The City Park Committee has one opening for a local area resident who is interested in serving. The members of the City Park Committee will provide advice to the Mayor and City Council on the current needs and future development of the City Park, and will be responsible for accepting donations for improvements to the City Park. If you are interested in serving on this committee please submit a letter of interest with a description of your qualifications and/or resume to the following address below:
The Board of Directors of the Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion has openings for new members. This Board’s mission is to further the preservation, restoration and furnishing of Poplar Hill Mansion and its grounds and gardens. The Board is responsible for the maintenance and operation of Poplar Hill Mansion, including supervision of the curator, for the City of Salisbury. The Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation dedicated to the fostering and perpetuation of its Federal Period Heritage. It is a house museum with docents and educational projects, a cultural center hosting events, and a venue for those wishing to rent it for weddings, parties, and meetings. The Friends have many exciting and progressive projects underway. The Board is both a working board and a governing board. The Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at Poplar Hill Mansion.
If you are interested in serving on this Board, please submit a letter of interest with a description of your qualifications and/or resume to the following address below:
The Historic District Commission has one immediate opening for a qualified City of Salisbury resident who is interested in serving. Applicants should have special interest, training or knowledge in fields such as architecture, history, preservation and/or urban design, and have a demonstrated interest in the preservation of the historic and architectural areas of the City. The Historic District Commission is responsible for reviewing all applications to build, alter or destroy any structure within the Historic Districts. It is designed to minimize bureaucratic regulations and act as an advisory council to encourage the enhancement of the Historic Districts. Members must be a City resident. If you are interested in serving on this commission please submit a letter of interest with a written description of your qualifications and/or resume to the following address below:
The City of Salisbury has one opening on the Housing Board of Adjustments & Appeals for a qualified City resident. This opening must be filled by a realtor or landlord. The members of the Housing Board of Adjustments & Appeals hear appeals of housing code enforcement, regulation, and interpretation of the code’s provisions. The board is composed of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and Council, for a term of four years. If you are interested in serving on this board, please submit a letter of interest with a written description of you qualifications and/or a resume to the following address below:
The Marina Commission has an opening for a qualified community residents interested in serving. The Marina Commission is responsible for consultations on construction, security, promotion, parking, landscaping, dock master’s duties, fee structures for services rendered at the facility and general operation of the Marina. If you are interested in serving on this commission please submit a letter of interest with a written description of your qualifications and/or resume to the following address:
Office of the Mayor
City of Salisbury
125 North Division Street
Salisbury, Maryland 21801-4940
All letters of interest must be received by Friday, May 21, 2010.
Contact: Office of the Mayor
(410) 548-3100
Do you think it will take over a year to fill these seats like it has taken Jim to fill the Fire Chief's position?
Do you think Jim will fly in the candidates from Ohio for these vacancies like Jim did with Bernie Becker for the fireman's meet and greet last Monday. Yes this sexual harasser was flown from Ohio to Salisbury at tax payers expense.
Someone should request the Freedom of Information Act for these documents and expenses.
Do you think any of the people who constantly complain will step up and apply to get involved in local government, or will they just sit back and complain? How about you, 12:48?
What makes you think 12:48 isn't already involved you stupid idiot. Speak for yourself!!
The Marina Commission is a joke we don't need a Commission . All they do is make sure the Marina doesn't put Green hill Yacht and country club out of business where they hang out.
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