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Friday, July 09, 2010

A Letter To The Editor By Council President Louise Smith

In 2008, two Salisbury City Council members were concerned about vacating the old Station 16 fire station on South Division Street. Fire Chief David See reported on the building's deficiencies, saying the facility didn't comply with today's safety or fire codes. The heating system is 20 years old with no central air conditioning; electrical and plumbing systems would require total replacement. Only one means of egress exists from the second floor.

On May 26, one council member said she heard about a fire sedan that was delayed because of the bridge. I requested a report on the number of emergency calls with delayed response times between May 1-31. No such incidents were reported to the assistant fire chiefs. All responses met the department's goal of four minutes -- which is more stringent than the national standard.

The record clearly indicates this facility is not needed to maintain a fire service. The building still sits empty.

A lease purchase error occurred over replacement of a dump truck; this was addressed to council on Feb. 18. This truck was to replace one destroyed in a fire.

Council support could not be secured for the budget amendment. Meanwhile, this truck cannot be returned; thousands of dollars in legal fees have accumulated. We now await the attorney general's opinion.

Planning and Zoning staff has held 33 meetings with individuals, eight council work sessions and one public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan during 22 months of preparation; it was pulled from the council's May 10 scheduled adoption to answer additional questions -- with a request for another stand-alone public meeting.

Acting Fire Chief Richard Hoppes was appointed May 1, 2009. Three names were supplied to the council on June 3 by the mayor. There was no majority for any candidate. It's been more than a year and still a new chief has not been selected.

On Aug. 26, 2009, I requested information on prelegislative meetings between the mayor, two council members and attorneys. A second request was made May 21. Not receiving any responses, on June 3 I repeated my request. On June 4 a reply came saying the mayor had not authorized release of this information and is considering executive privilege.

On June 24, I made a fourth request. Administration is waiting on the mayor for directions. More than a year and nothing has moved forward.

The list goes on.

Has cooperation yielded to inflexibility? Has legislation yielded to micromanagement? Has progress yielded to gridlock? Is the business of the city moving forward?


Anonymous said...

I'm at a loss. What point is it that you were trying to make here, Ms. Smith? That it's not like it was when Barrie was mayor?

Until you're (thankfully, some would say) out of office, learn to live with it.

Anonymous said...

There was at least one eminently qualified in-house candidate for fire chief, but firehouse politics got in the way.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother!

Anonymous said...

LOUISE AND SHANNIE are the stumbling blocks now. Louise is so self centered she doesnt realize she is the fault of the present situation they are in now.Hit yourself in the head and resign Louise.

Anonymous said...

The old fire station on Division Street is needed and should never have been vacated.

"Fire Chief David See reported on the building's deficiencies, saying the facility didn't comply with today's safety or fire codes." Of course the building doesn't "comply" with today's safety and fire codes. The building wasn't built today it was built in the early 1900's so it doesn't have to comply with today's fire codes. The Government Office Building doesn't comply with today's safety and fire codes so it is a moot point. Most of the commercial buildings in the city don't comply with today's safety and fire codes and you are not doing anything about that. Those were scare tactics used by David See, Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy to get their $10 million dollar Fire Palace in the Ghetto. Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes are using the same scare tactics to get a new fire station #2 at Brown and Brown and Naylor Streets. If I remember correctly posted pictures of one of the bathrooms in the fire station leaking ceilings and broken tiles. It was reported that Hoppes and Gordy told the firefighters to do nothing about repairs for that station so they can get a new station. That is neglect on the part Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy and those to should be held accountable and terminated for their actions. But no, Ireton and Louise Smith reward them for their insubordination and malfeasance in office.

"No such incidents were reported to the assistant fire chiefs." Of course they aren't going to report anything they don't have to report. They work at the discretion of Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes and they would be fired if they reported anything against the administrations will. Remember Wayne Knapp and Bobby McCrorey, the two that were recently fired by Hoppes and upheld by Mayor Ireton. Retaliation is and well at the Salisbury Fire Department. Mayor Ireton how soon you forget that Knapp and McCrorey were two of your biggest supporters that helped you get elected.

"All responses met the department's goal of four minutes" How do you define that goal? Is it four minutes to get out of the station or 4 minutes to arrive on the scene. Newsflash: it takes more than 4 minutes to get to just about most incidents in the city.Fire spreads quickly; there is no time to gather valuables or make a phone call. In just two minutes, a fire can become life-threatening. In five minutes, a residence can be engulfed in flames.( Brain Death - A brain deprived of oxygen survives for 3 to 7 minutes, making it the first organ to die when circulation or respiration ceases or is impeded, whatever the cause of trouble may be. After a few minutes, the brain can't be brought back to life by any means available today.

Do your research Louis Smith! Quit allowing Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy to control you and fill your head with false information. Maybe those two council members that you hate know something you don't!

Get rid of Hoppes and Gordy now!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Smith,

You are nothing more than a self indulgent hipocrit. You demonize others for the very same behaviors that you yourself engage in frequently. You have no sense of honor or integrity.

Anonymous said...

10:44, please run for Lyin' Louise Smith's seat.

I read this letter this morning and could not eat my breakfast! Why did Louise Smith vote against releasing information about ambulance service from a closed session? Would it have made her fire sources look like liars, too?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:25 AM I agree with you 100% and this goes to show you that Bill Gordy is still in control. This goes to show you that Jim Ireton is an ineffective mayor and an extremely poor leader. Jim Ireton Shame on you for not making the right decision you coward.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys look what I just found. I found Bubba Comegys crystal ball he used during a council meeting. Let me rub it and see if I can make a prediction. Oh yes, there it is! I make a prediction that in the year 2013 Jim Ireton will not be the Mayor of Salisbury. But wait there is more. Jim Ireton will not be employed as a school teacher for the Wicomico County Board of Education. Wow! I think I am on to something. How many other people want to make that prediction?

Anonymous said...

Joe, please move this topic to the top. This is extremely important for local politics.

dinosaur said...

The old fire house is an example of politics at its worst (along with the amazing example of the laughable excuse of a "search" for a new fire chief). I can't give ANY of the city council high marks on this boondoggle.

Anonymous said...

fire and building code enforcement depends entirely on who you are. look at the new SU dorms being built on the old Fratelli's property. Driving down Rt 13 you can see the windows do not meet egress and that's just for starters.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Ireton do the right thing and relieve Acting Chief Hoppes of his duties. The Salisbury Fire Department is in severe turmoil and is getting worse under your poor choice of acting leadership.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of poor leadership Rick Hoppes' choice as Acting Deputy Fire Chief was at his favorite local watering hole looking for a fight with some of the city's employees. I was there and saw it happen. Acting Chief John "Dru" Bragg told a firefighter that he was paying his bill and if he had something to say to him to meet him in the parking lot. This is a true story and everyone knows it. Barney Bad A$$ was picking a fight with one of the employees at the "Turtle." This is the kind of Hostile Work Environment that many of the good employees of the Salisbury Fire Department has to deal with because of Hoppes, Gordy and Bragg.

Mayor Ireton you need to replace these clowns now. If you don't believe this happened then ask the City Clerk!

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur, don't blame the good two council members. I'm sick and tired of the Downtown giveaways for pennies on the dollar to buddies.

Hold onto it for better times. It can be used in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

Please bring this post back to the top.

Anonymous said...

"Acting Fire Chief Richard Hoppes was appointed May 1, 2009. Three names were supplied to the council on June 3 by the mayor. There was no majority for any candidate. It's been more than a year and still a new chief has not been selected."

Well excuse me Louise Smith you can't blame this entirely on Jim Ireton. YOU are part the blame because YOU voted against a good, qualified candidate. Larry Dodd was one of the candidates that YOU and Shanie Shields voted against. YOU should be ashamed of yourself. What good reason did you give for voting against a qualified city resident? Please explain yourself on this one. Did you take your marching orders from Gary Comegys or Barrie Tilghman? Did you vote against Larry Dodd because the two women you hate voted for him? Please explain yourself on this vote since you felt compelled to write a letter to the editor. I think you owe it to the citizens of Salisbury so please give us an explanation.

Anonymous said...

Please move this to the top. To important to get lost.