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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Pot Calls Kettle Black = BP Gas Station

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Anonymous said...

Irony anyone lol

Anonymous said...

the giants are squirming now.its all going to be on the table soon.(chopping block).all that money,I think its great!lol.lets see if insurance pays.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:05-you think it's great????
What kind of a fool are you? The price of everthing will go up eventually because of this and the gubment is going to "not let a crisis go to waste". They will use this as an excuse to put in more regulations and government control even though it was partly their incompetence that allowed this to happen. Thousands of people in the gulf region will be put out of work, not to mention the short and long term environmental impacts. The list goes on and on, and you think it's great. You are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It'd be nice if the US required atleast one relief well...I mean Canada and Brazil require it. The US? Nah...we'll just wait til august, while the oil coats from the Gulf through the Carolinas. Morons.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if the liberals would get out of the way and let the oil companies drill on dry land safely !

Anonymous said...

The only thing Obama has said that is the truth and makes sense is that the oil that is now available is expensive and risky to get out of the ground. We learned nothing from the '73 crisis but then again most of the current gas guzzling generation scarcely remembers back that far - even if they were born then. It's time to wake up to the fact that President Bush enlightened us to and that is we are addicted to oil and we need an intervention. I hate the fact that the Gulf coast poplulation and environment is taking a bath because we still need to buy the big ole' gas hogs we drive and all of the other oil related non-essentials we depend on.

Anonymous said...

7:07 we have plenty of oil under the ground and we should drill for it ! Oil is the life blood of our economy ,you can't legislate innovation and new technology it will come when it comes .

Anonymous said...

And the middle class will pay for the big spill, just as they will for the little ones. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

We should all be glad this didn't happen in our backyard

Anonymous said...

Great job for using workd "Bush" and "enlightened" in the same sentence.