ronnie just about every day and see him at least two times a week. I NEVER EVER EXPECTED THIS!! I had no idea this was happening or I would definitely have pleaded with him. Ronnie really isn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be, he does have his moments of stupidity, and unfortunately if this is all true... this will be the dumbest thing i've known him to do. I really do feel bad for Crystal, RJ, and Kayla. I also feel bad Pam (i know her too) and for any victims in this case, they trusted someone and got this in return.
again... it will all come out in the end who's guilty of what if anything. I am still stunned.
screw them all. they get what they deserve. idiots
Wow 7:07 am could this be Cindy?
7:07 am .........leave your name or not we know who you are, Cindi Layfield! What a low down thing for a mother to do. They say there's no love like a Mother's love. With you around, he raised himself. How about leaving Skeeter at home at age 7 locked outside in the heat while you were where???? For up to 6-8hours? Oh, I forgot his Uncle Carol lee was watching him, from about a 1/2 mile away. People in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones, YOUR NOT MISS PERFECT!
11:42am I have no clue who you are but I DO NOT appreciate you putting my daughters name on the internet for the world to see. If you know her then you know me and you should have said something to me first. You should have to come all of us really for having mentioned ALL his childrens names as well as his girlfriend. There are sick, ugly people in this world who love to screw with kids and KNOW how to use the computer to find addresses. THIS WAS MESSED UP!
I apologize for mentioning her name, I honestly didn't even think about that. Again, I sincerely do apologize for that. I assure you no disrespect was intended, I have nothing but love for those kids. I am still in disbelief over this. Every time I look through my cell I see Ronnie's number and think "what the hell man" every freaking time.
Again... NO disrespect and I'm ssooooo sorry for saying her and the other names.
It's ok we (the family he has that does care about him) know you only had the best intentions. We are just patiently waiting to see were this goes as we ourselves are in disbelief and looking for the answers. Thanks to those who have shown their support through this difficult time and shame on those who have comments and don't know the entire story as we do not know it as of yet ourselves. It is now in the hands of the system and those above.
Cindi Layfield you want to talk about how bad of a parent Ronnie is and how bad of a person he is. Why not tell everyone who raised Ronnie? Wasn't you or Norman. The name Wayne Tull mean anything to you? How perfect do you feel now? Ronnie has made his mistakes, as his Mother one would think you would try to support him however you can. All we can do now is hope THIS time he learns from this and is able to raise his children to be and do better then he has. That should be the goal of all parents, to raise their children to be and do better then they did. I don't agree with what Ronnie did (if found guilty) but I am certainly not going to kick him while he is down and out either. I feel bad for everyone involved.......
SO are the good old thieves still in jail. Just want to know if I need to keep my gun posted near and dog out so they don't come down the road stealing agsin
They certainly are still hanging on Naylor Mill Rd. They will be there for awhile and if they make bail I believe I heard Delaware State Boys are waiting to take over.
One or two bad apples does not make for a "family of crooks". The Croswell's are a large family and many have done wonderful things for the community. Every family has a bad egg or two, don't slander innocent people who have nothing to do with the wrongdoings of others, especially when the wrongdoers may have been outcasts from the family for more than 20 years.
If you are going to make ignorant accusations, at least have the guts to post your name. Anyone can post anything anonymously just to try to rile others up.
Whats the bigger problem in this world...those who make mistakes and need to be punished/saved, or those who post anonymously on websites because they have nothing better to do.
And get a spellchecker, your typos hurt my eyes.
Lol all day long at this thief.. The whole family are crooks.. Pure bred in-bred.
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