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Monday, May 10, 2010

One Year Ago Today

Thanks Obama!


Anonymous said...

Chicken Man quit selling gas.

Anonymous said...

They were higher under Bush... gas prices are a heck of a lot more complex than who sits in the Oval Office. If anything, you can thank Greece and BP right now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

seem's to me the democrats were all over bush on gas prices, funny thing you don't hear a peep out of em now!
we get screwed no matter which sumbags are in there!

Anonymous said...

The Progressive media covers for him again !

Anonymous said...

When will the Obamabots out there start admitting that this President is a complete disaster?

George W, please come back!

Anonymous said...

Ohbamanation !!!!!!!! Thanks to the great white north who guaranteed this mans election. Funny they are not voting Dem in New England now are they. The man is a fake. America we got what we desrved with this one. The lesson is learned and now we can move on.

Anonymous said...

Since a lot of us backed W and said it wasn't his fault when gas prices were high, how does it make sense to bash Obama now? At best it seems juvenile and at worst unethical and it is certainly disingenuous.

Anonymous said...

thanks 12:32, most sentiments exactly. But we both better stay quiet; the idealogues on either side don't like it when you use sound logic.

Anonymous said...

How are gas prices Obama's fault.
Or maybe you people want the government to control the prices of gas. Oh wait, that would be socialism? Or wait, we already have socialism with the Kenyan president? Or is he muslim? Where is the birth certificate? I don't know what socialism means, but we have it. I want my president to control the free market prices of oil. Now that would be a democracy!!!

joealbero said...

anonymous 1:24, when YOU and or ANYONE you happen to personally knows becomes an owner of a refinery, then and only then will it be called a democracy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe, until then I will just blame Obama for everything negative that happens.


Anonymous said...

It certainly not Obama's fault. Just as it wasn't W's fault. But it is a little odd that you don't really see people blaming Obama for it like they did W. Well until Joe jus did. Ahh the ol' blame the President for gas prices game. How fun.

Anonymous said...

What do you want 50 cents a gallon?

Anonymous said...

yeh 12:13 bring back bush, under whose administration gas went from $1 a gallon to $4, that will surely solve our dilemma

Rob S

Anonymous said...

Drive less.

Anonymous said...

Reread the history. The price of gas under Bush didn't go up until the Dumbocrats took control of congress in 2006.
Remember for 8 years under Bush, unemployment was around 4.5%
Now the Bammy and chief calls 10% the "new normal"
The constant excuse for not drilling for more domestic oil is that it would take 10 years.
If the republicans had their way in 2006 we'd be 4 years down that road.
Face it, the dumbocrats don't want you to have the freedom of a car, or a doctor, the internet, firearm ownership, choice in the food you eat, when you want to watch your big screen tv, or anything else.

Hey Obamabots out there, can you say communism?

Anonymous said...

why do you dummies believe that shifts in economics are instantaneous? The reason we pay the prices we do today are because of decisions made well before yesterday. Which means that Democratic congress does not = automatic raise in gas prices. Same would go for an instant Repub. congress. Just as election of Obama does not mean instant economic recovery.

6:13, 4.5% unemployment because of a bubble that has now burst. But it had little to do with Bush just like the prior bubble had little to do with Clinton, but the little minds of idealogues on the right and left will continue to fight each other over BS political points while the ship continues to sink.

Anonymous said...


Global oil prices are set mostly by speculators that buy oil futures. The price of oil can rapidly change due to political reasons and therefore, when the Dumbocrats took over congress it drove the price of oil up. Especially when Pelosi says no more drilling"
And the 4.5% unemployment was no bublle or fluke. Under Bush there was a business freiendly climate that gerates jobs. With Obama, he's attacking every successfull business in the country. He's created a business atmosphere that causes businesses to hunker down and wait him out. When a business dosn't know what the rules will be for the future, that business won't put more poeple on the payroll, hence 10% unemployment.

Nice try and thanks for playing though.

Anonymous said...

Presbo thinks we won't notice the insidious creep up to $5.00 a gal. Now with the oil spill, we may get there sooner. If you think any new offshore wells are going up anytime soon, guess again. Look at the coal mines with problems(global). It's part of the cap & tax scheme which is worldwide.

Anonymous said...

8:01, I'm glad to see that you are the supreme economists in the house. But you are probably the only economist that does not consider the current recession the bursting of a bubble. You also illustrate my point about blind idealogues. Psst, the recession started (or atleast the downturn) well before Obama came to office.

Sure speculators drive the price of oil up and down. But maybe all that growth that we saw in China and India had a little something to do with it. As well as the U.S. high demand sparked by the bubble. And maybe it also had a little something to do with war and tension in one of the primary oil producing regions of the world.

But why should I try to talk sense to you; you're obviously happy living in your little idealogical bubble. Do us a favor, stay there, and allow the adults who delve in facts and logic to make the decisions.

Anonymous said...

I stand by my post.

Nice try

Anonymous said...

sure 9:57 stand by it that post. Way over there it's easy to forget about the collapse of the credit market as well as the steep fall in construction. It's easy to forget that easy credit and speculation led to the build up of this bubble which has now burst. But I guess Obama set all this up too as part of his maniacal plans to take over the world, moooo ha ha haaaa!

Anonymous said...


Are you stuck on stupid or what? Why did the credit market collapse?
Why aren't investors building buildings?
The answer is that government manipulation of the mortgage industry coupled with the takeover of the house senate and whitehouse has scared off investors and entrepreneurs. When the price of gas went to $4:00/gal shortly after the dems took control of congress (On speculation) and Pelosi shut down the house and refused to allow a vote on drilling, it set off a chain reaction. While Pelosi went of a European vacation and Obammy took air force one to dinner and a show in New York most of America was suffering. People had to choose to buy gas to get to work, or pay the mortgage. Companies that can't afford the higher transportation costs just simply laid off people or closed down completely. Obama has been attacking every major industry in this country, has been attacking capitolism in a big way and those that provide jobs and create wealth aren't stupid.
Instead of focusing on jobs (like a laser) he spent the whole time so far ramming through a bankrupting health care takeover that the majority of Americans don't want.
How's that hopey changy thing working out for the country dumbass?

Anonymous said...

!!:52 Use a Palin quote that will for sure show how smart you are.