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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Is Congress Listening?


Anonymous said...

Walmart just got a shipment of ammo in saturday. It is cheap and a good buy , get while it last.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do you people need all that ammo? I'm just curious. I live in Baltimore, perhaps I have different mentality.

Anonymous said...

It was over taxes not guns.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest. We are not the same people as were our Forefathers in 1775.

We are uneducated and believe fairy tales about our government and the corporations who rule over us.

Our neighbors have sworn to kill anyone who challenges our GOVERNMENT and know nothing about our once respected U.S. Constitutuion.

Thank you

Roger said...

Come and try to take my guns....I DARE YA !!

Michael said...

The British were not taking personally owned firearms, they were trying to remove a munitions store held by the (very new) Colonial Militia.

Anonymous said...

revolution will come if we don't vote out these communists !

Anonymous said...

11:22 you live in baltimore. You are probably receiving gov't assistance. Our ammo is to protect ourselves.

Anonymous said...

People constantly use the constitution as it was written and our forefathers intentions when they are arguing for something nowadays. They forget how many times the constitution has been amended and new laws enacted to better our lives. Think about how different life would be if we were still living by the constitution exactly as it was written.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

3:07 The country would be a lot safer to walk the streets .

Anonymous said...

who's trying to take your guns?

Anonymous said...

Rob S
The U.S. Constitution is one of the most intelligently designed documents in history. It was argued over for a couple of years prior to being accepted.

The Constitution set LIMITS on what the government can and cannot do. Period.

The early Colonialists understood that the richest among them would gain political control. They understood the richest among them would conspire against the regular people. Therefore they set about limiting what they could and could not do once they siezed power of the government.

It is a guide, a roadmap, a limit for efficient modern government. It would still work today if it had not been discarded. If Americans were educated about the Constitution the rich people would not be able to do the things they are now doing to us.

Orsonwells said...

Rob, I thought about it.

I'm good with the Constitution and the bill of rights.

Screw anything passed since then!

Anonymous said...

Efficient modern government? lmao

Anonymous said...

Dear Orson Wells:

The Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments, were passed in 1791, 3 years after the Constitution was ratified. And there was still much wrong with the Constitution.

You say you only want the first 10? What about:

- abolishing slavery (1865)?
- giving blacks and former slaves the right to vote (1869)?
- giving women the right to vote (1920)?
- term limits for the president (1951)?
- making the voting age 18 (1971)?

The US Constitution was far from perfect after 1781... unless you are a racist misogynist, which may very well be the case.

lmclain said...

The Constitution is a beautiful and well thought ou document that was expressly written to guide our government and to set limits on its is extrememly difficult to amend (for good reason!) and all those amendments were well worth the effort and were justly correct. It is also true that our government CONSTANTLY seeks to expand its power and authority. It is up to the people to demand their rights under law and to resist when necessary. Read the beginning of the Declaration of Independence for clarification....